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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. In before the "but they sell hate" crowd. MMMMMMM Delicious Spicy Chik-Fil-A and waffle fry hate....with 8 delicious sauces for dipping hate....MMMMMMMMM
  2. Franchising, without stringent quality control, is a risky move. Here's to hoping In N Out keeps it in the family for the foreseeable future. 3x2, whole grilled onion, add pickles, in a lettuce wrap. A delicious semi-Keto-friendly dinner.
  3. Well just a bit of an update, I didn't get the job I wrote for this thread. But that was okay! I continued applying and was interviewed for another amazing job over the phone. She said I did great and I was asked to come in for an in person interview the next day. So I did. In person interview went great. First I was interviewed by 2 women I'd be working with, and it went well. They said to hold on and that I'd be talking to their boss, who is the Supervisor of the entire accounting department at this location. Her "assistant" came in to the room and told me if I was talking to the Accounting Supervisor, I was doing a great job so far and keep it up. Interview with the supervisor went even better than the previous. I really let my personality shine, and we even talked about some things not related to the job. After about 40 minutes, she said hold tight, and her "assistant" came back stating I'd be filling out a background check form. He basically hinted to me that anyone who got a background check, and passed, was basically hired for the job. IE: They don't do background checks for people they're not interested in hiring. The weight of the world was immediately lifted off my shoulders. My background is completely clean, so I had nothing to worry about. "I finally did it" I thought to myself. After all my hard work and persistence, it paid off. I finally was getting a job I wanted and would be proud to be a part of. So I filled out the background check, talked to a couple more people about how to come in dressed on my first day, when I would be starting after they received the background check, and they said they'd be calling me that Thursday to be given my schedule, etc. Needless to say I felt like a new man. Fast forward to the day after the interview. I get a call at 10am, and decided to pick up. It was the "assistant" calling, and he told me he wanted to discuss my prior employment. "That's odd" I thought to myself. "Why now?" So I said that was fine, and he asks me to go over my work history for the past 10 years. I told him, "Well, I've worked a lot of jobs, and am not really sure about the specific dates off the top of my head." He says that's fine, he just wanted to get an idea and we proceed to go over all the jobs I'd worked. Needless to say I've had a varied work history. Some jobs I worked 2 1/2 years, some I worked a year, one was strictly for the summer. Keep in mind, these were jobs like server, valet driver, register clerk, ride operator, things I had no intention on keeping for the tenure of my life anyway. Then I get this line: "So it sounds like you don't really hold jobs for more than 1-2 years on average. It kind of puts you at-risk for us using resources to train and teach you if you're not going to be here for an extended period of time." I was blown away. I explained "Not at all. All those jobs were just to make money going through school, I never intended on keeping them anyway. This position at your company is what I got an education for, it's something I've been working my entire life to be a part of. It's a life changing career job, and it's a place I intend on working at for the next 5-10 years." He reviews my work history again, all of it semi-accurate considering I couldn't specifically remember my employment down to the month for the past 10 years off the top of my head. He asks when I'd be available to start, makes note, and then says he'll call me the next day. Next day: No call. This entire week: No call. It's now been 9 days since I've heard anything from the company, and I'm frustrated as hell. If my employment history was such an issue, why didn't we discuss it at any point before that? I did tell my interviewers about the jobs I'd previously held, and they didn't even ask "how long?" and it seemed like a non-issue. So now, again, I don't know what to do. I've told various people about this, and they're blown away as well. First, they've never been asked that question or had it keep them from getting a job (barring a work history where you have SEVERAL jobs where you only work 6-8 months). They don't understand how that could be the only issue keeping me from being hired, especially considering they WENT THROUGH with the background check after my conversation with the "assistant" over the phone. Everything I did in the interviews was fine, my background check came in clean (I know because I got sent a copy), I was told I was a great fit for the job, the managers and supervisor obviously thought I was good enough, but because of unrelated odd jobs I had straight out of high school, during college, all of a sudden, I'm not "qualified"? THAT is what is keeping me from this job? It's like the weight of the world was lifted off my shoulders for 24 hours, and has since come crashing down full force with more weight than ever before. I'm frustrated, I don't understand what happened, I can't believe that was the only thing that made me unhirable. I have no idea how to follow up this time. I am planning on doing something Monday morning, I have to atleast try. I have an email address for the recruiter I talked to over the phone, but don't have an email address for the people that interviewed me, and I don't have an extension to their phones. All I have is their first names. I can get through to the "assistant" by calling the company, but I feel like calling him and leaving a voicemail is a waste of breath, because I have to go through him to talk to anyone important. So here I am again, looking for a second opinion. I don't want to seem desperate, but on one hand, it seems like all the stars were aligned, and me being a little aggressive, taking some initiative is maybe what they're looking for. What do you guys think about this scenario? Is there something else going on here? What should I do? Thanks for reading, this vent felt good, although I am frustrated. And again any advice or ideas are greatly appreciated.
  4. Jeebus! I'm just surprised the guy has enough self control to not have a double cheeseburger in his hand throughout the game.
  5. I'm going to make it a point to memorize each and every one of those, and learn to just unleash them consecutively without hesitation.
  6. If you follow me on twitter you'd already know his name and if he's still around.
  7. Ummm...I would probably rub my nutsack against a cheese grater just to smell that chicks farts. My god dat assssss...
  8. Oh good, so he knows what he got himself into by entering into such a bloated contract. You forgot the 3rd kind -- Overpaid players that fans have seen whiff at 56 foot breaking balls in clutch situations for the past 2 years. I don't know for sure, but I would guess a good amount of people at the game were probably season ticket holders. So they've been paying to watch his crap for two years, and it's understandable how they'd be frustrated. And they finally get to attend a playoff game, and the results are worse. Sure, it wasn't the entire crowd booing, but there were obviously a lot of people who have been watching Josh while he's been here who are pissed and fed up. We're talking 10,000+ people collectively booing the guy, so the 20-30 people on here really aren't isolated in their frustration. Sorry to say, when repetitive crappy results are followed by a persona of "don't really give a f**k anyway" attitude, it's hard to blame them.
  9. Welp. We've got our Championship Series' all figured out.
  10. Scioscia puts out the best possible lineup he can with the guys he's given. Starting CJ was questionable, but it's the hand he was dealt. Changing him won't do anything.
  11. There is no personal interaction because you decide to have no personal interaction, Josh. Keep putting out the attitude that you don't care about the fans, and the fans aren't going to care about you. Those boos weren't just from that at-bat, that was an entire built up boo of frustration from since you 1st put on an Angel uniform.
  12. I've heard too much of all of them and would die happy if I never had to hear any of their songs ever again.
  13. Take away 1 or 2 ridiculous catches in the outfield, and the series in game 3 looks a lot different. We hit the ball quite a bit actually...a lot just didn't fall in for "hits" so we couldn't find any momentum. Their defense made a lot of plays due to their speed that a lot of other teams wouldn't. Oh, and the fact that even Billy Butler stole a base against effing Iannetta shows how weak we are at protecting the running game. They took advantage of that. After bbeing a catcher for so long you sure know how to pick 'em Skip.
  14. Lackey, whether you like his personality or not, continues to keep his intensity high, make big pitches, and perform in big games when his team needs him the most. Hindsight is 20/20, but don't you think this team would be better off if we had never gotten rid of him and eventually signed Wilson instead? He probably could have been an Angel lifer, and man oh man could we have used him this season/postseason instead of CJ.
  15. Yeah that was pretty absurd. Ball almost hits the left handed batter and he's pissed Yadi, arguably one of the best catchers in the game, couldn't get a hand on it.
  16. The free swinging approach and pitch recognition is bad, but his attitude is the worst. Guy just doesn't care because he's got his money. Atleast that's how it comes off with how he performs. Maintaining presense in the lineup by not getting injured, performing at Major League superstar standards, and winning a ring aren't his concerns.
  17. I just laugh at the people who voluntarily put their faces on these articles to get credit for writing them.
  18. Scioscia's blind trust continues to kill this team... ...for going on the past decade now...
  19. How is it Mike Scioscia's fault that the Angels batters butth**es puckered up? Besides being forced to pencil dumb Hamilton into the lineup -who should have produced like a veteran and actual teamate- there's only so much the guy can do to make arrangements so the team continues to stay in contention. Our hitters were either out of their league or they buckled under pressure. Simple as that. This entire season I had never seen such defensive swings, and then come the playoffs and a lot of our guys were guessing and looking like complete fools at the plate. Pujols and Aybar were the only guys swinging like it was still the regular season and I applaud them for trying to keep that groove going. Blaming the manager at this point is dumb.
  20. Wilson should not have started this game. That being said, pick a starter and stick with him. If you're gonna b***h out on a guy after the first inning, why even bother putting him out there in the first place.
  21. Yah this is why I love this site. Too many laughs. Too much fun.
  22. After so many high points this season it's a shame we had to go out like this. Much too soon. Like we didn't even get a taste of post season ball. Better luck next year. Oh, and we HAVE to get rid of Hamilton. I don't think I can take another full season of watching his putrid "performance" any more. Really dissapointing.
  23. This team is going to need about a half dozen miracles at this point. And that's not the series, that just this game.
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