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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Check out the score, oh sweet, we got a run in the 1st... Bottom of the 1st, 1 out, 1 man on, I'll check back in a couple minutes... 20 minutes later..."WHAT THE F***ING F***!!!!"
  2. I like summer. I can walk around shirtless and let all the babes check out my hot body.
  3. I imagine if she was hot she wouldn't be in this situation to begin with.
  4. Just reading this made me almost upchuck.
  5. The Angels won the West because Trout didn't participate in the HR Derby. -Fact
  6. Wait....did someone actually miss Josh Hamilton not being around? I didn't even notice...
  7. I love Hank Conger, would give him full time catcher if I was Skip. Doesn't matter to me what anybody says about him. Glad he's going to the playoffs with our team.
  8. So f***ing sick of Hamilton. Buncha unwanted distractions the entire time he's been here. Honestly just commit to sitting out the entire postseason we don't need you Josh.
  9. Next stop ALDS! 11 Wins and it's ours!
  10. What a great night! Angels win the west! No way the A's come back!
  11. Angels are going to win the West tonight!!!
  12. Crazy if the A's lose tomorrow the Angels won't really even be able to celebrate on the field because their game will be over before ours begins.
  13. Street makes the top of the 9th inning BORRRINNNNGG.
  14. Crazy Texas almost has as many a losses as we have wins.
  15. Don't think CJ should be out of this game but whatever. Sounds like he won't be pitching from Langston .
  16. This is pretty much not flawless logic at all. Nobody works the same, some people are, some aren't. Traumatic things happen, which can influence behavior. Some people change as they go through life. Regardless, you shouldn't be introduced to strap ons and dildos when you're 10 the same way you shouldn't be introduced to porn.
  17. You mean I can't put on a strap on and then bend over to pretend to shove a dildo up my ass in front of a bunch of sixth graders? BIGOTS!!! BUNCHA F***IN BIGOTS!!!
  18. Good thing I'm not a disgusting person. I guess I should leave a tip because of all the other people who are?
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