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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Yah if you can't hit bombs in that bandbox with the Yankee Advantage on your side it's pretty much time to hang up the cleats. Nobody wants Vernon, he'll be laughing at all the players busting their asses this summer while he's sitting on the couch at his beach house making millions.
  2. No reason Trout and Bourjos shouldn't have had the green light every time they got to first base. Blame the fat man for yet another example of his terrible team management.
  3. When I watch Fallon I see a guy who's basically been handed jobs without ever really deserving it. His performances even on SNL are mediocre at best. I won't be watching him. Conan and Kimmel FTW.
  4. The only thing worse than soccer is arena football.
  5. I'm sorry...show me the part where their income was a mystery and daily job activities where unbeknownst to them BEFORE they decided to join law enforcement. You pick a shitty job like being a cop, that's your problem. Don't take it out on innocent people who are paying your salary.
  6. I just don't understand how a jury could see the result of a person being beaten so severely and excessively by police officers and be OK with it. All they ever have to do with a person who is cooperating is cuff them and take him in. Anything beyond that is abuse of power with excessive force and should not be tolerated by the public or a jury under any circumstances. Let's hope for a different result from Federal Court.
  7. Gotta be better than Sprint and that's all I care about. Never heard of this Sprint Spark. Is it some high speed data thing they're coming out with?
  8. lol OK Stradling. Obviously I'm an ignorant non-competitive person! Just a bit of hyperbole there but go ahead, take it literally and run with it...And I never said anything about him "enjoying" it. My comment pretty much still rings true. Getting paid to sit on the bench for 6 months is probably the easiest way to make millions of dollars, no matter how you want to spin it.
  9. The easiest way to get paid in full for a half season of work.
  10. Yeah I can vouch for Sprints internet completely blowing --usually when I need it most-- I have a Galaxy S3 and was waiting for my contract to expire...maybe I'll try this. I heard Verizon has some of the best internet, but if I can pay less than a $100 every month I'll give T-Mobile a shot.
  11. LOL @ "opportunity" Get your head out of your ass Wellsy, for the Yanks it was nothing more than a last ditch effort.
  12. Kinda reminds me of how they're doing "Boy Meets World" again. I wouldn't watch it. BTW The Wonder Years is on Netflix and I've been watching a couple episodes. Takes me back.
  13. A bad day? Nah. A bad 3 years? Yeah, I think its time for me to move on and stop being paid... Right. NOBODY. Research is your friend, MT. http://www.nytimes.c...r=2&ref=sports
  14. I love the ambiguous thread titles on this site. The anticipation when clicking gives me a rush that can't be replicated anywhere else.
  15. Hamilton doesn't give a crap and Pujols is just looking to keep his career numbers up and going. As far as winning I don't think either of the guys are feeling pressured to get a ring for the franchise.
  16. The guys a freakin' joke. HEY WELLSY: Have some dignity and request a suspension of your pending salary just for being a complete buffoon of a ballplayer.
  17. Law Enforcement needs to stop thinking they have a right to shoot dead anyone who might be a threat to them. They signed up to put themselves in the line of danger, they should be more prepared to deal with the situations in non-lethal ways.
  18. Nope. I don't think anyone in this thread said that. Though based on some of the comments in here you'd swear someone did.
  19. No, Geoff, I don't think you missed anything. It's just people taking words out of context and manipulating them to fit their own agenda, to spread hate and lies about people they don't agree with. Real progressive humanitarian stuff that guys like you and me just wouldn't understand.
  20. You want to know what's awful? In this day and age of vulgarity, profanity, pornography, pretty much anything goes, and kids are seeing stuff at a younger and younger age, and people don't really seem to be up in arms about that. Then some old dude makes a couple comments about personal life experiences and his perspective on a few things, and people get uptight and angry like he's personally hanging their gay and black relatives out in the marshes that surround his backyard. The holier than thou attitude is astonishing.
  21. This isn't very fair. If you're gonna tell everyone you're gonna get married to get congratulated and gain all this free wedding advice, we should at least get some hot pics of your fiance before she's off the market. You know, just to get an idea of what would be best for the the both of you on your special day. I guess if you're in them too that's OK
  22. LOL. There is more hate from people on A&E's side in this thread directed towards those that support the Ducks, than there was in Phil's entire dialogue. BTW the rest of the Duck family should give A&E the bird and walk away. Another network will pick them up, let them say whatever the f*** they want, and probably pay them just as much as well. It's apparent that if A&E is so knee jerky about something so dumb they really don't care or respect the people in the show at all.
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