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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. No reason Calhoun should not be in the starting line up every single day.
  2. Feels like it too! Seems almost every time I check out the Angel score, we're winning. Sure feels nice.
  3. Coulda gone either way. Too close to take though, that's for sure.
  4. Eh. I'm all about the A's losing, but I'm pretty sure that wasn't a strike. They got hosed on the call, but it doesn't make a difference. That's baseball.
  5. Noice. Oakland hopefully has to cool down some time...
  6. You really think that? Cause to me he acted like he drank a case of Redbull during broadcasts, if he was stoned there's no way he'd be so amped up. BTW it would probably be a blast to do it with Hud.
  7. Hud is a great example of a someone who did something with his life despite the fact he enjoys a good toke every now and then.
  8. It's definitely the least dangerous drug out there, and there's no reason it should be illegal, but it's not harmless. I've witnessed a good number of intelligent folks lives turn to nothing thanks to their inability to quit being a stoner.
  9. I'd feel bad for the Texas Rangers if Dallas were a true baseball town, but it's not.
  10. Honestly though, read this question over a couple times. Read it 5 if you have to. I still have no clue what the hell he's asking. Imagine being on live TV and having to respond? I'd be lost. It's getting to the point where I'm thinking one day Mota's gonna just straight up quit with the Mota-ism's, speak perfect coherent English without an accent, and start asking regular questions that make sense. And everyone watching is gonna be stumped like "what the heck is going on?" And Mota's gonna proceed to look straight into the camera and exclaim "Got ya!" like it was some kind of running joke for the past 5+ years.
  12. Glad to hear all is well. But I don't get it. If you're gonna spend that much money on a car you obviously understand that you're also taking on the responsibility of having to overpay to replace anything that goes wrong with it. So I don't see what the big deal/surprise is when you have to spend that much to get it fixed. Shocking.
  13. the funny parts when he puts his hands on his head because he can't believe what an ass he just made of himself
  14. Yeah I remember watching this happen, but I didn't know what it was from. Thanks to instant replay we now might be able to fix terrible calls like that. Congrats to Aybar. He's got grit and he deserves to be there. That bunt he made against Toronto the other night was spectacular.
  15. If Calhoun sits out another game for stupid platooning Scioscia should be fired.
  16. WHAAAAT? How come I did not know this until now. I thought we were supposed to throw a party when that happened? Or did my invite just get lost in the mail?
  17. Still, considering the number of people that enter the Pacific Ocean every day, the chances of actually getting bit are extremely low.
  18. And yet sadly, it is becoming all too common for the two to be considered the same thing.
  19. I'll take any fine whiskey/bourbon/scotch on the rocks, and will try anything new. I'm not snobby and enjoy them all for what they are. I actually enjoy Gentleman Jack on the rocks at a bar from time to time. This place called The Cellar in Fullerton does "on the rock" drinks with unique whiskeys and liquors with a big solid single cube, the way it should be done, so fancy. Really like smelling the oaky smokey accents on some of the fancier ones before sipping, and something about it going down just warms me up inside. Much prefer it over wine or beer tasting, that's for sure.
  20. Not to mention Calhoun has been a terrific lead off hitter these past couple weeks where we've been getting hot thanks to him finding ways to get on base, steal, and score early in the game. Why you'd want to take the bat out of his hands is just plain dumb.
  21. MMMMMMMM...Delicious delicious hate...I especially enjoy that it comes in the waffle fry shape. Maybe the reason INO is not at the top is because most people don't think it's as good? Whoda thunk that's how these things work.
  22. Bottom line: No reason Calhoun should be sitting, no reason Pujols still deserves to be penciled in the 3 spot, period.
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