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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Jesus Albert that'd be your second ground into double play if Trout didn't save your ass on the last one. Pathetic.
  2. A buncha guys yelling "ALBERT!" you can hear them all over the stadium lol
  3. These guys on the Rays do not look they are interested in playing at all.
  4. Certainly appears that way. He's DHing though so we won't know until he comes up to bat.
  5. That's some quality contact there Howie.
  6. Had a hard time putting on that wrist protector. He's smiling at 2nd like he knows it's broke. More sitting on the couch gettin paid $20+ Million to eat popcorn.
  7. Awesome. Hambone gets hit in the hand with a fastball. Just what we need.
  8. Hell yeah Grilli continues to be solid...
  9. Wow Molina swinging at the first pitch wouldja look at that...
  10. 1st one to Lonie in for a strike...THAT'S WHAT I LIKE TO SEE FIRST PITCH STRIKES
  11. Freese butterfingers the ball like a little leaguer then proceeds to compound it by sailing it wide of first. What. The. Hell. I think he could have even gone home on that.
  13. God freaking dammit Albert think you could be a bit less predictable?
  14. HAMBONE with a homer. Only 7 on the year? YEEEESH.
  15. Jesus Jose is huge what happened to him .194? Sheesh.
  16. Speaking of Shuck, turning the month on my Angel Calendar to August brings me to a photo sequence of Shuck making that crazy catch in left field last year. Would be nice to score some early runs today. Get that starter outta there after 6, then give it to our bullpen for some quick 7th, 8th, and 9th inning work.
  17. If it's not his hand it's his knee, rinse, repeat, yada yada.
  18. Ed both of your lengthy posts are exactly correct and the fact that we've allowed these 2 bozo's to get away with such putrid performance because we've "gotten used to it" after the past couple years really is sad. These guys are supposed to be carrying the team, and instead this team has done nothing but catered to and carried them while they still hit under .300 and rarely come up with a clutch hit. Some of the swings I see these guys take are downright embarrasing. I'm not saying they don't come through every once in a while, but the amount of hustle we see from Aybar and Trout compared to what we see from Pujols and Hamilton is substantial and dissapointing for what they're getting paid, and the amount of respect we showed by giving them multi-year contracts. These should be the 2 hardest working hardest playing hardest hustling players on the team and we just don't see it most the time. Really they should be dissapointed by themselves, and if they are, they sure don't act like it.
  19. You know what QM? You're absolutely right. We've got almost everyone else on the team pressing and contributing as much as they can, then we have these 2 bozos getting paid more than everyone else and underperforming. Imagine where this team would be if these 2 jergoffs could get their freakin' heads out of their arses. It's one of those things that we've just gotten used to watching them, but really it's unacceptable. I don't know if it's Skip's managing technique or why these two can't figure it out, but they're supposed to be the icing on the cake as far as offense goes and I just haven't seen it. And I'm pretty fed up with the team having to carry these 2 when it really should be the other way around. If these 2 guys can start hitting .300 like they're SUPPOSED to, there's no reason we wouldn't already be in 1st place.
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