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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. "It is what it is" It drives me crazy when I hear this. No shit that's what it is! What else could it be? Just people filling up a nice silent break in the conversation with empty talking that means nothing.
  2. Jeter signing has nothing to do with it. Read my post. Just as others have stated in this thread, there's going to be a celebration tour and Jeter will be commended and applauded throughout every stadium in the league following the announcement of his retirement. That is shoving it down our throats. Just like they did with Mariano last season, its like they couldn't give out enough trophys or take enough pictures or have enough celebrations. Thank god the Yanks didn't make the playoffs, it would have gone on all October. The league and all the teams celebrating the Yankees and their "all around class act" players can't end quick enough.
  3. Now that's not very nice considering TSA and LAPD are some of the most outstanding citizens the city has to offer.
  4. Awesome. Hilarious. Not enough words can describe my appreciation for doing this...
  5. Holy crap way to make that into an avatar! So full of win!
  6. Mariano Rivera day across every stadium in the league is not shoving the players down our throats? I would assume if Jeter announces his retirement that same will go for him. Didn't know m0nkey was a Yankee apologist...
  7. I can stand Hershiser and that would probably be the best replacement, but Joe Bucks still gonna be there so I'll be keeping the TV on mute.
  8. God dammit I can't stand this shit! Even when the Yankees aren't winning Major League Baseball finds a way to showcase the Yankees by shoving the players down our freakin' throats! Stop it already!
  9. The cornerstone of Angels Baseball.
  10. I might have been okay with signing Cano if we didn't sign dumb Hamilton.
  11. I wanna forget that this whole season even happened.
  12. It could be worse. It could be the Dodgers.
  13. If I was the Cards I would probably not pitch to Ortiz in any impact situation or with runners on where they don't have a 2 run lead the rest of the series.
  14. Yeah I know Haren appeared in decline but I actually thought he was one of those arms we shoulda kept. If 2014 sucks I will probably watch less Angels baseball just to keep me from pulling my hair out as often.
  15. Lackey going for victory in his second WS clinching game, and Napoli going for his first. I bet they're glad they're out of Anaheim.
  16. I want one with the face Aybar makes when he gets called out on a boneheaded baserunning blunder. Bonus points if he has a huuuge dip in his lower lip.
  17. The thing is its a tough call to let animals back into the wild after they've been "domesticated" in the tanks, as there is a fairly likely chance their instincts may not be as astute as they need to be and they might not be able to survive. Perhaps even if they found family and communicated with other orcas, they may not be accepted back into the pod. No tank could ever be big enough for a whale, but compared to how it used to be at other zoos and sea parks where they had really bad disgusting conditions, Sea World really does try to have a nice sized tanks for the whales. It actually disgusts me that the movie (or activists) would suggest not to take kids to these parks, because as a kid I was so fascinated by Sea World and the Shamu. It helped me put into perspective their sheer size and beauty, and made me into the ocean and sea animal lover I am today. Do any of these "activists" even consider the positives and educational experiences provided by Sea World? Do they care about the experiences they would take away from kids and families who might otherwise never see an Orca in real life? Sure doesn't seem like it. I also think it is important in some aspect for people and kids to be able to see and learn about these wonderful creatures up close like they do at Sea World in order for them to understand and have an appreciation for the ocean and the animals in it. While I can understand some people think there should be no whales in captivity, I think there needs to be an exception for the reasons I laid out, and I think if any company is responsible and caring enough to be able to provide a nice place for them to be, it's definitely Sea World.
  18. These look absolutely disgusting. Can't imagine what they look like in real life.
  19. ITP and LBH both have blue dots in their avatars which made me do a double take for a second. I enjoy the show in small doses, it's pretty vulgar, even for me. I kinda got into it because of the baseball bit, but the further they got away from that the less it seemed to interest me. There really aren't that many episodes, and I like the idea, but the pitch just seems way too limited to do a full show run with multiple seasons. I also thought the chick with the southern accent was hot for a bit, but not so much anymore. Will check out all the seasons on Netflix/DVD most likely after its all done.
  20. See now this is how threads go off the rails. Nobody asked "would you rather?" they asked "whatcha think?" about cheesecake. If you wanna start bringing cakes and pastries into mix make your own damn thread. Effin' cheesecake haters and optionalists. There's always gotta be someone...
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