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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. I cant remember off the top of my head the name of the building but maybe someone on here will be more familiar...there is a hotel in downtown with an elevator that rides up the side of the building. The best part is the elevator is all glass windows, so the elevator is exposed to viewing outside as you ride up, and you can take it to the top and see pretty much the entire city. The ride up as well as the view once you get to the top are pretty breathtaking.
  2. Ah yes, the mistakenly confused for witty "boss" remark that I *shockingly* hear from the bowling alley attendant handing me my shoes, or the Chipotle worker putting together my steak burrito. Way to voluntarily downgrade yourself into the lower echelon of society. Personally I'm not surprised, but I'm glad you're willing to put it all out there for everyone else to see. Surely you know more about a companies internet policies than its own employees and management. Please, tell us more about other peoples jobs and how you know all their rules.
  3. Yeah, NOW who's being impractical?
  4. We should put every low life filth who does this (minor or not) together on a rocket ship aimed directly at the sun. Nothing but a detriment to society. No reason to waste valuable time and resources to rehabilitate this kind of behavior.
  5. The thing about finding out if there's profanity in the video is that you actually have to watch it. Actually I think that would be the definition of what is ok to browse while at work.
  6. I imagine several badly rhymed two liners with a lot of "UH!" randomly spread throughout the conversation. All that money in one night, thirty mill for one fight But soon as all the money blows, all the pigeons take flight
  7. Ironically if you were to say something this dumb in a locker room full of male athletes you would be laughed at then immediately taken to the nearest bathroom stall for a swirly. But continue to let the safety net of behind your keyboard justify typing stuff you would never say in real life. To each macho his own.
  8. Am contemplating doing the clubhouse tour, I've heard it was pretty cool.
  9. I hope Cano gets dicked in his deal and then blames Jay Z for being a crappy agent.
  10. Are you sure this was a guy? It seems his ballsack may be missing. Reminds me of Ervin Santana!
  11. While it can be a very useful research tool, keep in mind past performance is not always indicative of future performance. Albert needs to start swinging like Albert, that's for sure.
  12. Imagine IF Pujols actually performs the way he was envisioned to when we signed him? Even better, imagine if Hamilton does too. The last 4 years have sucked, but it would be great if these guys could turn this team around.
  13. I guess some people want to live in a world where anyone who cries that they need a handicap placard to hang in their rear view mirror gets one. The problem is when they show up to Wal-Mart and all the handicap spots are taken, they're going to end up having to park in the far spots like everyone else. I think it is imperative we save some handicap spots for people who really need them. Bullying is non-discriminatory. It happens to everyone. How you DEAL with it is key. Are you going to be a victim? Or are you going to overcome the bullying and come away stronger? It's really in the hands of each individual.
  14. Sweeeeet! I'm excited to start seeing more Kanye videos posted on this forum. That guy is so talented.
  15. gotbeer I totally agree, it's just frustrating. Because even when the Angels have the youngest most talented most valuable player in the league, MLB still manages to find a way to overlook this organization. If Trout was on the Yanks they woulda given it to him over Cabrera.
  16. Not always, but in this case it is. They just refuse to give the award to Trout.
  17. My point overall was that the screening is bullshit and doesn't make me feel any more safe. And according to this article, apparently they're at risk to lose a $350MM 747 with the TSA there or not... TSA screening works only 'a little better than chance,' according to government report http://www.theverge.com/2013/11/13/5100702/tsa-screening-works-only-a-little-better-than-chance-according-to
  18. Trouts been robbed twice. It sickens me to see Cabrera up there again. Screw the Baseball Writers' Association of America. Tigers didn't even win a pennant.
  19. It's turning out to be more like the Nobel Peace Prize, it doesn't mean anything because the people that win don't deserve it.
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