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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. We finally have our 9th inning man. Seems like it's been so long.
  2. Howie doesn't play baseball very well for a black guy.
  3. That's fine, doesn't mean I felt this confident about going into the 9th with a 1 run lead.
  4. I think it's safe to say Street knows what he's doing. Not to mention our bullpen and Skaggs did a spectacular job tonight.
  5. Yah its been a long time since I felt this confident about going into the 9th with a lead.
  6. Eddings should go play in traffic with Hamilton and Freese.
  7. I like the running play but feel like McDonald should have bunted the ball. Aybar on 2nd is almost just as useful as him being on 3rd minus the tag up.
  8. Looks like that pitch was right down the pipe and McDonald pulled the bat back?
  9. Most beards longer than a 1/2 inch have always looked like pubes to me. I don't get it. I don't grow them. I don't think there's that many chicks that dig them either.
  10. Who is this guy on the mound and what did he do with our Jepsen?? Eh, who gives a crap, let's just keep this guy.
  11. BTW this is why I have no problem with computer generated balls and strikes. Imagine this was a playoff game. Ridiculous.
  12. WTF? Skip shoulda got booted from the game for that horrendous call. Absolutely terrible. Ump should be fired.
  13. It really would be a shame if Hamilton was hurt and couldn't play for a couple weeks...
  14. Would SO much rather have Navarro than Hamilton in that spot. FU** YOU HAMILTON!
  15. You know what we want Trout. Give it to us baby.
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