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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. I rarely if ever give people straight up cash. I've bought food for people numerous times, and actually got formula and diapers for one woman who had a baby and more kids than I will ever have. However if there are stores/restaurants I visit and I see someone there asking for money, I usually will see them again when I go back. What's the job?
  2. BoSux & Stankee games during the playoffs are the absolute worst. The pitchers moves so freakin' slow the game basically comes to a crawl. They win by wearing the hell out of the other team.
  3. From what I have read not only do patellar injuries look extremely painful, but it appears that often times this type of injury requires surgery. I would not expect Richards to return to the team anytime this season, and hopefully its something that doesn't affect his career long term.
  4. If I hadn't become a poster here, I'd never have become single.
  5. It looks like he might have hyper-extended a muscle/ligament when his ankle got caught underneath him and he went down. Might not ever pitch the same if it nags him even after he gets better.
  6. It sucks, but we can still make it to the postseason. Just gotta get some quality starts by the guys who take Richards' place.
  7. This team is cursed. We get players that are good on other teams, then suck when they get to us. We have some of our best performing team members get hurt, that greatly impact our performances. Just another notch on the headboard.
  8. Sucks because there really wasn't even a play at 1st.
  9. Just another freak Angels accident. This f***ing team, man.
  10. Josh doesn't belong in center field when we have Trout. Period. Fielding center has nothing to do with being terrible at recognizing pitches and whiffing at junk.
  11. Yeah the Superman ride is controlled by magnets and computers. The computer system has been updated since then so the ride doesn't have nearly as many breakdowns, but back when the ride opened it had a slew of problems. It really was one of the most technologically advanced rides at the time, it used a lot of power, and it was the first of it's kind. Basically the car has a huge magnet underneath it, and the dozens of white rails you see along the launch track are also magnets that are electronically controlled by the computer system. They create +/- polarity in the magnets in order to launch the car. When the ride breaks down, the electronically controlled magnets shut off, so there's no way to slow the car upon returning to the station. The solution and safest way to slow the car, was to have a series of permanent magnets with similar polarities behind the station, not controlled by computers, that reacted with the car magnet whether the power to the ride was on or not, and it slows the car as quickly as possible. That's basically what happened during your ride, and I assure you, nobody was in danger. If you're ever at the park and look at the top of the Superman tower, you can see the exact same magnets at the end of the track. They're brownish/black, and they do the same thing in case the ride was ever launched too fast so that it wouldn't hit the top of the track or go flying off. In fact when the ride first opened, and a little while after it reopened as Superman Backwards, the cars actually did clip those permanent brakes at the top of the tower, because the car actually hit 100+ MPH. Now you don't typically see it go as high because they don't launch as fast. It keeps the ride from breaking down often and puts less wear and tear on the ride/computer system overall. Was a ride mechanic at Magic Mountain for a year, and worked on a couple of the rides including Superman, so I know quite a bit about the rides from firsthand experience.
  12. Really quite amazing how some people only post manipulated Facebook photos to make themselves look so much more attractive than they really are.
  13. Maybe it's just me, but I NEVER take anything anyone says about a player or the team in that thread seriously, and I don't think anyone really means anything by it. To me it's more like a commentary of if you were actually at the game, or if you're listening to the radio, or watching on TV and are just like "Godda**it Aybar get yer head outta yer ass!" And I don't think anyone else should take it that serious either. If the posters in there didn't like watching the team, or really didn't like the team, they wouldn't be posting. But if you're just trying to clean up the boards, I understand. However, I feel like there's a lot of stuff said and posted in so many other threads on the site, the hangout forum for example, that I don't really see what the difference is. Not trying to be difficult and will try out the chat, I'm just kinda putting it out there. However I don't think I've ever really said anything that applies to what Chuck is talking about in the GDT.
  14. Honestly that blown save/loss on Sunday it was pretty evident that Street was a little worn out from the previous 2 games, he wasn't fooling anyone. Not sure if closers are used to pitching 3 nights in a row, because it seems like it's been so long since we had a decent one, but maybe we shoulda gone with someone else after 3 hits in a row. Either way, it seemed like everyone understood what happened on Sunday and it was great to see him back in action tonight.
  15. Hamilton needs someone to take a 2x4 and knock some freakin' sense into him. Lacking confidence is an understatement. His performance the entire time he's been here has been pathetic. And his lax attitude does not fit in with the dynamic we're looking for on this team. Can't stand the guy or his playing. And the striking out 7 times in 2 games, well, at this point he's really only embarrassing himself. I think that'd been different if we would have known what the alternative was going to be, and for how much.
  16. I love that we finally have consistent lineups for the most part. It seems to be working. The shuffling Scioscia used to do almost every game was ridiculous.
  17. The park is not as bad as it was about a decade ago in regards to gang activity, but it's tough to keep the low lifes from LA away when you have a bunch of crazy rides that people want to go on. I go to the park about once a year because I love some of the rides, but cannot stand the lethargic employees, the bullsh*t policies that they decide to enforce or not enforce, and the poor operations with regards to how long it takes to get on the rides sometimes. Lucky! You were one of few to ride it when it still had the -1 G "double dip" which was apparently one of the best parts of the ride. Colossus was "neutered" shortly after it opened due to an overweight woman who was flung from the ride at the double dip because she was not restrained properly. The double dip was removed, and was replaced with what is now a mid course brake run, however you can still see the double dip underneath the brake run in the structure of the ride. And like aaronkv said, it hasn't been announced yet, but it's pretty much expected that they will be turning the ride into a steel rail coaster done by Rocky Mountain Construction. I like the ride too, but it will definitely be an improvement over what the ride is now.
  18. Like many things that become "popular" these days, I dun geddit. Is it really a challenge to dump a bucket of ice water over your head?
  19. Calhoun is the sh*t. Reminds me of Erstad in the field, love the way he bats to all sides of the field and he's got pop, he's got a good head on his shoulders, he doesn't make dumb mistakes on the basepaths, and overall he's a freakn' beast. IMO a big reason why this team has been successful so far this season.
  20. Well, I disagree with a lot of the posters on here and think Richards not only wanted to stay in the game, but it was his game to stay in through the 8th until the Rangers at least showed they were capable of scoring another run off him. However, I will say if Skip was gonna pull him so reactionly, he shouldn't have put him out there in the 8th to begin with. He was ONE pitch away from a double play to end the inning. Stop the babyin' pitch count BS, he may need to do it in the playoffs so it's best he gets used to it. If we lost this game on a Beltre homer, or they god forbid tied the game on a bloop single, I don't think you guys would be having the same tone. I understand what you guys mean by the right move, but if you're gonna put him out there atleast give him a shot to get it done. Pulling him after a base hit was dumb. And we all know our relievers work best starting an inning instead of coming into inherited runners.
  21. Josh with a gift base hit. He looks horrendous up there.
  22. It's like a person walking in traffic on the freeway and the public blaming the driver for running them over like they had any chance to swerve out of the way.
  23. I just don't get suicide stuff. F****ng walk around outside and look up. The chances of being right here in this place at this point in time and being "aware" of it is downright fascinating. Why would you wanna give that up? It's not gonna happen ever again.
  24. Giving Stewart the benefit of the doubt. You really think he wanted to clip the guy? Stewart knows how dangerous hitting a person is, his Nascar reputation is on the line, he's a racer at heart, etc. You're racing on a short track, yellow flag comes out, you slow down, this guy is suddenly in your headlights while you're paying attention to the track and who knows what the hell you'd do. Dude getting out of his vehicle to make a point to a racer with other cars speeding by is downright moronic. If the guy who crashed kept his cool none of this woulda happened.
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