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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. The thing is you don't need the brightest or fastest employees working if you adopt an efficient system in the first place. Being a businessman you think Arte would consider that the faster you get people through the food/beer lines, and the better the food options are, the more people they can serve, and the more money he can make. It's pretty pathetic how terrible the food is, how cold the pretzels are, how they serve "chips in a bag and a plastic ramekin of cheese," and most beer they sell is just a can that they crack open. Imagine how much more people would spend if there were actually some decent food around the park. There's no reason Arte couldn't hire a restaurant coordinator or events specialist to come in and revamp the system, update the machines, put policies in place that speed things up. If I eat any food in the park now (which I typically just bring a Togo's Pastrami in with me) I'll go to Panda Express on the View Level, because at least the food is hot, made fresh, and is actually not much of an increase in price from the regular ones outside the stadium. I've given up on pretty much everything else. And those helmet nachos are absurd and unnecessarily overboard IMO.
  2. I'm curious why the glowstick blew up after he took it out of the microwave.
  3. Be interesting to see the effect on ticket prices if this happens...
  4. NOOOOOOOOO! Hank's one of my favorites and I always dug the way he swung the bat. Boo urns.
  5. Personally, I think the design of the buildings appearance has much to be desired. But I would have no problem running my business in the tower or visiting as a tourist. Not only is it much safer than before, but I don't see anything that happened on 9/11 happening again. Kinda odd letting a vicious once in a lifetime attack that happened 13 years ago still affect how you'd feel about entering a brand new building.
  6. Kinda hard to give a reach around when Joe refuses to quit stroking it himself.
  7. We need a quality third baseman. However, after winning the series and Arte overpays him, he won't give a sh** about winning and we'll be stuck with another overpaid slacker.
  8. I don't agree with using the contact play "no matter where" the ball is hit. But again maybe that isn't technically a contact play. I think it's up to the runner after contact is made to decide if they're going to be a sitting duck, or if they actually have a shot at rushing the throw and making it home safe. I like aggressiveness and forcing the team to make a play sometimes, but when the guys out by 10+ feet, it really does seem like the Angels give up a lot of outs on things like this.
  9. Seems like a pretty obvious statement. I loved Jose Canseco as a player back when I was a kid. Didn't know what was going on with him steroid wise back then, I just liked how he was ridiculously buff and the bat looked like a toothpick in his hand. "You want to be big and strong like Jose Canseco? You better eat your broccli!" Plus he hit the crap out of the ball. I still have a poster of him somewhere in my room. And I am with Lou on him atleast being upfront and honest which I appreciated on the surface, but I'm not sure I agree with the way he went about it. Perhaps he could have been a little more professional about it? These antics of his the past decade really underscore the fact that he's probably not the brightest guy in the world. But you don't need to be smart to hit the crap out of a baseball. Hope your finger gets better, Jose.
  10. Love the first pitch swinging to start the game...with a double, mind you. So glad I didn't have to hear a second of Joe Bucks diarrhea mouth, every segment of the game I saw had audio which was either blurred out by restaurant noise or had no volume at the bar. I enjoy the parts of the world series where they keep the camera on the field and not at yapping blondes or non-athletes in bowties.
  11. Hahaha I hope this chick spends 120 years in prison just like a dude would if charged the same. But honestly I wouldn't say no to her if I was 16 either. Doesn't mean that absolves her of being the adult in the situation.
  12. Pony Baseball. Back when I played LL about 20 years ago it was an absolute joke. So I moved to Pony where the competition was much better, the bases and fences were further every 2 years, and you got to lead off and steal bases at a much younger age. Not sure what the fees are now but I'd imagine they're lower than LL.
  13. They were also trolling us by having an interview with Ibanez and discussed a conversation he had with the Royals players a short time after arriving in Kansas City. Obviously he has had a tremendous impact on the club (*barf*), one that he apparently didn't have with us.
  14. Love Dave Grohl, intelligent guy, glad he's still making music. Colour and the Shape is a great album. I haven't really felt the same about any of Foos releases since.
  15. For the same reason Jeter told him to buzz off when he was in the All Star locker room flapping his jaw like he belonged in there. Like he knew the players as college buddies or roomates or something. The entitlement in his tone and mannerisms are annoying, and he comes off as borderline narcisistic. Nobody cares about Joe Buck, they just keep shoving him in front of the cameras because his dad used to do it. I'm also not interested in hearing commentary from a guy that looks like he's never actually played a sport his entire life.
  16. Why would he even throw the ball? Way too close. Dumb.
  17. That was awesome how Moustakas pointed to the fans after he got back to his position, because they caught him when he fell over the fence for that great catch. Probably avoided getting kinda hurt.
  18. The report I got had to do with checking criminal background, sex offender stuff, driving record. Except for a BS "no turn on red" ticket that got thrown out in court, but showed up for some reason anyway, everything was clean. No drug test, yet, but I'd pass if I had one. I don't do drugs. Degree in Business Finance, graduated 2013. I did notice for some reason my birthday was incorrect, not the month or year, just the day. Instead of the 29th, it was the 2nd for some reason. Haha. How I am on here and how I am professionally are 2 different things. Who knows how I'm looked at on here, guess my reputation proceeds me. Appreciate the advice. But keep in mind I don't want to talk to just anyone. I want to be able to talk to someone who can actually have some say in the matter, who can explain what the hell is going on. I suppose when I call I can ask to be forwarded to the ladies that interviewed me, but I only know their first names, so I'm not sure if they operator will forward me through. And if I do get through, the best I will probably get is voice mail. I was also thinking about contacting the initial recruiter I talked to over the phone. She's the Senior Corporate recruiter, she's pretty high up there, and I have her phone number and email. At all costs I'm trying to avoid just leaving a voicemail. I want to talk to someone live. Yup, based off my experiences in this job search, there's no courtesy "you're not hired" call. They don't want to talk to you if you're not hired. They don't tell you over the phone it's not going to work out. They just straight up lie to your face and say "we'll give you a call" and then never call you back and you never hear from them again and they avoid you at all costs. It's actually super disingenuous and complete bullsh*t considering the amount of time and effort people like me put forth to try to work there. If they'd just take 30 seconds to call and say "it's not happening" they'd save a lot of people from a lot of stress and grief. And I don't get the past employment stuff either, and so far besides Nate, nobody I've talked to does either. It was voluntary information I disclosed, I discussed it over the phone the day after my in person interview, it wasn't on my background check. From what Nate said, it sounds like they had 2 candidates, one being me, and they were finding whatever stupid f***ing little reason they could to weed one of us out. If the other candidate worked somewhere for 6 years, and I have a history of working jobs for 1-3 years, apparently that's all it takes.
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