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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Time to dump these LAPD boneheads in the garbage and start fresh. Can't believe these imbeciles are getting paid to walk around with guns, deciding what's best for the public interest. There's gotta be a better way.
  2. The tragic thing is, to get rid of addiction, you don't have to give up anything. All you have to do is give yourself the gift of freedom from life. I believe PSH had a history of molestation/abuse in his youth. It appears he was still battling those demons. Well typically once you have had a history with the stuff the addiction never really goes away, and being in the spotlight provides disposible funds and thus easier access. Add a history of abuse and never shaking the past or getting over those feelings, and you have a dangerous combination of a scarred mind looking to forget and the means to justify drug use. Are the reasons validly justifyable? Absolutely not, but in a drug users mind they are. As I've gotten older I've tended to side on the "admit there will always be drug users, stop battling against it just to criminilize those who are sick" theory. IMO I'd rather have criminals like theives, murderers, and molesters behind bars. I think if we stopped hiding behind drugs and their mysterious glamourization we'd see not only a signifigant decrease in use and murders associated with its trafficking, but an increase in responsible use creating a safer more controlled way for drug users to participate recreationally, and to eventually get help and quit. I'm not typically one to be in favor of increasing public funding due to the incredible ineptitude of those who are in charge of creating programs and spending it, but for something like this, IMO as a society these types of problems are ones we should have solved a long time ago.
  3. lol Jeff your avatar cracks me up I love pics of Skip's face especially when he's arguing with umps
  4. If the Angels do well, it will be because of Scioscia's improvement this season in managing the team. If the Angels still stink, it will be because of Scioscia's continued failure in managing the team.
  5. 1. Erstad 2. Trout 3. Guerrero Now THAT is a way to start a lineup!
  6. Well said. IMO the best argument against getting Burnett that I have seen in this thread.
  7. The problem is we are unable to hold leads when we get them. Our ability to hit in the clutch as well as playing fundamentally sound baseball are also at the top of the list of things we don't do. We haven't seen any of this in 3 years, bats quite simply are not a solution.
  8. Translation: Blue Jay, Angel and Yankee Organizations: You've been had by Vernon Wells. Guy acts like he hasn't cared about playing in years, why would he act like he cares if he doesn't even have to play?
  9. Because with the $100,000,000+ we've flushed down the toilet the past 3 years on Wells, Pujols, & Hamilton, Arte should at least be willing to risk flushing another $10,000,000 down the toilet to see if Burnett can have an impact on our still mediocre starting rotation.
  10. Ugh. The fact that this is our rotation -minus Burnett- scares me. I usually don't like picking up Yankee scraps, but for the right price ($6-$8 mill) I don't know why we wouldn't give him a shot.
  11. ? Pretty much another Yahoo non-article written in 5 minutes to create space for placing advertisements.
  12. I've lost friends on Facebook after commenting on their meal photo that I don't need to see pictures of their half eaten food.
  13. "...might have to settle for a minor league offer at this point of his career." If Vernon can't even manage to be picked up by a Major League Team because of how much he sucks, and his only option left is to settle for a minor league offer just to continue getting his million dollar checks, the teams shouldn't be required to continue to pay him like a Major Leaguer. Vernon Wells you are freakin' pathetic.
  14. I'm not "saying" it's safe. It is. Millions of people ride them safely every year, and they are tested and safety checked each day before opening to the public. Well to begin that picture is kind of misleading. Classic amusement park promo magic...The angle looks like it's *almost* straight down in the photo but if you actually look at the slide in other photos, the angle is much less steep. Also, people are going to be riding down the slide in a raft with rather heavy magnets attached to the bottom. This water slide is similar to a style of ride called "master blaster" which controls the speed of the raft with electronically controlled magnets, which is why they can have such a short negative-gravity "airtime" hill after such a big drop. FUN. The magnets on the slide interact with the magnets on the raft, to make sure the raft goes up the hill at a safe enough speed to stay on the flume as it rides over the crest. It is actually very cool, and a hard to find style of ride in the United States. What kind of person realistically has a personality that makes comments like this? And really, what kind of sense of humor are you catering to? I just don't understand your reason for posting stuff half the time, usually it seems like its shallow jabs at anything someone says just for the sake of arguing. But honestly, my point is that sometimes it's good for people to get over their phobia's. Especially if doing it involves something as safe and easy as riding on a water slide.
  15. There isn't. I've been wearing a t-shirt and shorts for what feels like the past month.
  16. Truer words have never been spoken about the Beeb. But seriously, f*** this worthless piece of sh*t. Just to show an example of how degraded society has become this garbage was headlines on NEWS CHANNELS across the board today. It's now more obvious than ever that the entire reporting schtick on American TV is nothing more than a glorified tabloid.
  17. Haha the story about that parks past is amazing. I believe they've revamped the park recently after it was closed for a couple years, so now it conforms with safety standards, and that loop slide as well as all the other unsafe attractions in the park are long gone. I heard there was basically no rule enforcement at that park from lifeguards, kind of a Pleasure Island water park.
  18. What's sad is the amount of resources wasted and taxpayer dollars spent on the funeral for such a stupid set of circumstances.
  19. Nice to know all the money California is putting into pollution regulation is going to good use.
  20. I know right that 54 attempts in 354 games played is totally on Bourjos getting too many green lights.
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