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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Yes! Let's bring a guy making his Angels debut with the bases loaded!
  2. lol that pitch hit for the grand slam was right down the freakin' pipe.
  3. First important series of the season and they've gone through the lineup in the 1st inning. Angels defense "hasn't even made a play for an out" yet. Sheesh.
  4. What hurts more is theres only 1 out, and Richards is still walking batters.
  5. Yah I don't think I'm going to waste my Friday night on this.
  6. The "you must be fun at parties" comment seems to becoming a standard reaction around here. I mean, to be fair, we split with Seattle. The A's aren't going to go down easy.
  7. Yeah I'm pretty fed up with all the California "Transportation" investments that typically just end up being an eyesore or waste of money. What Southern California should be concentrating on is an electric public transportation monorail, from Southern OC (Irvine) where the 405 and 5 meet, to North LA. The beams and supports could be installed along the center divider of the 5 and 405 freeways, each with 2 rails (north and south), requiring very little freeway infrastructure construction, and the lines could end in North Hollywood for the 5, and Northridge for the 405. Have no more than 10 major stops along the way for both freeways. You could go from Irvine to North Hollywood in 60 minutes without having to sit in any traffic. Why this wasn't done decades ago is beyond me.
  8. Can't believe how poorly Freese has played. Thought he'd atleast be able to maintain a .250 average...
  9. And then there's David "Mr. .209" Freese...
  10. I heard something a while back, I can't remember who, someone said they wouldn't be able to "move" the A tp a new location ever again due to its poor infrastructure. Basically the one time they moved it was the last, and if they tried again it would practically fall apart. Not sure how true that is.
  11. Sweet. Lets take fastballs down the pipe. It's not like we need to be swinging or anything.
  12. Why does this team wait to come alive until its too late...
  13. AND LOOK WHO IT IS! Our favorite buddy crooked hat!
  14. Eh, CJ @ 115 pitches, I guess. Might as well pulled him in the 8th, maybe he was gonna give him a shot at the W if we come back.
  15. This is just stupid to pull him then. I guess Scioscia has to make atleast 1 pointless pitching change a game...
  16. Lazy ground ball, lazy ground ball, K There we go boys.
  17. Yeah I really feel bad for our SP when our offense just decides to not show up while they're throwing a quality game.
  18. The games we win are fine. But these games we lose are just downright painful to watch.
  19. Nice to see the replay giving us some help. God the umps are just terrible. It would be great to see the number of challenged calls they got wrong over the course of the season.
  20. Clutch AB there by Freese. Our 2014 acquisitions just keep getting better and better. 2 on, no outs, and we can't score a freakin' run.
  21. Our goal needs to be to get Felix's pitch count as high as possible as soon as possible. Before we fall behind any further.
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