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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Trying to figure out the graffiti in one of those photos..."Money makes the world..." wha? Good stuff.
  2. Awesome, so you rescued a cat, good for you, I applaud you. But based off your experience with cats and dogs you knew what you were getting yourself into. Rescues aren't exactly good at learning new rules, they form habits regardless if it's a cat or dog. If it was mental and abused before you got it then it makes it even more sense why it was a train wreck when it came to going to the bathroom properly. But you didn't mention that in your original post, you didn't say it was a rescue, you just ranted about how a cat you had was a big pain in the ass. And it doesn't really speak truthfully about the habits of cats, or dogs. I rescued a beagle (RIP Sophie) 15 years ago and it was 2, adorable as hell, but the damn thing loved pissing on the carpet if it couldn't go outside, and eventually we all understood why. Tried and tried to train her with discipline (newspaper), or nose rubbing, or scolding, then getting her ass outside, but the poor thing just was too engrained in its previous habits. Now that sucked, but I'm not going to go along saying I don't miss the dog or that dogs suck because it pissed on the carpet. If we got her when she was a puppy, it'd be a whole 'nother story.
  3. Why is it Super Shuttle's problem that you have shitty cell phone service? I'm not arguing, I totally agree it's crappy that they charged you anyway, that's just bad customer service. With all the money they make, they should be able to eat it so you'll actually consider calling them again. But apparently they don't care, hell, they've been around for as long as I can remember. Bet they've been pulling stunts like this for years. But honestly, it's $130, a family getting on an airplane had to be $1000+. Lesson learned, move on. Next time, reserve a limo, it's a lot nicer for a little more coin and you can get buzzed on the way to wherever you have to go.
  4. Makers Mark and ginger. My lord...
  5. Solution: Give them the same damn number you want them to use for both options.
  6. I only clicked into this thread to say I don't care about this at all.
  7. In lieu of the Craig... Recently tried this whisky called Mount Gay and it's fairly cheap but still great. Can only find it at bev-mo. I would recommend it for anyone wanting to try something new.
  8. Sounds like someone doesn't know how to train or raise a cat. I've done both. Not sure you'd be succesful dog owner either. Like with dogs, if you do it right, cats can be some of the friendliest, awesomest, most easiest pets you ever own. Besides fish.
  9. Their curly fries dipped in horsey sauce are crazy good.
  10. Phys seems like a standard commentator, I don't remember much about him. But as far as hating on Hud, I don't get it. IMO he's as good a color commentator as they get, he's everything you could ask for. He's got great outside the box commentary, original baseball instincts and explanations that are spot on. He's not like any of the other ones out there. Sure he doesn't make sense all the time when he gets excited, he can make mistakes with his English, but he's human, he's got a great heart and love for the game and he's freakin' hilarious. I LOVE when he gets amped up! He made listening to the games a lot of fun. I don't get Gubi at all and would take Hud over him in a split second. So glad he was with us in 2002 when we won it all. Icing on the cake.
  11. I don't understand the insistent urge to get Colon. And I don't care about his past steroids crap. When the offense is struggling, the pitching picks them up. When the pitching is struggling, the offense picks them up. We're great the way we are. Going after Colon seems like a desperate attempt. Who knows how he'd pitch with us anyway. No reason to gamble at this point in the season.
  12. "Stay" classy? When an organization and its players have never ever had it, how can you expect it to stay? Have fun in last place, BoSux.
  13. Hey now! He's not rockin' that .174, .181, or .195 anymore! He's still up at .201 after lastnight so he's still the guy we all know and love. Honestly, I don't know how he's even still in the big leagues. Although, I wouldn't call playing for the Marlins neccesarily the bigs... I'm sure the guys got a great heart. I bet he works hard at practice. He probably hits home runs in BP. I'd be honored if he were my son. But I just don't see this talent Sosh always insisted he had behind the plate, and I still can't understand how the hell he swings right through fastballs down the freakin' heart of the plate.
  14. Why the f*** don't the A's swing like that when they're playing us? And honestly I think we've just uncovered a weakness...screw giving them 90+ MPH pitches to jack, keep it at 77 and they apparently don't know what to do with it. As for the comment by Skip, and his constant defense of Mathis making a difference behind the plate, did he forget the one and only time I think I've seen a catcher throw to 1st base when the runner was stealing? The cornerstone of a quality catcher if I've ever seen one. Good thing the 1st baseman was paying attention, he mighta got clunked in the head by the throw or it would have ended up down the right field line allowing the runner to easily score. Real fresh stuff Sosh.
  15. Big Weaver fan, so maybe I'm a bit biased, but I'm not really sure what Weav did wrong tonight? Guys up by a ton of runs, so you challenge them. Sometimes they take advantage. Hold them to 0 runs through 6 innings, you're doing it right. Bout time this team gave him some runs, BTW.
  16. Not worried about Weav tommorow at all.
  17. Probably the best way to gain free respectable exposure to AngelsWin ever. Good move Poozy, only ticked I didn't think of this sooner. Reddit is generally, a decent online community. They have their stinkers, people have their opininons about the site (as do I), but who doesn't? Great place for the latest going-ons, you can find unbiased stories/articles, then there's the other stuff. Perhaps AngelsWin could post their AngelsWin Official Website articles on the subreddit and they would have more exposure to Angel fans who aren't on this site. There are some VERY decent writers on AngelsWin that spend a lot of time compiling their stories, so I think it would be great for them.
  18. Milpool http://youtu.be/8jY6nXob3Q8
  19. Have all the available DVD's up to Season 15 so I can watch all of them at will. "I like pizza, I like bagels, I like hot dogs with mustard and beer. I'll eat eggplant, I could even eat a baby deer la la la la la la who's the baby deer on the lawn..." Best show ever.
  20. Back in 2002 I was watching Game 7 from my buddies house about 5 miles away, and I could hear the thundersticks from the stadium. It was amazing. It felt like the entire community was a part of the game. I hope they hand them out.
  21. The way he got injured was such bs too. Not even that big of a play, Aybar never even ended up throwing it to first. So many other ways the whole thing could have gone down and he'd still be able to play. Had a great season going, even guys on ESPN/QuickPitch were giving him props as the best pitcher this season.
  22. I cannot f***ing believe the absolute terrible luck this team has when it comes to freak injuries.
  23. LOL Farrell's pulling a Scioscia. David Ortiz goes 4-4 with a home run, the best thing to do is get him out of the lineup.
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