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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Oh no doubt. Gubi is downright terrible.
  2. Cannot believe we got out of that, especially with a former Angel at the plate. So it looks like we would have been better off keeping both Callaspo and Hunter at this point...
  3. Just dump the bum right now. Give the young kids a chance to get some experience before the Post Season comes around. I'm sick of Josh and all his stupid bulls*** effort and lax expressions.
  4. LOL Terry Smith "Josh has left due to left knee soreness" Either Josh is the biggest pussy in the world or the Angels don't want to publicly acknowledge he got benched for being a f***in' lazy douchebag.
  5. If Scioscia really did bench him, good on him and good on Langston for making the stink he did.
  6. Why did they give Torii up? Never made sense to anyone on here as far as I remember.
  7. Awesome just what we need is giving up bombs.
  8. Hamilton has just been removed from the game in the 4th inning. No word if it is injury or lack of hustle related.
  9. Love how Langston is not afraid to say whats on his mind. He went on for a good couple minutes about how terrible Josh looked out there.
  10. 5 K's in a row, 7 K's vs the first 9 batters
  11. 6 K's in the first 8 batters. What the hell happened to these guys?
  12. REALLY reminds me of how the teams of the past couple years appeared on the field.
  13. No he's just a lazy f*** that doesn't even belong on this team.
  14. Honestly at this point, it was STUPID not to pay Torii Hunter to finish out his career here. Basically gave the guy away cause we didn't want to pay him, then overpaid doucebag Hamilton.
  15. Wow Langston just called out Hamilton barely moving to first, said "I can't stand that. Put your head down and show some effort." "It takes no talent to run hard." Awesome.
  16. The guys complete inability to adjust to off speed pitches astounds me.
  17. Odd the gifs Eric comes across collecting and posting considering his feelings towards feelines... I guess some of us are more fortunate than others... If you do ever decide to rescue a cat and you see two of them, instead of splitting them up you should take both. They are probably siblings and if so, they will have a much better chance of surviving because they will thrive off each others recognizable cries the first few weeks. Not only that, but as they grow up they will have someone to play with and not be so much of a pain in the ass to you, the owner. It's a little bit more of a chore nursing and getting them to use the kitty litter box because you have to do it with 2 instead of 1, but after a week or two and they're trained and they get healthier and start wrestling and chasing each other it's totally worth it. Here are 2 kittens I found abandoned a couple months ago. One was barely moving, they were starved and riddled with fleas and probably not going to last another day in their condition. They were crying non-stop and I couldn't take just leaving them. Took them to a 24 hour vet they did a flea bath and gave me milk and food for free. At 6 weeks old they gave them their vaccine shots for free too. I nursed them to health for a week or two, potty trained, and got them all healthy to eat dry food. After about a month, I found a nice home for them (I just wanted to keep them alive, I never intended on having them forever). Really quite an experience.
  18. Yeah. That's what I said was confusing. Either they don't apply what they use to win during the season once the playoffs come around, or what they do during the season doesn't work in the playoffs. Add the fact they have to battle to get there and you'd just think being there 50% of the time the past 14 years would eventually get them in a position to win the World Series.
  19. Well from what I recall the Braves typically cruised into the playoffs with a 5-10 game lead to take their division. In the West there's typically some kind of race until the end, so it's not like the A's are making it in without having to battle for the spot. It's a bit more competitive in the West, you've got to earn your way there.
  20. I'd be fine with him pitching for us. Might crap the bed in the playoffs though, me thinks.
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