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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. So basically if there was no Cabrera Trout would have 2 MVP awards in the first 2 seasons of his career.
  2. I'm sick and tired of reading all these tid-bit records MLB comes up with about Trout having the "most ever" by a rookie or sophmore player, having the "best ever" by a rookie or sophmore player, and continuous comparison to the best players who've ever been a part of the game. Because none of that crap matters if he continues to get snubbed by awards. Most voting points ever, who gives a crap? It's like "Wow look what you did, Trout! Here's your pat on the back. Now we're going to go ahead and give the award to this other guy because he went to the playoffs..." It's freakin' ridiculous. Not to mention Cabrera is literally no match to Trouts athleticism out in the field. I also think the voters have the mentality that its "Cabrera's time" and that Trout will have plenty of time to get MVP awards, which I'm sure he will, but that's still a bullshit reason to continue giving awards to people who are simply not the Most Valuable.
  3. Probably the first thing I've ever agreed with you on.
  4. Kids killing kids. Because we don't have enough of that going on in society.
  5. Jeff your post and the past 2 off-seasons are making me believe it might actually be a possibility. Never thought of trading Kendrick and Trumbo for pitchers, and essentially replacing the best of both with Cano. I don't think much of the high $$$ pitchers on the free agent block this off season so maybe trading for it is the better solution... Could Cano really improve this teams offense? I think so. But after the way these big signings have performed in their opening seasons, I really think the Angels Organization has a hard time keeping these guys on their toes once they're guaranteed all the money. I think we get distracted by these big names as the season is over and forget about the little things that we had to suffer through all season. Poor fundamental baseball management and late inning arms that couldn't hold a lead. If we can still get that while signing Cano, I would be okay with it. But simply signing Cano and acquiring 3-4 scrap arms that nobody else wants ain't gonna cut it.
  6. If there were two white guys besides the monkey would this have been okay?
  7. The "Pujols was injured the entire year" crap pisses me off. Who the hell just knowingly sends an injured guy out there for 3/4 of the season to suck? Ridiculous.
  8. I saw the title and thought..."There must be another Santana I don't know about..." Nope. When I saw it was Ervin all I could think was LOL These guys are out of their freakin' minds. Sorry Santana, you might be worth half that for the same number of years.
  9. I agree, stupid voters are capable of voting for any party.
  10. The bottom line is Liberals don't want voters to be educated because they'd never win an election ever again.
  11. From 2011-2013 he is 8-26 with a 5.61 ERA His war in those same years, respectively: .3, -1.7, -.4 So basically he's a guy that is going to cost the Angels wins. That front office sure knows how to pick 'em.
  12. And once again the old argument surfaces, they're using nothing but batting statistics. Although a .344 BA is IMO pretty amazing, this is not Most Valuable Batter! I know Trout didn't have an assist this season, but let's be honest, his speed helps him make plays look easy. If you try putting Cabrera at CF or LF he'd be a joke. I don't think it's far fetched to say with a little practice Trout would also outperform Cabrera at 3rd base too. Considering Cabrera all but disappeared in the playoffs most especially in clutch situations, I don't think being in the playoffs should give him an edge. . But since this is MLB I'm gonna say it's no contest, Trouts MVP chances suffer because he played on a crappy team the past 2 years, and Cabrera will be given the award.
  13. Don't know why you'd defend spreading these kinds of images when they're not relevant to the story at all. Acting like the title of the thread warrants it appropriate to post that kind of image is not justifiable in the least. I've been through these threads for years reading worse things and not once can I remember images of death/gore being posted before. I live in the real world. Doesn't mean a photo of the assailants brains being splattered all over the carpet in LAX needs to be shared for shock value. Yeah, been flying for a while, the security is ridiculous and a shame. Its definitely gotten worse. The past couple years I've thought the option of a "no security before boarding" ticket would be awesome (but of course will never happen). People who want to feel "safe" and wait in a long security line to get on the "safer" plane still have that option. But the "no security" plane would have riders that get to skip the security line because they agree to board the plane based on the honor policy that they won't do anything to harm the passengers or hijack the plane. Sure as a passenger you risk some asshole not following through on his word, but at least you wouldn't be forced to have your freedom infringed upon by being frisked and searched like a criminal every time you want to travel by plane. Because it gets to a point where you just have to accept people are going to do bad things if they want to. Which is why I don't feel significantly safer getting on a plane after going through security at airports. I would actually feel safer knowing there's 120 "good guys" on the plane that have effective means of defending themselves if one or two guys decide to cause problems. And I would much rather have the freedom to skip the security line and simply get on a plane with a bunch of honest, well meaning people that agree to behave themselves, instead of having to watch thousands upon thousands of hard working, honest, good Americans treated like convicts.
  14. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say this woman was not underweight.
  15. It's also great news for those trying to sell seats to undecided season ticket holders.
  16. Never seen NWS in my life, but thanks for the insight almighty internet lord of the acronyms.
  17. I'm sorry, but posting gore/vulgar images on a forum like this is IMO irresponsible and borderline inappropriate. Not to mention there was very little effort put forth by the poster to censor or warn the viewer going through the thread, using a stupid "NWS" warning is insufficient as very few people even know what that means. More like NSFW or NSFL or just freakin' explain "the image below contains real graphic images of brains and blood" so people know. Better yet just post a link to the image if you really feel the need to share that for craps sake.
  18. America is becoming home of random shootings. People these days are losing their freakin' minds.
  19. Can't say I disagree with Hamiltown the Angels organization has done squat to make sure Trumbos confidence doesn't disappear for 2 months out of the season and it's frustrating as hell. IMO this all comes back to coaching and management and underscores their lack of ineptitude when it comes to getting these guys in positions where they're comfortable and have confidence in key situations and in big games. Shuffling him around the diamond to play a position for 2 games then taking the glove out of his hand to DH, all this stuff just leads to no consistency and that's exactly what we're getting from Trumbo. It's actually amazing when watching the WS this year you could tell both Napoli and Lacky have such a different aura of confidence around them when they're on that team. It's something that comes from within and if its good enough it gets spread throughout the team and shows on the field. I have no doubt another team will be able to tap into Trumbo in a way we haven't been able to while he's been on this team.
  20. Napoli's having the time of his life. I can't help but think how thrilled he is that he got the hell off our team.
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