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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. The Trout bow and arrow is just as good, if not better than the Pujols one. Love to see those guys working together!
  2. He did. And Langston even said the Angels send Rodney and his crooked hat back to the dugout. Just a great inning all around.
  3. Doesn't matter. I'm sure he'll hear about it and that's all that matters.
  4. We've been dealing with a lot of crap the past 4 years, and it's nice to finally see a team with some fight in them. Every day there's a new hero on the team, every player finds some way to contribute to victory, they're playing like a team, having fun, and there's a lot of camaraderie going on in that dugout. Not to mention they're led by one of the greatest ballplayers to ever play the game. Doesn't matter what happens at the end of the season, this is one of the most exciting teams I've seen in a while. GO HALOS!
  5. Honestly a lot of success in hitting can be brought by looking at the position of the defense before you step in the box, and looking to put the ball in places they ain't. So on a shift for Hamilton, he should be looking to to throw his bat out to push or bloop a ball to left field for something away. Nope, his swing is that he's looking to pull it no matter how far off the plate it is. And when you're looking to pull no matter what an outside pitch is going to turn into a roller right into the shifted infielders. If there's something inside he can turn on, by all means try to jack it. But this is the majors and guys are going to do whatever they want, so he's swinging for the fences all the time. Another thing a poster referred to was Gubi saying there's no reason to be watching on 3-0. And I completely agree with this. Especially with a guy like Trout, indisputably the best hitter in the game. Why on earth would you tell the guy to sit there and watch a salami that everyone in the stadium and their mothers KNOW is coming when he could easily jack it over the fence. It defies all logic. Then, when pitchers start catching on that he may be swinging at 3-0, they might be a little hesitant to not throw one down the pipe, and wah-lah, we instead got a walk, a free runner, instead of it being 3-1 and the pitcher getting back into the at-bat.
  6. Love this kind of "smart" baseball RallyMo and can't say I disagree at all. Getting into a teams head by keeping them on their toes is one of those intangibles I think we should be considering at all times. Not saying Hamilton should bunt everytime, but if he's up there with nobody on base to start the inning, fuggit.
  7. Honestly I don't care what any of these damn writers think anymore, they're rarely right and when they're wrong it's not like there's any accountability for the bullshit they spewed months or years in advance.
  8. Holy crap before I even opened my thread this was going to be my post and bingo! It was the first post. I'll go with...deleting threads!
  9. Psh, good one tdawg ...I'm just in a good mood. And I do so much of the opposite in 99% of my participation, I guarantee nothing sticks to this schnoz.
  10. Am I the only one not a moderator/admin that wasn't up in arms about the thread going away? There was a crap ton going on in that thread, and I knew it'd be back after a little work and review, sometimes you just gotta bring in the reins a bit before it gets out of control. No need for an apology Chuck, you guys do your best around here and we get away with a lot of crap. Just glad to be a part of the community.
  11. As long as he doesn't have his mom take a picture of him standing next to Street, I think so too.
  12. Didn't see him. As long as Calhoun stays at leadoff I can see good things coming from this lineup.
  13. Damn what a game. Had a good feeling after that Trout double. Dude wins us games.
  14. Trout is just....the best fu**in baseball player I have ever seen.
  15. Games been going on so long I totally forgot.But yes this is correct, I apologize.
  16. I was worried that ASB might put a little kink in our step. Tonight isn't a for sure...let's just hope it's one of those get in the groove games. At this point guys just wanna go home. Also...shouldn't have pulled Aybar skip. You should never pull Aybar for a pinch runner you dumb dumb man.
  17. I was totally considering going to this game too. It'd be worth it if they sold beer after the 7th.
  18. This is probably the smartest and only thing I agree with when it comes to Gubi. No reason to watch the best pitch of the at bat because of the count. You're up there to hit your pitch.
  19. Surprised they threw Trout anything to hit. He should have mammo'd that one.
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