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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. LOL I think we hit a nerve... HaloMagic Gold right here. This quote should go in the archives.
  2. Shocking that your title is inaccurately quoted purely to mislead. Here are his exact words: "On and off the field, he's the way you want your kids to grow up. Only Jesus is perfect, but he's pretty close to that guy." Way to turn a heartfelt comment from Pujols into a misguided opportunity to question the guys sanity because he believes in Jesus. Really showcasing the extent of your class there YoT.
  3. ^Similar numbers in his mid-20's like 30+ HR's per season? Agreed. But similar numbers meaning .300+ BA and .400+ OBP? I think this is very possible. He just needs to have a good approach at the plate, needs to not swing for the fences, needs to lay off the junk, and should concentrate on helping the team by putting the ball in play by having some nice contact on the ball and making as few outs as possible. As far as I'm concerned that's all we should be asking for from Albert at this point. Teaching the young guys good habits by staying consistent.
  4. Today I learned people in 1924 were a lot tougher than they are today...men sitting at a table in the snow having drinks...ski jumpers without helmets... Source: http://imgur.com/a/5wWuP More pics and explanations at the source, but these are some of my favorites...
  5. Yah went out for lunch and sweated my freakin' balls off. Annoying to say the least.
  6. I agree with you Hubs as far as power is concerned, and I don't think there's any question that his decline in power is a mechanical thing (his stride, the weight he can transfer, the strength of his swing) caused by the pain he's been experiencing in his foot. But as far as the points you brought up, lack of walks and 3 ball counts, I think a lot of it has to do with the mental aspect of the game and the poor approach he's been taking at the plate. I think he puts a lot of pressure on himself to perform. I've seen him swing at pitches I never thought Albert Pujols would swing at, pitches so far off the plate that its embarrassing. Overall I feel like the decline in walks and 3 ball counts has to do with the lack of quality at bats, and failure to work the count in his favor, which I really think has more to do with his head than anything. Like you mentioned I don't care if he hit's 30+ HR's anymore, and he needs to get over the fact that his power is declining, and he needs to focus on having quality at bats each time he steps up to the plate. I would much rather he work a walk or hit a single than try to be a hero and swing for the fences at a pitch way out of the strike zone that ends up being an out.
  7. Hard to get into 3 ball counts if you're consistently swinging at pitches outside the zone. A decrease in walks when he gets to 3 ball counts is evidence that his patience is not what it used to be. I don't think this problem is so much mechanical, I really think it has to do with his approach. And I think what he needs to realize is he doesn't need to mask the decline in power...he just needs to have quality at bats and come through with singles and doubles when we need them most.
  8. Based off how he's played it really seems like Albert has put a lot of the pressure for winning on his own shoulders these past 2 years. He feels like he needs to do too much. What's important is that he realizes that he can't do everything, and that getting on base is much better for the team than trying to be a hero by swinging out of the strike zone and turning into an out.
  9. Dude, I was in first grade when a kid in my class walked off campus and everyone in my class knew he was just being disobedient and that it was the wrong thing to do. Stop making excuses just because they're kids, by 6 or 7 they know right from wrong. They're responsible to watch over them, that doesn't take away from the fact that the child needs to be disciplined and held accountable for disobeying the rules.
  10. Just fascinating how fast they're going. I think it's all skill. The key is making split second decisions to position yourself correctly before and after the turns so you don't go flying off the luge. See: Nodar Kumaritashvili Georgian Hero RIP vid on You Tube
  11. Can we just save ourselves a bunch of time and say EVERY player in MLB coming to Spring Training is reportedly in the "best shape of their lives"??? Except for Fielder, he's full of crap, cause I can tell you one thing, he most definitely is NOT.
  12. In other news Disneyland reported that it will be unveiling 50 different bathroom locations throughout the park, each one individually labeled for every gender now offered on Facebook
  13. Trout should lead off IMO. Why search or wait for a lead off hitter to emerge when we already have one? All I see this as is another opportunity for the fat man to try Aybar (UGH) or worse in the 1 slot. The #2 batter will be protected by Pujols. Trout doesn't need any protection.
  14. Ugh I don't care what he says, just want to see his swinging do the talking. A season of Pujols playing like Pujols has been non-existent since he put an Angel Uniform on.
  15. When the strike zone is consistently in your favor you get more opportunities to take advantage of pitchers' mistakes.
  16. Just thinking about Blanton pitching for us in 2014 puts me in a bad mood.
  17. Nice to know that I've made enough of an impact on you that I pop in your mind when the Stankees come up...wait, no, actually that's kinda creepy. I don't like the Stankees and their favoritism, but I'm sure Jeter is a great guy and I actually have a lot of respect for him. However IMO, just like Mariano, if it wasn't for the Yankee advantage that's been on his side his entire career I don't think his numbers would be nearly as impressive.
  18. I'm not sure mt has the ability to do that. And who's the racist here? Haha mt you've lost. And unfortunately you're more comfortable believing that a black person and a white person of the same economic stature do not have equal opportunities in court to buy their way out of crimes. Believe it or not mt, there ARE rich black people, and there ARE black residents in Texas -- I've seen them first hand! Nobody is arguing that discrimination or racism does not exist, I'm saying in the US court system race -as opposed to cash- has no substantial bearing on the outcome of a ruling. What's scary is there are people like you walking around who actually believe and act on all the racist bullshit you've been spewing in this thread. Pretty archaic thinking to say the least.
  19. What world are you living in where they don't? How? Another person in the same situation as this kid would have gotten the same bullshit sentence, doesn't matter if he was black or white. By the way, great defense there guys. 3 bullshit responses one consisting of a "lol" oh shit super impressed you guys really defended your stance.
  20. Um, yeah, ON AN UNRELATED charge. The justice system favors those with MONEY, period. Doesn't matter if you're white or not. Sitting here and acting like a rich white guy has more leverage in court than a rich black guy is archaic thinking, and suggests you are simply out of touch with reality. Stop being so angry and stop perpetuating racism and hate of "rich whitey" out of pure spite.
  21. Perhaps. But Obama isn't helping, that's for sure.
  22. Pretty much. Just another cop with authority issues letting emotion take over when he doesn't get his way. Sick of all these asshats and their entitlement.
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