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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Funny. I'd say the same thing about you.
  2. Ibanez just needs to step the heck up. Will he do it? Probably not.
  3. If there's a person that is not happy after seeing this there's something wrong with them.
  4. Love Conger. Love the way he swings the bat. Hope he becomes our every day catcher after we're done with Iannetta.
  5. I actually saw a "fan complaint hotline" that is advertised along the right field signage somewhere near section 346. I would encourage anyone who deals with this kind of stuff to find that number and keep it handy just in case. You can call or text to complain about unruly or inappropriate fans. I'm not sure how quick they respond, but I do know for the most part when you just let ushers know about people being inappropriate, and the whole section seems to not like it, they do their best to remove them from the seats or at the least tell them to keep it down. I'm an adult and understand booing and heckling and all that stuff, and I usually don't care. But when there's kids around and there's some drunk douche bags swearing loudly, I don't hesitate to let the ushers know they're ruining the experience for people around them. I'm one of those guys that likes to keep the game fun for everyone.
  6. And all these people kept saying he had never had a serious injury so he was a safe bet to sign.
  7. Yeah hate to say it but I probably actually prefer cats over dogs. I didn't used to. They're generally clean, their personalities can be freakin' hilarious especially if they're a kitten, all you gotta do is feed them and you could go on vacation for 5 days and they'll be fine, and they poop in the same place so the cleanup is easy and the yard stays nice. Some of them are real assholes though, but its rare, I've only come across a couple of those.
  8. Yeah whenever I see people at the ballpark with those on I make it a point to let them know their jersey is awesome. Probably the jersey I want the most.
  9. I agree. In my opinion Christian Bale and the Dark Knight trilogy is the best Batman we're ever going to get.
  10. Not sure how much it's helped us out but that overturned call with the play at the plate in Pittsburgh the other night was great.
  11. There's really no reason to waste time trying to wrap your mind around it. The answer will always be, because Scioscia.
  12. Tell that to Derek Jeter. Trout needs to be getting the most at bats out of anyone in the lineup. The 1 or 2 slot is the only place he belongs. I don't think this team has had a decent leadoff batter since Eckstein or Erstad.
  13. It's a damn shame that once this team falls behind they just kinda go through the motions. Watch: Cardinals vs Cubs on 5/12/2014, yeah they lost, but the team was down by a buncha runs in the 1st & 2nd but gave some kind of fight.
  14. Been hitting the gym 5 days a week for the past 2 months. 1 hour stretch/lifting weights, 30 mins cardio (stairstepper, treadmill, elliptical, swimming), protein shake afterwards. Eat bananas, watermelon, vegetables, chicken and turkey slices, drink lots of water. No soda, just vitamin water. Lost 20 pounds so far, and never thought I'd be under 200 lbs again. I can also fit into some size 32's I bought 8 years ago and never thought I'd fit into them again. All my new clothes are now too big.
  15. I would be down for Trout/Aybar/Pujols. Aybar doesn't tend to hit into a lot of double plays, and I think Trout would fit great in the #1 slot.
  16. WOW, quick on the draw! For some reason I'm OK with it. The thing about the money kinda came out of nowhere.
  17. I love Conger. Hope after Chris is gone, Conger gets full time. Probably not because Scioscia.
  18. Good sir, you are 40 posts deep. You have a lot to learn.
  19. Its about time. He's got the talent, Howie's just not been able to put it together. Are we losing? I don't even want to look anymore lol
  20. All great points doc. Just to add, I'm pretty sure Trout could play any freakin' position besides pitcher on the field and be great at it, not to mention SS. Second, I would like to see Troy try to rob a couple home runs, turn a couple doubles into triples, then we'll discuss what kind of value he adds gobbling up routine ground balls at short. To me WAR is not the end all be all, but it is a great tool that I believe accurately assesses a value based on a fair variety of statistics. The writer is out of his mind. MVP voters are out of their minds. Trouts slumping for 11 games, but since he's been in the bigs he's the most natural all around talented player I've seen in a long time.
  21. I think they're great. They make due with what they have, they play good fundamental baseball, and their green alt jersey's are sick. It's frustrating as an Angel fan watching what we are compared to them the past 4 years, but I'm not going to hate them just because they're so much better at what they do than we are.
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