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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Love playing guitar. Played in bands, recorded music, all that stuff, but as you get older it tends to fade away. My most recent purchase was a Line 6 Spider IV head unit that I fiddled with a couple months ago. It was perfect tone wise, but its not tubes, so it had some whack reverb echo when I'd palm mute, and it drove me nuts. Overall was unsatisfied so I returned it. Still looking for a good head unit, might check out the 51/50 I've always liked those but I think it's harder to find one in good condition. Guitars: Schecter Damien 6 Diamond Series ESP F-200 Yamaha acoustic Brownsville (Les Paul mockup) Carlo Robelli (my first electric, bought it off a buddy for $50) Rig: Fender Stage 185 Marshall Cab Boss ME 70 guitar effects pedal
  2. I'm curious what you guys think about a chick with a cat outline tattoo?
  3. Get used to it guys, plenty more where that came from. I can already see him endorsing arthritis medication and a new form of Viagra in 20-30 years.
  4. Honestly, I see some matches. But those guys in 2002 just seemed to play much better fundamental baseball, "smart aggressive" is a good way to describe it. I don't remember scratching my head as much with them as I do with a lot of the guys currently on our team.
  5. There should be an option for "Anyone but Frieri"
  6. Can't possibly be on Sunday night baseball, we're not playing the Yankees...
  7. What an astronomical waste of money that was.
  8. Ugh thanks for using your head on that slide into first HAMBONE.
  9. That is probably one of the uglier cars I have ever seen.
  10. Oh man can't get enough, and I see this stuff happen all the time. Surprised they would even try on ice. Stupid (hot) chicks and their stupid high heels
  11. Yah actually I didn't even check, I just assumed they had to have made it sometime in the past two decades and just never got far...I guess not.
  12. This is absolutely embarrassing considering a majority of the players on this team are veterans.
  13. Do other teams play like this? Ever? I've watched a lot of baseball and it sure doesn't seem like it. I swear its like the Angels are the only team to have guys that do things and go through streaks like they never played a baseball game ever before in their life. Even if they had 10 successful years elsewhere, they get here, and it's like they've never picked up a bat or glove. Drives me insane.
  14. Mike Scioscia's chonies the night after having his way at the clubhouse lasagna buffet.
  15. Some dude at ST the first time Hambone hit a homer for us, a fan in the stands apparently yelled "BOMBSAUCE" and it stuck. And whether it sounds horrible or not, I assure you, it's here to stay.
  16. Yup. He absolutely kills rallies and has no business being in the 3 hole. 5th at the HIGHEST IMO until he gets that average up past .280, I'm sick and tired of him screwing things up for this team just cause he can't get his f**kin' head out of his ass.
  17. Yeah I saw the Marlins in first place a week or two ago at the bar and I almost had to check 3 times to make sure I wasn't reading the standings wrong. The Royals always kinda seem to be streaky, but are kinda like the Ath's where even if they make the postseason they don't last very long.
  18. LOL I went straight to page 11 haven't even seen the score and unfortunately it looks like Pujols is still swinging like crap.
  19. Not a pic, but hilarious nonetheless. http://youtu.be/dTcv5q4WfMM
  20. Watch some Burt Wonderstone, some of Jim Carey's best work as of late.
  21. With all the stupid money the Angels have been throwing around I wouldn't have minded getting him.
  22. Arguing age is beyond irrelevant at this point. Doesn't matter how old he is, his head is what's killing him. I can see him suddenly figuring it out and locking in, but when that happens is really going to be up to him.
  23. Use of t'was. Slap hands. .... Pujols doesn't need to sit on the bench, it just makes him push harder, makes him worse. He just needs a good real talking to, and I'm not sure he'll get that here. His head has not been the same since he switched uniforms. Can't even imagine him breaking to 3rd like that in St. Louis, even when he was 6-10 years younger.
  24. At this point the guy should just be a full time left out. Guy is useless.
  25. Everyone on the team doing something except for Albert. Put that bum in the 8 slot already.
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