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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. not sure if literally is necessary in this instance
  2. Everyone should dock on a beach and dig holes for an anchor at least once in their lives.
  3. Self proclaimed best grilled cheese maker here. Keeping it simple IMO is key. However during summer in my teens I would do a double-decker when I was super hungry and I'd grill both sides of the middle piece. Now I enjoy using the marble-rye bread bread from Sprouts, with whatever cheese (Pepper Jack, Monterey Jack, Provolone, sometimes Velveeta) I have in the fridge.
  4. Talk about a difference in parenting, at that age I believe my parents would have said "you get what you deserve" and let me rot in jail, even if they had the money to get me out. This kind of behavior just wouldn't be tolerated. And me growing up that way I guess I just don't understand parents that raise their kids this way. And lets be honest, this is really no longer about what is best for him. This is about setting an example and handing out a punishment comparable to the irreversible damage he's caused to numerous innocent peoples lives. Unfortunately it appears that is not going to happen. I have a feeling we'll be seeing this kid in the news again sometime in the future.
  5. If the players could do it cleanly in the first place there would be no reason for the ban. Blame the players that mercilessly blindside with the intent to injure, not the league for protecting its players.
  6. Your posts tend to remind me of reeky, moldy, soggy rags. Jon: teaching kids baseball, and how to improve their swing, is tough. Coaches in my experience, rarely know what the hell they're doing even if you're paying them, and kids don't know what the hell they're trying to say or how to apply it. When I was younger I was introduced to some of these training coaches, and they never did anything for me, mostly because it just seemed like it made me think way too much when I was at the plate. Terms like "overzealous swinging" meant nothing to me. Put a bat in your boys hands and tell him to swing at a baseball on a tee or one that's pitched. The important thing is if he can keep his eyes on it when he swings and hit it with good contact, he can play. You can stick as many of these training tools on kids when they're practicing, but when you put them in a game for the most part it all goes out the window. The best advice I've ever gotten is to keep my eye on the ball, and take nice, easy, swings. Forcing strength/speed will kill technique, force you take eyes of the ball, and ruins fundamentals. There is so much evidence that shows every level up to the pros makes amazing contact when they're not trying too hard and just keep their eye on the ball. I also always stuck with the basics in the box that led me not to over-think what I was doing when at the plate. It's tough. You practice for a week and when you stand up there all of a sudden you forget everything you learned. Two things that always helped me, stand pigeon toed in the box (toes pointing in towards each-other), and that forced/helped me step towards the pitcher when I took a swing. Not towards third base, not towards right field, front foot up and to the pitcher. Two, keep that back elbow up, hold it up as high as comfortable, and don't "pump" it down-then-up as the pitch comes, as that will tend to make you "drop" your shoulder, make bottom contact, and pop the ball up. The key is to just come straight down to the ball with the bat and your hands. Most important, always look for the center of the ball. Don't try to do to much, don't try to whack the snot out of it. Just keep your eyes dead center on the ball and worry about making good contact. It sounds like your kid is lunging, so it sounds like footwork. Draw a line in chalk like the batters box. Put his toes on it, and tell him to step and swing. His back foot should stay planted. If his front foot goes over the line he's doing it wrong. Do it again. Show him where his front foot should land, and the line from the tip of his back toes, through his front toes should form a line that if extended aims right at the pitching rubber. It's all about instilling confidence in your son and guiding his ability to hit the ball. Hope my advice helps a little.
  7. Probably the dumbest post in this thread (including all the false predictions).
  8. Because even on Hamiltons best day he is more useless than Pujols on his worst day.
  9. When are we gonna get a legit catcher? I mean, *scoff* besides Iannetta, obviously...
  10. Yah I mean all things aside pretty much like Katie said this is just a shitty person. She's got a crappy hairstyle she prolly paid a lot for and decided to take advantage of a growing reactionary PC American fanbase because a table she served at her crappy job pissed her off. Hard to blame her. They probably had a hick accent and were waaay too 'Merican for her liking so its pretty easy to understand her reasoning. Sure, now she looks like a douchebag with egg all over her face because she got caught redhanded, but doesn't anyone believe in profiting off practical anti-homo jokes anymore? My question is, WHERE THE HELL IS RACHEL MADDOW TO GIVE US THE INSIDE SCOOP? I feel like she'd be perfect for this kind of story.
  11. If I sleep exactly 7 hours and get up with the alarm, hit the shower, it takes me about an hour to wake up and I'll feel great and can go all day, 16+ hours of activities/work into the wee night even. Once I get into the 8-9+ hours of sleep, I get groggy and don't want to get up or do anything and could stay in bed for hours with the fan blowing on me watching dvd's of TV shows and movies. I feel like I got trained on minimal sleep while going to College, I usually stayed up late because it was easier for me to work on projects and papers at night, so I can literally pull off 3-4 hours of sleep to get up at a must-needed time to take a test/do something diligently important like a presentation, and I can get my mind in work mode to critical think really quickly. If its something I'm looking forward to like doing like golfing or going on a trip with friends, I can get up for almost anything and last all day. But I will most likely catch up on the sleep I lost the next night. My sleeping schedule is ridiculously sporadic, but I know when I fall asleep and how much sleep I've had when I get up, so I'm pretty good at maintaining a proper sleeping schedule.
  12. Haha, oh hell we already tried that Dipoto, Frieri does not belong in that position. Until we get some decent arms in the pen we are still screwed.
  13. Just what we need, another guy who's in the process of becoming a GIDP machine...
  14. No clue, I'm not unemployed. Guessing somewhere above people that say "boss" though. BTW hows the smell of my ass Brandon? You must to be a big fan, as you seem to be on it pretty much all the time lately.
  15. Being a new graduate, a fairly competent one mind you, trying to find a career position is downright frustrating, and finding out that I have to be put in a stack and filtered through all these nimrods doesn't make the search any easier. I mean I'm not going to stop, but it makes the whole thing seem that much more difficult when I'm spending 2-3 hours putting together a resume and cover letter just to be lumped in with these bums.
  16. Bourjos will be loved in St. Louis, just like Eckstein, and he will actually get to go to the playoffs and possibly win a World Series, just like Eckstein. For me the move sucks cause I like the guy. But if I were Bourjos I'd be stoked because I'm finally going to play on a fundamentally sound team that doesn't have an inept manager.
  17. Without a doubt behind Trout Bourjos was my favorite prospect to come up through our farm system. Too bad thanks to Scioscia and now this trade, he was never really given a fair shot. Best of luck to Gorgeous Bourjos. He will flourish in St. Louis.
  18. Hate this trade but Bourjos will probably be better off playing for a competitive team and will probably actually make it to the playoffs with the Cards. We sure love sending our players off to teams that are playoff-bound.
  19. AngelsWin members should shave their pubes a-la Jackass 2 style, and create a mock-up of that display with our bushes proudly displayed as a "beard ball" from David Ortiz. We'll be sure to sell it to a diehard Red Sox fan on eBay, and they'll proudly display the false item on their shelves, admiring our collective pubes with friends and family for years to come. I'd have no problem giving 100% of the profits to Movember.
  20. Yeah there's some phrase like that which has been around for a while. It goes something like: "No matter how good she looks, some man, somewhere, is sick and tired of her bullshit" I sure as hell am not going to go through the trouble of marrying a chick and making beautiful babies with her if she isn't hot and doesn't turn me on, that's for sure.
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