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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. I never saw this thread and if I had I woulda stopped bustin MHD's balls about Bourjos months ago.
  2. I can tell you one thing, it's nice to see some camaraderie between players and in organizations that bring the teams together and create some intangibles. That kind of magic is what builds confidence and wins ballgames, it's what baseball is all about, that's for sure. After watching the playoffs this year it just magnifies how bad the Angels perform, how they fold after the 7th, it's like they don't even have a goal that they're playing for.
  3. He got screwed on a strike 3 call in his 2nd at bat, that's for sure. Probably messed with his head for the rest of the game.
  4. If the Cards lose the series it's gonna be because their bats fell asleep. Scoring 1 run against the BoSox in any game ain't gonna do it.
  5. The guys a great batter but I hate david ortiz.
  6. Love cheesecake, regular is delicious, with a little bit of raspberry puree. I particularly enjoy when the crust is delicate. Creates a perfect balance of soft with a little crunch. Great thread OP.
  7. Ah, this is another one of those situations where I have no problem scooting right in. I do the "Excuse me, can I just return this real quick?" or the "Excuse me, can I just grab my movie really quick, I know which one I want." People don't have a problem with it, I've done it several times. However I haven't gotten a movie from Redbox in a while, seems like the quality of their selection has dropped the last couple times I checked it out.
  8. Seems legit. You should get that response information in the mail asap.
  9. I don't get people who have time to just stand outside a courtroom with signs for hours, just wasting away their time. Don't they have jobs they need to go to?
  10. I honestly don't think they did. But they were stuck with him. Goddamn just thinking back to Abreu on our team hurts my head.
  11. And most of them are Liberals. This is how Liberal grown adults act. Explains a lot about the state of America, actually.
  12. ^Please. This is the Red Sox. Middlebrooks was trying his best to be in the way without looking like it. To get out of the way you'd put your toes to the ground, not bend your knees to get your calfs in the air. And there was no way the complexity of the thought process you describe happened in that split second from either player. Their reactions afterwords say it all. The players involved in the play reacted on impulse. Craig saw the ball pass and was running his ass off to get home as quickly as possible, he would have cleared Middlebrooks if he didn't lift his legs, and wasn't "trying" to get tripped. Nobody in their right mind would "count on" the umpires to call obstruction like this. Middlebrooks saw the ball went passed him and made a decision to make it tough for the runner to advance. And I actually think this was an impulse mistake, as I think the only reason this was actually called was because of the awkward effort put forth by Middlebrooks to get in the way of the runner in whatever way he could- umpires tend to see "red flags" on pretending. If the interference was truly a mistake, I don't think it would have been upheld the same way. The proof is that his movement on the ground was not natural at all. It's the same thing when players try try to drop line drives that are easily catchable to try and turn a double play. To the umpires credit in those instances, they catch on to that stuff pretty quick. I don't think Middlebrooks actually thought what he was doing was going to cost them the game, hell it was a last ditch effort to try to keep the runner from getting to home as soon as possible. And if obstruction wouldn't have been called, it would have worked! Which is why I also don't think he expected the umpire would call interference in that moment during a game like this. Judging by the look on Craigs face after smacking his chin on the dirt near home during the slide, he couldn't believe it got called either. He had no clue that an interference call had even been made, he was just trying to score. Proof is that he basically threw himself at home plate in desperate attempt to touch the plate and was fazed at being called safe when it was pretty clear he was tagged before touching home. Also: the hypotheticals are pretty much irrelevant. This is a case by case call, and nobody knows what would have been called if anything else would have happened. This was aggressive (somewhat dumb) baserunning by Craig that fortunately worked out, he forced the BoSox to make 2 perfect plays, and they blew it with ANOTHER throw to 3rd mistake by that has now cost them 2 games.
  13. Great timing right? As I'm sure you know, it happens around these parts during the Playoffs/World Series, we've seen Rangers fans do it too, we've seen Giants fans do it. Guess they like what they see when they browse this site...and it's hard to blame 'em. Yeah. Honestly, I know their fans have busted our butts for Pujols (well deserved), but I don't care about the fans, the players on the team are professional, and because of that IMO the Cardinals are probably my favorite NL team. They've been around for a while so they have history. Their fans are loyal. They win games. And above all, they play with class. The Organization threw that Lester cheating BS out the window the second they heard it, keeping what matters on the field. They know how to run a baseball organization, that's for sure. I dunno about "couldn't get out of the way" because if he was really trying to get out of the way, he woulda stayed flat. His legs were bent when on the ground after diving for the ball, they went flat, then were bent again for no reason when he knew the runner was trying to advance. He was trying to get away with something there, and it cost the team the game. SO GLAD the ump immediately called that. And as the rule states, there needs be no intent. Definitely not the way you want to lose a WS game, which makes it so much nicer that it happened against the Red Sox (who get away with a buncha BS like that all the time).
  14. Probably the most exciting baseball game I have ever seen in my entire life. I couldn't believe they won. A team I had watched suffer for years, who had seen what guys like Salmon and Anderson went through, won it all?!??? It was like a dream come true.
  15. The refurbishment is delayed and the ride will not open until (tentative) February 2014. Big Thunder Mountain has brand new track, new trains, and is getting updates to the mountain landscape and surrounding atmosphere. I am a pretty avid theme park follower and have not found a decent explanation specifically as to why the ride opening was delayed. I would guess from past experiences with delays that they ran into a problem concerning new train clearances, safety devices along the track, discovering previous infrastructure damage that needs to be fixed, or just overall more time to fine tune the refurbishment once everything is ready for testing. Disney for the most part is very very picky in the way they operate and open rides in that they like to fix all the bugs or problems before the ride is opened to the public so that the finished product runs flawlessly. Very different from parks like Knott's or Magic Mountain. Refurbishments are much different from new installations. For the most part they save money because an entirely new area doesn't need to be built, and they are avoiding major problems that could come up in the future. But they can also be a bit frustrating in that the previous version can bring forth problems that were not foreseen by designers or engineers until they are actually on-site installing the new equipment or testing the attraction to required specifications.
  16. HAHA BOSOX BLOWING IT Never seen a gane much less a World Series game end like that.
  17. Cardinals are gonna regret not scoring with those risp. Especially against Boston.
  18. It just gets worse and worse: http://sports.yahoo.com/news/mlb--despite-dh-role-and-reported-positive-ped-test--david-ortiz-should-be-a-future-hall-of-famer-015827754.html
  19. Could Pujols possibly lose weight to take pressure of that foot ala David Ortiz style? It's just amazing to me how much pop Ortiz still has and how little it appears Pujols has had during his last 2 years with us. I don't see Ortiz hitting many wussy slow grounders either.
  20. Too bad he doesn't practice at 3rd or I'd consider replacing him for that Bogaerts bum in a jiffy just to get his bat in the lineup.
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