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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. The top tap water in the U.S. came from Santa Ana, Calif. Never would have seen that coming.
  2. Imagine how much better he would have been if he didn't make so many boneheaded mistakes on the basepaths.
  3. For some reason this turns me on.
  4. His rationale is just stupid, that's all. dur I don't like wearing dirty clothes, it's a phobia durrrrrrrrrr
  5. Wrong. Even if it causes anxiety, It is NOT irrational to not like eating rotten food. Not irrational to dislike wearing dirty clothes multiple times, either.
  6. I don't like eating rotten food. Is that a phobia? I guess I just assumed it's pretty understandable that most people don't prefer wearing dirty clothes multiple times.
  7. Has anyone told Brandon about the edit button?
  8. It's nice to know I can always depend on you to be right there, deeply sniffing my butthole. I don't watch TV because it's a waste of time and I have much better things to be doing than sitting on my fat ass with my dick in my hand. I'd rather go outside and ride my bike or hit the batting cages. Not to mention everything on TV is pretty much garbage, and a majority of it is created by liberal idealists perpetuating the degradation of society. You keep sitting America! I also can't stand commercials. Thing is I've never had TV around my entire life so I'm used to it, and because the only channel I would watch on cable is FSN for Angel Games, I refuse to pay for 1 channel. Don't get me wrong, I will take time to watch movies that interest me, but I'm not a big "movie guy" per se. People bring up movies all the time that I have not seen or have no desire to watch. I do like watching Series DVDs or Netflix at the end of night before bed to get my mind off things, but that's pretty much it.
  9. My Mota-ism references are definitely a little rusty right now...
  10. I shoulda tried harder to be a ballplayer.
  11. Yahoo article comparing Trout to Jeter... http://sports.yahoo.com/news/baseball-s-best-player-has-his-sights-set-on-becoming-an-even-bigger-deal-221903948.html All I could do was LOL, no Yahoo, Jeter's not even close...
  12. Yeah there are a couple things that I've found at Ikea that work out conveniently, but for the most part, I usually need and/or prefer something a little more custom. Plus I wouldn't trust a cheap $100 Ikea item to hold $1,000's of dollars worth of my records -- they're freakin' heavy! However unlike most people I have a garage and all the tools I need to make that kinda stuff, so it's kinda understandable people that don't would prefer a cheap and easy solution.
  13. That is one way to keep your score high, but not necessarily the most important. Keeping the balances on your credit cards between 20% and 30% of the maximum limit will net you the best score on your credit report, considering of course, all your payments have been made on time. If you have a balance of 60%-70% of the maximum limit and always pay on time, your credit score will suffer because even though your payments are made on time, the balance the credit companies are seeing is higher than they'd prefer. Could also get into the 2 biggest credit analyzers and how their scores are scaled differently, meaning just because you see a 800+ score doesn't necessarily mean that's the one they'd use to qualify you for a loan etc., but that really opens up a floodgate of information not really relevant to the conversation. Just more or less something to keep in mind when they're giving you this "free" information.
  14. Fat Man is too dumb to consider this kind of tactic-- it makes too much sense. Hell, he didn't even have the gull to give Trout the green light a majority of the time he got on base last year. As far as Aybar leading off -- HELL NO. We've tried it, it doesn't work, stop trying to make it work. However I do have a place in my heart for Aybar after breaking up that Verlander no-no, HAHA, that was great. And really exposed the kind of whiney b*tch Verlander really is.
  15. Now THAT'S what I call grit! Take notes, Angels Baseball!
  16. I'm not going to go nuts until July, by then we will have an idea of this teams abilities, and whether or not this is just another season to flush down the toilet.
  17. One of many reasons I will never have cable television. It is beyond stupid that it's 2014 and I can't just subscribe and pay for FSW to watch Angel games and that's it.
  18. As far as I'm concerned with Wood, this was a massive fail on the part of EVERY decision maker within the organization who should have pulled the plug on him LONG before we had him indisputably start at 3rd in 2010. All you had to do was watch his swing once he stepped in MLB, and every single pitcher he faced had his number, and guys like Hatcher or Scioscia should've spoken up instead of looking the other way. Just terrible player management and decision making all around. Everyone was saying he's "supposed to be great" but there was never even a glimmer of greatness in any of his Major League appearances, on the field or in the box. It's too bad this was the beginning of the snowball, as it didn't have to happen that way, and I don't know what took this organization so long to dump him.
  19. I can't stand how much everyone seems to be on their phone these days.
  20. Napoli has been on some kind of personal alternative reality ride for the past couple years...looks like he's not ready to get off. Also: Could do without the updates on BoSox and Napoli, don't really care about them...
  21. I didn't find humor in his post probably because it wasn't funny. Not shocking, actually.
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