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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. 3 Scoreless innings from the BP? Can it be done?
  2. That's why I don't get why Scioscia insists on letting other pitchers come in to give it away when he should instead let Weaver work his way out of it.
  4. Oh gawd. Just freakin' let Weav stay in for craps sake.
  5. On the freaking hanging curveball again. I bet that thing was just floating there with icing on it.
  6. Yeah I hate to say it but right now he really is a useless gaping hole in the lineup. Never thought I'd prefer him NOT come up to bat, but he's just been awful. And staring at his dumb home run shots that barely clear the wall are pretty much unnecessary. Hit one 489 like Trout then MAYBE you can stand there and watch, hot shot.
  7. Its hard to feel bad for Pujols and all the mad dogging he gets when most of it is well deserved.
  8. Looks like Weav just left that breaking ball hanging...lets hope he can hold this rare lead he has...
  9. Pretty amazing that Pujols even with his enlarged testicular issues that screwed up his baserunning on Sunday, that he's able to go out there and play 2 games in a row.
  10. Yup. Those are some great qualifications to go by, no doubt.
  11. Yeah and if you take out all of Alberts bad games, he's hitting like .265. Clearly dominant performance wise over fancy pants Trout.
  12. Dude has been nothing but a dramatic headache the second he put on an Angel uniform.
  13. Albert "black hole smack dab in the most important spot in the lineup" Pujols.
  14. With only one out Mike shoulda loaded the bases instead.
  15. These are the types of games you look back at when September comes around and you're 2 or 3 games from a playoff spot, games that you should have had a good chance to win but ridiculous boneheaded plays cost the game, and potentially a playoff spot for the team. Lots of baseball to play, sure, but you gotta take advantage of chances to win every day.
  16. Was glad to see him toss yesterday in the 8th. His stuffs got some good movement, liked that slider, much more promising than Frieri at this point that's for sure. Looks like he's maybe just lost his accuracy a bit. The fastballs were juuuuust missing the plate, but hopefully thats something Butcher (HAHA!) can help him with.
  17. Not so hard to tell people they suck at interviewing when you're the guy doing the interviews all the time.
  18. Game starts at noon, probably won't end till 7 or 8.
  19. Yeah, cause Trumbo was anything but a head case after his HR Derby appearance. Not comparing the two at all, but its a day of swings and approaches you would never do otherwise. No reason for it. Play in the All Star game, pass on the HR Derby. Nobody cares about it anyway.
  20. I've never had a problem with Oakland. They play in a shit stadium, they've always gotten guys that have great swings, they know good pitching, they work with what they have, and their unis are sick. Kinda hard for me to hate on them. They just know how to play ball.
  21. I've just about seen enough of David Freese. Time to dump the guy or pull a Frieri. Definitely not an improvement at 3rd.
  22. This is becoming more and more standard nomenclature around here, and Lol Freese is not helping his cause.
  23. Dude I like this Cron guy. He's got pop and I like his swing.
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