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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Or maybe it's because their job entails doing stuff like this... http://imgur.com/gallery/pTa6K
  2. I literally yell at my girlfriend to get off her f**king phone if she's driving around with me in the car, it pisses me off that she does it. If she wants to endanger her life when she's in the car by herself, fine, but I'll be damned if she does it when I'm driving with her.
  3. Really? At 15 HRs a season minimum for the remainder of his career --which is totally doable for Pujols-- he will be the top 10 in HRs all time when all is said and done. Make all the excuses in the world...there's a lack of fanfare from the MLB because he's on the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. If David Ortiz ever hits 500 *yawn* I would bet MLB would make a stink about it that nobody would ever hear the end of.
  4. It seems like all we talked about last season in June/July when this team was obviously skidding toward a sup-par season was that the team needed pitching in the pen. It was blaringly obvious to almost anyone who watched 20+ games last year, and it was as if that's all anyone talked about. Blown saves. Blown leads. Walks, walks, walks, leadoff walks. We didn't upgrade our pitching at all, and well, here we are. Leadoff walks. Wild pitches. Blown leads. Salamis the opposition is sitting on. New season, same results. Good teams, MLB teams, don't roll over after the 7th. If they know we're weak once our starter leaves, they're going to work it into their strategies and take advantage. And they have the past 4 years. If you don't have guys that can make the last 9 outs flawlessly, it's gonna be tough to win games, nonetheless games that are determined by 2-3 runs or less.
  5. If I was Weaver I'd be at the point of throwing chairs at Frieri and then Scioscia as they made their way into the clubhouse after a game like this. He's one of many problems still in that bullpen, but Frieri has single handedly erased so many Weaver wins the past couple years.
  6. Glad you pointed this out Chimi, this specific commentary really explains a lot about the attitudes and mentalities of Stankee fans that we all notice and have to deal with... "Don't worry about it (Yankee fans), the Yankees will do this with Boston pitchers (from now on)..." This almost disgusted me to hear from a baseball commentator. "Two of their (Red Sox) pitchers are known to use stuff. And this is gonna start something that maybe John Ferrel isn't going to wanna start by the end of the year" LOL Are those threats by commentators to validate their player breaking the rules? How about a little bit of humility for craps sake. What is wrong with these people?
  7. Growing up as the use of the internet increased, and all its amazing capabilities began to surface, I never thought ADs would be able to ruin the online experience as much as they do. Really is a shame.
  8. ^That looks like a great deal. Free shipping! To me propane is the best, charcoal grills always seem to make my food taste like...charcoal. Also my favorite thing on the grill is corn on the cob. Submerge the corn in water in a bowl for about 10 minutes, then just put it directly on the grill. The soaked husks will keep the corn from burning, and will steam the corn, while giving it that nice smokey bbq taste. Keep it on the grill until some of the kernals are grilled brown, and you're all set. There's really no other way to do corn IMO.
  9. Why. Why would you be so close to the train? It doesn't make any sense to me.
  10. Where are these kids getting all this money? Are they working for their money or is it just getting handed to them? When I was young I got an allowance, and that was it. Want a cell phone? Better get a job. Want a set of headphones? Better earn it by painting the house. I don't understand this mentality of parents anymore, they're just ****ing up their kids by giving them everything and letting them do whatever they want. It's absurd.
  11. The 2nd picture it doesn't even look like a real mountain lion.
  12. They have actually, unfortunately, lost my interest in wasting even my time listening to them or watching them on TV. Trout and Weaver are pretty much the only guys I care about. It's bad baseball, and I refuse to watch or be a part of it. I'll still root for the team, I'm an Angels fan, but I have far better things to do than waste my time on crappy baseball. And I'm really sad to have to say that, but it's true.
  13. I think they bailed on a sold out show one time and the attendees took it pretty hard, it was never the same for them since. I know it doesn't make sense to me either.
  14. Because a majority of guys are pigs and therefore it is not rare that they will say/do anything to get in a girls pants. When a woman is doing whatever she can to get into guys pants, it's pretty rare and kinda turns guys on. Especially 13 year old guys who struggle with that kind of stuff. I can tell you one thing I'd be much better at keeping a secret than these kids.
  15. What I don't get is why would the catcher even do this?
  16. That strike 3 was bullshit. But he shoulda crushed strike 2.
  17. We appear cursed, but in reality our players do whatever they want on the baseball field with no discipline whatsoever, and bad fundamentals have no place in Professional Sports.
  18. This team continues to get hurt because of poor fundamental baseball...
  19. Whenever I see a guy take a ball first pitch I think the next one is going to be down the pipe and feel like the batter should be waiting to unload.
  20. We'll see in the next couple minutes why Trout should be in the 1 slot.
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