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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. 6-0 lol alright guys, let's make these next 7 innings quick defensively. A's ego has to be deflated after this.
  2. Dude the sound off the bat on the radio was redonkulous.
  3. I think it's fine f***ing time the negativity in this thread stops. The Angels are killing it and winning ballgames. Enjoy it. Predicting a Trout K is just dumb.
  4. This is crazy. I would never have guessed the series would have gone this way.
  5. Need a doinker here...c'mon Cole! He ain't swinging 3-1 me thinks.
  6. LOL Kaz. Reason we dumped this guy. Shits the bed when you need him most. A's are splitting at the seams.
  7. This is just amazing how we've performed against this team.
  8. There are a lot of cameras at some of the bigger stores (Wal-Mart, Target, Sears, Best Buy), there are most definitely people watching them, and you most definitely won't get away with stealing stuff. Usually they won't just come up and get you right away if they see what you're doing, they'll let you cruise around think you're getting away with it and steal a couple more things, and wait until you're on your way out the door.
  9. Honestly I was at the game lastnight and the crowd was awesome. The most upbeat most exciting group of people in attendance I have seen in a long time. Fans were actually paying attention to the game, clapping after every strike from Weaver, booing bad ball and strike calls against us, starting chants, it was a breath of fresh air. I seriously think we got in Lester's head in the inning where Aybar bunted for a base hit to load the bases. As soon as he threw ball one to the next batter people saw the possibility, and we were making noise the entire at bat leading up to Lester throwing a pitch, and he ended up walking in another run. He looked pretty pissed after he did that. I think we've just gotten used to the poor fandom at the game because the team has sucked for the past 4 years. It's getting much better. Great field, great fans, cheering in the ramps after the game.
  10. Wow. At the game. That was awesome by Iannetta. Did he break his arm?
  11. It's the "human" aspect of the game. Isn't it fun.
  12. I'm so sick of umpires bullshit reasoning and terrible calls affecting the outcome of the game. Computer generated balls and strikes can't come soon enough.
  13. If you're talking about his first at bat, I didn't think it was a strike either, even the pitch track showed it at the top of the square...but you don't see that called often. Also those outside strikes are a freaking joke.
  14. Excellent point T Dawg, didn't even think about that. Then again I don't care enough to make a stink about our former players winning on other teams mostly because once you're a fan of a player, it doesn't matter which uniform they're wearing. Unless of course you're on the Stankees or BoSux.
  15. LOL are these guys aware of how asshatted and butthurt they look by writing garbage like this? Don't like it? You shoulda paid him! Not to mention all the sh*t they've talked about Pujols since he left. Now he's winning and they want to act like it has something to do with them. What a joke.
  16. We're gonna need more runs if CJ keeps pitching. They're figuring him out real quick.
  17. Ah yes, Angel Dog and Beer I love your username btw, but it is a rum. My mistake. Doesn't belong here...but I don't discriminate my booze, what's good is good. And why oh why did I know when I saw that Eric posted it would be a comment about the Gay...
  18. Haha, thanks Stradling. Really, making people laugh is the goal. I would never put too much weight into my opinions.
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