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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. All you had to do was take 2 seconds to look up Vernon Wells on Baseball-Reference.com and you would know that was a terrible transaction. Why the organization even took time to contemplate taking him on is probably the most mind boggling baseball trade I have ever seen in my life. Thank gawd the Yankees gave us a little relief from that crap.
  2. I think what's most interesting is I didn't mind the format before, but this 1 game winner goes to the postseason crap has really opened my mind as to how weak the format is and what a crapshoot it is even for great teams because of how divisions are split and who they play and what not. We're not seeing the best teams get to the playoffs, and I think the original wild card was good at fixing that problem. I think the biggest issue is the 1 game thing. We all know anyone can win in one game, not necessarily the best team. That's what bugs me the most. And if we just split the teams into NL and AL teams, no divisions, there's really no reason for playoffs, you'd just have the top teams from both leagues play a 7 game World Series and that would be it. So I just see this 1 game thing exposing the layout of MLB more than ever. There's got to be some way to keep the 4th best team with a possible 100 win record from getting knocked out of the playoffs by the 5th best team in another division with an 85 win record in 1 game.
  3. They're in the kitchen making us sandwiches... ...right where they belong.
  4. Pfff! Now we all know that's not neccesary. Anyone who wanted Wood to replace anyone in our lineup obviously wasn't paying attention. But this thread is about Aybar...My dad used to tell me something about baseball and being aggressive on the basepaths and he would say "If you're forcing the opposition to make a perfect throw to get you out, and you end up being out, you just gotta hand it to the other team for doing a bang up job." And I think that's exactly what Aybar does, so sometimes it may look bone headed to us, but I really think he uses that mentality all the time and I love it. Now Pujols on the other hand...
  5. Yeah I mean we had a "closer" in the role after K Rod left, but they were never quite guys that shortened the length of the game like Street and the rest of the bullpen is now doing. They're REALLY getting it done and when you can get a lead before the 6th then bring in a new arm for the next 3 innings that keeps the opposition off balance and we're all beginning to see what kind of advantage it brings to the table. Teams are sitting there in the 5th inning thinking they still got a couple innings to catch up and before they know it it's the 9th and in 10 pitches the game is over. Truly an advantage we have missed the past 3+ years. As much as I hate to say it guys like Fuentes and Frieri just never gave me that secure "this game is over" vibe like K Rod, Percy, and now Street is doing.
  6. Well would you look at that, big guy m0nkey sitting behind his computer using those tough adult words! *quivering in my seat*
  7. "On the other side, Jeter's was obviously spontaneous, which makes it all the better." OBVIOUSLY.
  8. Yeah the 02 road uniforms and I think a season or two after that are the only ones that say Anaheim. Once Arte bought the team, they went away. Major points if it has a world series patch, but I supposed you could always buy the patch and have it attached. In my opinion, they are the greatest uniform the team has ever had.
  9. I've almost considered going straight to an atm and asking people I see wearing them if they'd take $200 cash.
  10. They're hard to find but pop up on eBay from time to time. Even harder to find is one with the World Series patch on them. If I had the money back then I would have bought one with Glaus on it, our World Series MVP.
  11. Why anyone would want Hamilton at this point is beyond me. All he's doing is costing us outs.
  12. Josh needs to be traded ASAP. Eat his contract, don't care. Guy doesn't give a shit, and there's no reason we should give a shit about him.
  13. ? It's spelled exactly how it's pronounced. Not that hard at all.
  14. I got to watch 1 hour of TV a day growing up...then it was off with the tv, go outside and ride your bike, get my clothes dirty, get some excercise. Honestly now though, the shit bores me to hell, it feels like a complete waste of time, most programs I have watched are complete garbage. I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything at all. However I do appreciate movies like Snatch, Fight Club or Dark Knight. I will go to the movies every so often. And no I don't miss Trout play every day...all the highlights and plays can be found on MLB.com, also from time to time I catch the replay games at the bar. I'l be damned if any motherf**ker puts their grimey fingers on my Jaguar. Other people who wash or vacuum my car SUCK. It takes me an hour on a Sunday out in the beautiful Cali sun. I do it right, it looks great when I'm done, and I have no problem with that.
  15. Calhoun is absolutely raking it and IMO has earned his leadoff spot for the rest of the season. He also makes great plays when they come to him, but consistently, Aybar is the one making the most tough plays look routine, and comes up with a great which seems like every day.
  16. Hey! What was Hank Conger doing in the stands?
  17. Because I'm way cool and don't have cable television (HaloMagic loves this about me). I don't watch TV anyway, so the only thing I'd be buying it for is baseball. Plus there's lots of other things I can do when I'm listening to the game.
  18. It was very close to tell, even on the GameDay video, but at that point why not challenge it when it's so late in the game?
  19. Shocking unpredictable post by HaloMagic.
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