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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Best Part? "I have no idea how I did that." Like the cut of this guys jib!
  2. Yeah, I agree that Kimmel is a great late night talk show host. Definitely a different kind of humor, and I do enjoy his monologue and interviews just as much as O'Brian.
  3. Who said I'm happy to overpay them? I'm not. But if they're getting overtime because they have to be there because nobody else can take their place, I have absolutely no problem with that. And when they ARE working they are saving lives and peoples homes and doing great things for the community. And if they're working overtime it's not like they're at home with their feet up, sleeping in their bed, browsing the internet and watching TV with the family around, they're away from home with their crew. And they are constantly on call no matter what they're doing. Do they deserve that kind of pay working regular shifts? Probably not. But if they're constantly there constantly working overtime, sure they do.
  4. I have no problem challenging HaloMagic to a box/fight in front of an Angel Win crowd and giving him what for till he taps out. Then when I'm done with him, I'll move on to RallyMo and have him crying for his mama. Both will deny my challenge, because they are pussies hidden behind a computer screen. I do wear my heart on my sleeve though, and I don't know why, I just do. However I do like this community and think everyone around here is for the most part good natured and pretty cool. Except for stickboy...who I think we all agree is borderline creepy/capable of kidnapping and murdering anyone. I'd be fine with never meeting him in real life.
  5. If there's one public safety position I have no problem overpaying, it's firefighters. The firefighters' union president did not dispute the controller's pay figures. He said his members are overworked and desperate for reinforcements. "We’re at a tipping point where it doesn’t make sense to continue to pay so much overtime without hiring new workers," said Frank Lima, president of United Firefighters of Los Angeles City. "That’s not the fault of the firefighter on the street." The city hasn't hired a new firefighter in five years, Lima said. And as far as them getting overtime pay because they are understaffed, how is this the firefighters fault? If I was at a position and was offered this kind of overtime I'd take it too!
  6. Not always, though. He has his days, it IS his show. And well, sometimes he has to spice it up if the guests are boring! But I just feel like when he's talking to guests and asking them questions, he genuinely tries to find a way to avoid the standard boring interview talk. He'll set up questions in a way that open up opportunities for the guests to talk about stuff maybe they haven't talked about before. A good example of this (even though it wasn't on his show but is an example that personifies what I'm talking about) is the sit-down interview he did with Jack White of the White Stripes, look it up if you haven't seen it. He really gets down to the nitty-gritty, and you really feel like you get to know the person, instead of just having another person like Fallon feeding the persona people already know them for. Then he mixes in the interrupting and obnoxious idiot stuff because that's his thing, which I'm fine with. Hell yea, no doubt.
  7. Pretty much. And with Fallon's show it really feels like NBC Execs are doing everything they can (advertisements throughout the Olympics, airing the first week to align with the Olympics, filling the show to the brim with dozens of celebrities) to skip that "settling in" period Conan had to deal with. Another thing about Conan is that IMO his strengths are his monologues and his interviews. It really seems like he's able to get to know the guests by getting unique answers out of them with the questions he asks and how he asks them. His opening monologue is also pretty legit. With Fallons' weaknesses being both the monologue and his interviews, which IMO are the most important parts of late night talk shows, it seems like they're trying to compensate for Fallons lack of those skills with a lot of time burning SNL-esque skits and videos. Which is fine, I guess, but to me late night isn't supposed to be a 5-day a week SNL show. If I want to watch an SNL style show, I'll tune in on Saturdays. We'll see how Fallon pans out, I have a feeling he'll stick around for a while, but I won't be watching.
  8. It's pretty remarkable how useless Hamilton has been since he buttoned up an Angels uniform.
  9. Believe it or not HaloMagic, people have different beliefs than you. And people and companies in America have a right to support programs which align with those beliefs. That’s what we call freedom. What you appear to be doing is trying to intimidate those that don't share your beliefs with hate filled rants. The more you bully, the more you name call, the more you're hoping people who don't agree with you will eventually just want you shut up and stop calling them names and they'll side with your opinion. That's no way to try and convince people who's beliefs are different from your own that yours are morally superior. In fact, the method you go about sharing that opinion would never make me want to be associated with a person of your stature or beliefs. Your method is immature, your attacks are unprofessional and filled with assumptions and lies, and in many ways I see more hate in you than in those I've come across who's beliefs are opposite of yours. And it's not all religious. Some people do not believe same sex couples should be able to get married, and IMO that's just as fine as the people, like you two, who think the opposite. However, that IN NO WAY automatically makes valid the assumption (which you two continue to falsely reiterate) that they therefore hate homosexuals as well, no matter what you two want to believe. The two are, in fact, mutually exclusive. Very much in the same way that I’m sure you two don’t hate people just because they don't support gay marriage, right? Because if you did, that would make you bigots.
  10. Love products with joke reviews. Other great ones include reviews on $1000 HDMI cables. "Was amazed that when I opened the package the cable was already plugged in..." haha
  11. Trout has better numbers at #2, but we cannot afford to put an automatic out in the #1 slot in front of him. The #1 needs to battle. Aybar's had multiple multiple chances at the top of the order, he stinks. I would be more than happy to give Calhoun the #1 slot and see what happens for the first half of the season. We also cannot have Pujols screwing up Trouts chances of stealing bases whenever possible, and he has NOT demonstrated the past 2 years that he is still the kind of player that should be able to free swing, so he just needs to come to grips that he's going to have to chill the hell out with Trout on base to help the team.
  12. Wait -- In N Out employees bring your food to your table? They walk around and are happy to clean off your table when you're done eating? They notice if your beverage is low and ask if you'd like a drink refill? I know you are adamant about justifying your constant hard-on for the place, but what alternate universe In-N-Out locations are you visiting? I also didn't say anything -- nor do I care -- that either is a Christian business. Irrelevant.
  13. Hilariously enough no matter how hard liberals have tried to smear their image and take down the franchise with protests and lies, even the most adamant criticizers of the chain have admitted that Chic-Fil-A is delicious and that the experience provided by the employees is friendly and unique to any other fast food chain around. Apparently quality food and superb customer service goes a long way! I will not be trying Taco Bell breakfast. Ever.
  14. IMO this isn't about how many times they bunt, but when they decide to bunt. So many times I'm scratching my head wondering why the hell they're wasting an out, when other times I'm screaming at the radio wondering why they're NOT bunting to get a run in.
  15. Yup. Not to poo on your point or your positivity because I appreciate your posts but the bullpen coming through and doing their jobs has been a hope for several years around these parts, Doc. I know you know that. And trust me, I hope for the same as you. But as far as depending on them? It sure doesn't seem like we've been able to do that for years now. A nice surprise from guys like Frieri, Jepsen and Kohn would be great, but considering the track record "heavily leaning" on our bullpen doesn't sound like a blueprint for success. We need guys that can hold freakin' leads! Weav must have missed out on 5+ W's last season due to crappy bullpen performance. Losing those games hurts.
  16. Makes you wonder how Conan's ratings would have been his 1st week if he had the Olympic Lead-In advertisements and a list of high profile celebrity guests like Robert De Niro, Tina Fey, Joe Namath, Rudy Giuliani, Justin Timberlake, Mariah Carey, Tracy Morgan, Joan Rivers, Kardashian, Seth Rogen, Lindsay Lohan, Sarah Jessica Parker, Mike Tyson, Lady Gaga, and Stephen Colbert to help the audience "overlook" some of the flaws that come with starting a new late night show. This is clearly an instance where the executives are doing everything in their power to make the show work. Can't say they did the same for Conan.
  17. ^Loans above $417,000 are considered "Jumbo Loans" and have stricter guidelines and higher costs associated with acquiring the loan. Often you'll hear "no cost refinancing" and that's because banks can credit money to borrowers based on the rate they choose, and the guidelines they fit in, paying off the fees for getting a new loan, making the cost of acquiring the loan "no cost." But with jumbo loans it makes getting that credit harder based on the guidelines and "money back credit" that gets taken away based on credit scores and things like Loan Amount to Value of Property. Often times a person refinancing a jumbo loan will have to pay money out of pocket to get into a better rate. Yup. Banks typically want 2 months of paystubs up until days before they fund, because they want to make sure you still have the job. It's happened before, someone gets fired from their job the day before they get the loan and they can't pay! And it sounds like you've got it under control, but if you run into any problems or aren't happy with what you get you can send me a PM. I am still training, but I work for a mortgage brokerage and we're good at what we do! That goes for anyone else here as well, for example HaloMatt's talking about getting rid of that Mortgage Insurance, which he will probably be able to do in 6 months through refinancing if his credit improves. We have guys that help with credit repair, they go through everything and do what they can to get the credit as high as possible. That's where that 30% number I brought up earlier comes into play, I've seen peoples scores raise by 80 points just by paying down a couple things, we do stuff like that all the time.
  18. It's all great that we're most likely going to get Trout for the extended future, but it would be nice to start WINNING and making the playoffs with him on the team! Let's get this guy some rings so he's a lifer!
  19. I think Jeppy is going to need a liiiiiittle bit more than just a new arm motion.
  20. Making up hypotheticals to insult fans on a message board, that's some quality contribution! I recall members on this board busting Albert's balls for making a "Jeter is like Jesus" comment not too long ago, so I'm not sure if you're even correct in your assumption... The point is Zack has a reputation for saying douchey things, and whether he's an Angel or not, most of us are not going to side with douchey comments.
  21. "might have to lean heavily on bullpen" We all know how this goes.
  22. Sure she's a catch for Greinke because he's straight up goofy looking, but IMO she is not that hot at all. And as far as the stupid crap that comes out of his mouth, I'm just glad he's not on our team anymore.
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