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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. And that's whats so dumb! He should just be up there waiting for a pitch right down the pipe, and that's all! Doesn't matter when it comes in the at-bat, he should be up there ready for it.
  2. I just can't believe after all this time we're seeing the same crap over and over. Aren't they getting sick of playing like this? You think they'd change their approach after 3+ years of this.
  3. I don't know what to say about Pujols other than he needs to start understanding that his old habits aren't working and he needs to get some new ones fast for the good of the team. All he should be thinking about is base hits, clutch hitting, working counts, getting on base.
  4. Who has been in contention for the Cy Young 2 out of the past 3 years?????
  5. Games like today are only going to make him more competitive. Will that result in better outings? Who knows, but I hope so!
  6. Miss Trumbo and how hard he hit that ball. At this point I'd trade him for Pujols straight up.
  7. The more time that goes by the more it's becoming glaringly obvious this Angels organization has no clue what it's doing out there.
  8. Oh look at how quickly things change when you work the count and give the speedy runner a chance to steal second...possibility for a run! Pujols you should be taking notes.
  9. Why the hell has it taken so long to assign these types of jobs to people? We're paying players millions of dollars, but the organization has waited to pay a couple guys $100,000/yr (maybe) to look at every piece of data and video we collect, and to have them cut out the most valuable pieces that could be important to the staff, coaches and players of the club? This sounds like a no brainier that the club should already have. And the team should use this data throughout the season to their advantage to fix problems that arise, to scout competition, or fix problematic habits that seem to be hurting the team or players performance. Sure too much data can be overwhelming, but the players and coaches shouldn't dealing with ALL the information, just the guys who are paid to make sure it's all looked over.
  10. Dude just get two small domestics at 4.50 a piece and honestly you get a good amount of beer. 4.50 is about as much a pint of draft costs anywhere.
  11. The biggest moneymaker at any venue: the concessions. And for some reason for Arte the system hasn't changed, the lines are ridiculous, and the food quality has plummeted: I didn't buy anything opening day, and for good reason. This kind of crap should be perfected by now.
  12. Yeah that play was complete garbage. I am already so sick of Hamilton's lethargy and mediocrity.
  13. So basically what it sounds like is loser people from garbage LA who worship their home grounds left their crappy city, headed south to go to a nice city in OC, and decided to spread their worthlessness, pathetic ethics, and general lack of respect for the common citizen, in the name of...representing their garbage city and being complete assholes??? Shocking. Please remind me...why do we want to be associated with LA?
  14. Tell that to Howie "opening day jitters" Kendrick
  15. Kinda glad I missed the opening day stuff...didn't miss the first pitch though, so after Trout I still had hope at the end of the 1st.
  16. At this point I don't blame Weav for anything he says. Guy works his f***ing ass off for this team, acts like a professional ace...and for what? To get his W's taken away by this "bullpen"??
  17. He's going to rock us in September when the A's are out of it and we need wins the most.
  18. I am not giving up on this team at all. I won't. In baseball, things change every day, I'll root for them till they're mathematically out. In baseball anything can happen. BUT...honestly, the stuff that happened tonight is the exact same crap the Angels have been dealing with day in day out for the past 4 terrible seasons. It felt like a different season...for a second. But fundamentals are STILL out the window and these guys act like prima donna's but they don't perform. Trout is (thank the baseball gods up and down) this teams savior, giving a ray of hope to the franchise. Pujols and Hamilton are useless but at the 3-4 slot because -- last names. And our bullpen continues to be useless, giving up late leads, screwing up when we need them most. Pitchers give up walks, then serve salamis. We signed a 3rd baseman that DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO TAG OUT RUNNERS AT THIRD WTFF! Uncertainty and doubt is rampant, confidence and certainty is varied...all you have to do is watch the teams composure and you can tell. There is no fire lit under a lot of these guys asses. Thanks Scisocia for the turn the page lecture, but now it's time to: Clock in. Clock out. This stuff hurts as a fan. It hurts as a customer who spends $100's of dollars. And all I did was buy tickets to go to a ballgame. If I were Arte, and I'd been paying millions upon millions the past 4 years to put these guys on a baseball field, I'd be throwing chairs and tearing up carpet and be in that clubhouse ripping new a***oles face to face with my players. It's pretty obvious that doesn't happen. The product on the field, what even the average uneducated fan sees and wonders whats up with the donkey games going on IMO is unacceptable. The saddest part is I don't think it's going to change.
  19. I don't think Angel fans have quite grasped the reality that is our terrible bullpen. They are going to be the ones letting games slip away this season.
  20. This team just needs to learn how to not give up those 42 so quick.
  21. If Weaver holds lead into the 7th in comes Jeppy and walks the first 2 batters he faces then serves up a salami to the #8 hitter. Yeah, damn you Weaver!
  22. Keep watching, give it some time, there's plenty more to come. Started with Morales methinks. Since then this stadium, the team, has just never been the same. Actually when I heard this my honest first reaction was "not surprised"
  23. They fascinate me, and being in California, we are in relatively safe buildings designed to withstand earthquakes, so they don't really make me feel scared. They're more exhilarating for me, awe inspiring, and can happen at any time with practically no predictability. There's amazing power created and distributed along hundreds of miles when tectonic plates move, and the fact that as humans we're so vulnerable and helpless, it's just amazing how the earth can move that way.
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