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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Nice play by Freese there. Can't believe I'm actually saying that.
  2. Seriously we need outs. Keep him out there until he gives up a base hit.
  3. I would have gladly gambled with Santiago instead of putting Wilson out there to predictably give up the lead in the 1st. Instead Skip waits till the 2nd inning when we've already lost the lead.
  4. The same games where he'll pull in a 5 man infield?
  5. O's pulling a Scioscia. Walking the potential winning run for a hopefull double play.
  6. And JD Martinez almost just tied the game.
  7. I agree with the OP, however, it's not that Trout should be up there swinging at the first pitch, it's that he should be READY to hit a salami right down the middle of the plate during every pitch of the at-bat. Why he's up there not taking advantage of the batting practice first pitches he's been given time and time again is really getting old. A lot of the at-bats I've seen on this team during these 2 games have been completely defensive. It's like they're up there guessing, either swinging way early, or way late. They should be up there ready to take advantage of the ONE pitch during the at bat that they don't have to guess at.
  8. Take this guy out of the f***ing lineup please.
  9. Really glad he's on our team. Really showing up when we need him most. YANK HIM NOW!
  10. Sick of the guy. Terrible mentality. Waste of an at bat. Doesn't belong on this team.
  11. Mostly the topic title. I'm seeing unconfident swings. Guys are batting defensively. This is something that changed immediately. Our pitching staff will be fine, but our offense is going to have to stop being scared.
  12. I'm leery that if this happens he will then struggle the rest of the postseason. I'd rather him just stay on a nice even keel and worry about getting basehits when we need it. Of course, that's never going to happen.
  13. I feel good about Pujols and the entire team going forward. Feels like they'll play it like a regular season game, they won't change anything, and it will all fall into place.
  14. Nevermind the annoying font of the post, the fact that an asshat on the sports radio broadcasting microphone --who's getting paid to know his info-- included Ibanez as part of the Angels lineup, completely discredits any opinions he has about the Angels or their chances of winning. I'm going to make a blanket statement: a great majority of these as*holes don't know anything about our team. And MLB as a whole, has been making these kind of mistakes for years. Time to wake up people, we're the ugly duckling of the 30 teams in the entire league. These chatty-cathy's would rather talk about the Dodgers or any other team than the Angels. I can only compare it to the guy on the playground nobody wants to be there, but has stuck to its own for years anyway, and has become a force to be reckoned with. This is why I love it when our team shoves it all straight up their collective asses. It's also testament to the fact that it is assinine to listen to sports radio broadcasters who don't really know what's going on. They merely fill dead airtime with commentary that is equivelent to tabloid news like TMZ or FM "celebrity" radio. Sh*ts a comlete joke. It literally makes you dumb, like Miley Cyrus music or Kanye's latest antics. It's why I just straight up don't listen to the stuff. Unless you've been under a rock for the past 10-20 years, you'd know this by now. I'd love to say /rant, but I'll continue to make posts about it every so often until it's not true. It's ubsurd we're not taken seriously. But for now I'm used to it and will always love the Angels because of the discredit they've been given for the past decade, no matter how well they perform. Go Halos Forever.
  15. Hands down, no question, Jered is my favorite player on the Angels. Yeah there is A LOT of talent on our team. Yeah some people refuse to call him an ace. But the guy has passion and he f**king wants to win every single chance he gets. It all starts with the guy that's throwing the pitch. If you're going to hand the ball to anyone, IMHO Jered deserves to be first in line of any other pitcher in the league. Go #36 Not even worried.
  16. Greatest game KC fans have seen in almost 30 years. I wouldn't leave either.
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