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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Big Bang smartly written? Barely. Not really fair to compare Arrested to Big Bang, not even in the same ballpark, really.
  2. Not what I was saying at all. In fact I think we all know this country puts forth valient effort to decrease the destruction of wildlife, and create sustainable ways to maintain our lifestyles. We're not exactly the biggest country on this planet either. Perhaps we're not the best, but we're far far far from the worst, and pointing the finger at us like we have some impact if we do everything we can to fix these issues in our country really doesn't do justice to the capacity of the problem worldwide. America can do whatever it wants responsibly and set an example all they want, but it's a big world and that doesn't mean it's going to fix the problem on a global scale and it doesn't mean other countries will follow suit. In order for any kind of improvement, the entire world has to participate. George Carlin: Earth has been gliding through space for millions of years, encountered long periods of geographical and climate changes, endured destruction, repaired itself, created life and caused death, and will continue to do so for millions of years after we're all gone. The planet is fine. It's the people that are screwed.
  3. Right. Just for us. No other countries in the world with out of control population growth. Solid logic.
  4. I just see Josh dropping a routine pop up with 2 outs giving up the lead and allowing a go ahead run. I also see him whiffing at a 58 foot offspeed pitch with the bases loaded in an 0-2 count. Would love to be proven wrong. At this point it would be great to trade him in the offseason.
  5. Oh god. F*** off. I'm not even worried. And I'm not going to sit here and act like I call a cab because I had a couple beers for dinner. Excuse me for being a real person with real life experiences who can, oh look at that, still be a responsible adult after a couple drinks. 12+ years driving, never been in an accident my entire life.
  6. Best way to remember a persons name is to correlate qualities they have with another person you know of the same name. This helps me. Names too for me go in one ear and out the other, mostly because I'm more concerned with generally meeting a person than just learning their name. I don't know, there's studies or whatever that people tend to really like it when you remember their name, but I've never been that impressed if someone just remembers my name and nothing about me or what we talked about previously. Salespeople remember my name, too ya know. Doesn't mean a whole lot to me.
  7. Not sure what Americans are supposed to do when all the while it's the countries around the world that are 100X worse than we are when it comes to pollution and slaughtering animals. There's no restrictions, some of these people do this to feed their families and survive. Lot's of problems, little control, few solutions. What are we supposed to do? Instead of just writing articles about what the problems are over and over, WWF and the Zoological Society should be coming up with realistic concrete solutions other than vague statements how "It's terrible and needs to be stopped." Haven't they learned their non-proactive methods haven't worked by now?
  8. I just will never understand people who get a boner from driving recklessly on public roads. It annoys me more the older I get. And it's just because they're putting others in danger, I don't care if they're in danger and get hurt because they're idiots. Even worse, they get behind the wheel of a vehicle after drinking, sometimes WAY TOO MUCH, and then decide that's the BEST time to insist on speeding the f*** up like a f***ing idiot? Illogical. I'll admit, I get behind the wheel after a couple beers from time to time, but sh*t you not I drive more careful than I do when I'm sober, and I have absolutely NO impulse to drive more reckless or be an idiot. Wow. Look at the big tough guy! Pushing that pedal ALLLL the way down! We're all SO impressed. This stuff is not just stupid, it's pathetic.
  9. Nope. Not at all. It just so happens the Angels tend to always get the sh*t end of the stick, especially when it matters most. Not a coincidence, at all.
  10. The only reason to watch this show: Kaley Cuoco And even she's not hot enough to get me to turn this garbage on. It's only popular because TBS decided to force it down the publics throat by marathoning it every weekday. It's been researched that the more you see a show/hear a song, the more you're inclined to like it. Keep playing it TBS decided. It'll catch on eventually, no matter how bad it is. They were right. Kinda like the radio/tabloids with Justin Beiber and Miley Cyrus, which are both also garbage.
  11. Aybody watching this? If I was Jeter I'd throw up about now.
  12. I have great eyes, blessed to say the least. But I take good care of them, atleast I think I do. I use eye drops every morning to keep them lubed and wear polarized sunglasses constantly when I'm in the sun. Not that it would improve my vision if it was bad, but I want them to last as long as possible. In fact I almost don't understand how anyone spends an extended period of time out in the sun without them. My great grandmother always used to say "There are 2 things you should always take good care of, your teeth and your eyes. Wear your sunglasses and brush your teeth." Honestly I can't even imagine not being able to see in detail or not be able to read. And at $4,000 to have the ability after both have been taken away seems like a freakin' deal to me, especially from a well know profession. I also wouldn't do the budget thing. Cutting a flap of your cornea open, then pointing a lazer into them, yeah, you want someone who does it right.
  13. Doesn't "close" around 2? Do you mean like for a dinner reset? The only sushi place I've been to in Irvine is Ra at the district, and it has been pretty decent every time I go. But I've never gone for lunch, and have only gone for happy hour, so I have no clue what the menu or prices will be like at 2-3pm. Looks like they open at 11. Too bad there's no I Luv Sushi places in the lower OC area as far as I can tell, they have a Lynn Special roll that is to die for.
  14. "Dredrick, what do you think of Homer Simpson?" "He's a good man. I like him. But I'm definitely going to make orphans of his children." "You know, they DO have a mother?" "Yes, but I imagine she would also die of grief."
  15. I've heard although for the most part you can't prevent thieves from getting into your house, installing a camera system to record what went on during a robbery provides a little bit of "piece of mind" for victoms of this sort of thing. Because that way you actually get to see what went on in your home as opposed to just having to wonder "what did they actually go through, what did they touch?" There's also a chance you get to see what they look like, put a person to the action, and it isn't just some mystery person or group of people you imagine going through your stuff during the period after you discover your home and life have been intruded on. Very sorry to hear about this Tank. I am very fortunate at the lack of robberies in my life and my families, and it reminds me how lucky I have been when I hear stories about this.
  16. Keep in mind he also got to play almost an entire season in the playoffs throughout his career, which netted him another 200 hits. .308 lifetime in the playoffs, not bad at all.
  17. Absolutely. At this point what I've seen from him the past 2 years is a wasted at bat.
  18. I love Weaver but even I'll admit stretching him too thin will not be good for the Angels come the playoffs. Bottom line Wilson and Santiago are what we have, and they need to step the eff up and step the eff up the second the postseason starts if we expect to get past the 1st round.
  19. Olberman can go f*** himself. How anyone can even stand listening to him for even a second is beyond me. Only guy that's worse is Chris Berman during HRD.
  20. Was driving down the 5 the other day, one of those "valuable" sure to have been overpaid by the state information signs on the freeway said "Conserve water, serious drought." Continuing on the 5 I see a sprinkler system, operating at high f**king noon, watering the unappealing, unneccesary shrubbery along side of the freeway. One of the sprinklers was spewing uncontrollably, facing the wrong direction, and raining on passing cars. Way to go California.
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