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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. It was actually on TV during the Postgame Show. Took a pic of it at the bar. I couldn't believe it when I read it, but I think it explains a lot of the frustration and game day venting we all see and participate in.
  2. You know what I'm sick of? People who think we're supposed to have faith in this team coming back instead of realistically understanding the poor standards this team has come to be known by. A lot of us have been watching this team for over a decade, and we know what to expect. Last night was fun, sure. But you can't just blow people up because they're used to crappy management and players getting paid millions of dollars to roll over when they're down by a couple runs during the late innings. And you know what? THIS HASN'T HAPPENED IN OVER 10 FREAKIN' YEARS. Caught a little fact after the game lastnight, and maybe this will explain the negative attitudes people have around here. Kinda hard to blame them.
  3. No way I could make this. I know at KFC their hours are flexible so you probably have Mondays off but I have a real job man.
  4. I see Calhoun is punished for that HR he opened the game with last night. Good to know things haven't changed for Skip, dumbass.
  5. You're numbers are true, but I still don't know if it was a great deal overall for him to say no to the first offer. He lost 5 mill by not playing for 59 games, which comes to about $152,542 per game.
  6. Can't argue this at all. I have said for years that INO should be grilling up bacon for burgers, and to +1 that seasonal avocado for bacon avocado burgers a couple months out of the year. They're a California based company for darns sake! Unstoppable they would be.
  7. And if Conger played regularly, who knows how much his bat would improve. Guys can bat lefty and I love his swing.
  8. Iannetta will continue catching because of this. Nobody knows why.
  9. For some reason Skip didn't care about a catcher that could hit until we got Iannetta? He did this same bullshit with Napoli. Guy is out of his goddamned mind.
  10. To me it seems more like a "couple chicks at a Katy Perry or Taylor Swift concert" kinda thing. Which they're chicks, who cares, the rules don't apply. But guys doing it...eh...I dunno. I seriously don't care what other guys wear, it's not about that, but there's just, something about it, you just kinda shake your head and move on. And the discussion around the last piece of pizza in this thread is enthralling to say the least.
  11. ^^Honestly Eric, I don't give a sh*t about the price. You can't eat In N Out all the time, it gets old real fast. What is this Pulp Fiction?
  12. Haha HaloMagic I already challenged you to a fight but you didn't man up because you're a big fat pussy.
  13. Good thing I didn't start the thread.
  14. In 2002 we had players that had been together for years, players who weren't paid stupid amounts of money to suck, players with great baseball qualities, who knew how to steal bases and hit in the clutch and not make boneheaded mistakes, they had that raw baseball instinct to do anything they had to do to win. Scioscia catered to those characteristics accordingly, did not manage like a pu**y, and it paid off. Although I think that team would have won no matter who was managing. And last, purely opinion here...taking the "Anaheim" out of the team name was a terrible terrible move, especially since that's the name they won with. Why ANYONE would do that in the name of "business" is beyond me. No Angels fan gives a s**t about being associated with bum piss smelling Los Angeles. We know baseball is a superstitious sport, as dumb as it may seem. The Angels won their ONLY World Series under the city name of Anaheim. Why the hell would an owner be so willing to screw with that so soon after they won? Why would you change the city name to become a mockery of MLB and people who don't even know baseball but still think it's stupid? What player has pride in their team and where they play when the city they play in is not even where they're located? Put Anaheim back on those roadies and I think things might start looking Angels.
  15. I remember physically having to copy and edit html codes to get pictures to work on that site. We've come a long way.
  16. You spelled Iannetta wrong. Anyway, I will take Conger over Ianetta any day of the week purely because he's an Asian catcher. Can't beat those kung fu instincts behind the plate.
  17. Scioscia is staying as manager for the remainder of his contract tenure. Accept it and move on. If he was going to be fired, it should have been 3+ years ago.
  18. Honestly, with all the dumb money Arte's been throwing around the past couple years, I kinda feel like getting Tanaka should have been a no brainer.
  19. That's what happens when you walk around staring at your phone like a douchebag.
  20. Met Vladdy at The Block one time, probably the biggest nicest guy you could meet.
  21. That blow to Pierz's head was the greatest thing ever. Barret was like, "Hold on buddy, you ain't goin' nowhere" then BAM! Haha Pierz never even saw it coming.
  22. Not on Pedro at all, but Zim apologized sincerely the next day, and all was well. People make mistakes sometimes, and Zim owned up to his like a man.
  23. So it looks like this back thing may be a problem for Trout in the long run...not good.
  24. I think the first time I was "introduced" to Zimmer was when this happened. But seriously, RIP, I'm sure he was a great baseball guy and unfortunately I never got to see much of him.
  25. My ex has 6 cats. I can't imagine the looks the new guys she brings over make when they see them all over the house. Or they don't care, who knows.
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