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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Love Hud, always will. What are you listening to them on? Sirius?
  2. And Pujols continues to follow with a first pitch pussy girly fly ball.
  3. Sounds like the Pirates are in for a bit of a surprise.
  4. Sounds like Skip might finally have some competition at the clubhouse lasagna buffet.
  5. I think my eyes have lost 6 months of sight. Thanks DB.
  6. Honestly I see myself giving Grilli at least till August before I start grilling him on his performance.
  7. Not a fan of the grilled cheese thing. Makes no sense. Hopefully the folks running the show at the big A, or perhaps the fans, can do better than that.
  8. Honestly, I see him getting rocked in the NL.
  9. I don't get how people are saying he's unreliable? Guy had an ERA under 3 since 2011, just this season he's started to taper off, but the guy obviously has some quality stuff and an idea of what he has to do out there. Much better than Ernesto "deer in the headlights" Frieri.
  10. Guess to me it doesn't matter how much movement a pitch has if you can never consistently close out games, especially when you're put in a role to do so.
  11. Difference is playing on the Pirates, he'll probably have outings where the team is a couple runs behind...
  12. Honestly, a consistent closer can do wonders for a team's ego. I'd give this guy as many chances to blow it as they did to Frieri, that's for sure.
  13. Grilli's had a rough first half, doesn't mean he can't turn it around for the second one.
  14. Probably not. When you're not impressed by a pitcher you tend to not pay much attention to them.
  15. At this point I don't care who it is I'm so happy I don't have to hear about Frieri trotting out from the bullpen to ruin whatever lead we had.
  17. Never saw his fastball have movement, nor have I ever been impressed by him in any capacity for an extended streak of appearances. But maybe that's just me.
  18. "Oh you went 2-4 in the leadoff spot lastnight starting a first inning rally that scored two runs? Time for a day off." -Mike Scioscia
  19. Any capacity of Frieri's "success" has little to do with using his stuff to get out of a jam, it has more to do with the other team failing to capitalize on the mistakes he inevitably makes.
  20. Kinda reminds me of Homer's hammer. Except this one looks like it works pretty well.
  21. I've done so many interviews that I thought went so well, and then they never called. Eventually I found a great job, but basically before that it got to a point where I'd interview, leave, then just try not to think about it because I was sick of waiting for a call and not getting one. Applying for jobs, doing interviews, and all that stuff is freakin' hard work, and getting nothing out of it really starts wearing on you. In any case, best of luck happybat!
  22. That jingle, with the tone of the kids voice, and the man that comes on after, just sounds so...rapey.
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