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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. How come there's never any hot chicks hanging around the Big Gulp machine?
  2. I like making snide comments to people in public that do rude things or are oblivious to people or things going on around them. Mostly because people are getting worse and worse, and it just seems like nobody these days does or says anything and prefers to just look the other way. Not me. In this case I would have said something along the lines of "Hey guy, can't you see I'm standing here? Step back and wait 5 seconds before I accidentally pour Mr Pibb over the top of your freakin' head."
  3. Yeah I don't get that either. Seen it a lot this post season from a couple different managers and it really is frustrating. You put a big arm out there in a big game for a reason, and you gotta let him pitch out of jams! That's what they're there for! Especially with the way Lackey was pitching, besides Hollidays' shot, he was fooling a lot of the St. Louis at bats before he gave up that walk to Freese and a bloop single. Lackey may have given up a run or two that inning, but they were his runs to give up, he probably would have limited the damage, and he probably wouldn't have airmailed a throw to third either. Reminded me of Scioscia and his over managing. When the guys in a zone let him stay out there and do his job. Especially when his replacement isn't an improvement!
  4. My buddy has a kitten that lets me pet her on the belly all the time its so soft and fluffy she's the best.
  5. Man GIFs are just getting better and better looking. That Pedroia one is great.
  6. Rather insensitive comment. Milking it for what? To get an advantage over the Cardinals in a baseball game? The season had started already when it happened. I'm not sure if the 7th inning of a baseball game is the most appropriate forum for them to remembering it, but regardless the attack was devastating on all accounts, and I think the city of Boston in general after something like that happens just may be a tighter knit community than some of us are used to.
  7. Looks like those extra pounds really improved his performance, I hope he's much more overweight come next spring training.
  8. Game over. Cards win 4-2. Waccha wins, Lackey loses. Series tied at 1 and back to St. Louis.
  9. I spy with my little eye chowd fans leaving the game early...
  10. Is it just me or does Victorino look like a crackead with that beard?
  11. And is the same strike pitch called for the chowds right now on Molina.
  12. 1st out of the 7th was a K off the plate for the chowds. The ump has now not called 2 of those same outside pitches in the bottom of the inning.
  13. You'll fit in well, I think they do that already anyway...
  14. Oh man it is so nice to see the Cardinals waking up.
  15. Cardinals double stealing I freakin love it!
  16. Umps changing the strike zone as soon as the Sox have a lead. Can't wait till the blues are gone for good.
  17. Cards batters better get their heads out of their asses and quick.
  18. Seems TD has been a BoSox fan in disguise this whole time, only took a WS appearance from them for it to become pretty obvious.
  19. I don't understand why you would even throw Ortiz anything close to the plate with a full count. Only mistake Wacha made the entire game.
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