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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. I was fortunate to grow up in the 90's were DiscMan was an affordable piece of electronic equipment, and I got one for Christmas. I was so happy to be riding my bike to school, listening to CD's, having the ability to just hit "skip" and go to the next track. Really, there was nothing like it. And then "anti-skip" came along and it almost brought me to tears.
  2. Yeah, and Orange County is closer to Dodger Stadium than Long Beach or Valencia, what's your point? I have no clue where Kansas City is in Missouri. No idea where Baltimore is, where The Bronx is. It really doesn't matter if anyone "knows" where the location is. Instead of sucking off LA's teet, why not create and build up the Angels presence throughout Orange County and grow the market independently? Not to mention the team has markets like Riverside, Corona, Tustin, Irvine, and many more to branch out to, The name change to me was more about NOT being associated with that dumpy bum stench city of LA and differentiating to fans that there IS a market for baseball in Orange County. Not to mention it created the annoying repetitiveness of commentators who screw up the name, who still to this day make a laughingstock of the team name, or the rival fans who continue to mock it. Maybe only people who've lived in Southern California can tell that there are VAST differences between LA and OC. One of the most glaring differences being the people and the way they live. There are other big differences like the layout of the cities, the quality of living, the amount of trash, the amount of stench, the crappiness of the roads/freeways, old abandoned buildings falling apart, slums that are literally named Skid Road. LA may be popular, and it has it's perks and unique culture with dining, clubs, and things to do, but it's a f***ing dump and I know Arte's marketing purposes behind it, it just hurts to have to be associated with that crap-hole city when IMHO the quality of life in OC is vastly superior in almost every way. Everything is nicer down here, and people in Orange County like it that way and want to keep it that way. So much so that it deserves to have a baseball team named after the city name it's located in. I thought Anaheim Angels was great and liked how it put the city on the spot, just as much as I liked "Anaheim" on their away uniforms with the Halo over the A.
  3. I don't see how anything you said is wrong. That being said if you want a job and are being interviewed, you don't tell them what you think you should say to make a point, you tell them what they want to hear. Take it from a guy who worked 8 months submitting resumes and going to job interviews, to finally get a job I love. If they couldn't take the answer you gave, and if you really didn't want the job anyway, maybe it's a good thing.
  4. I'm glad this is a thing. Pretty good stuff.
  5. Yeah as much as I hope he picks it up offensively I hope he also picks it up defensively. There were too many plays that a guy at his level shouldn't be messing up.
  6. Fellow Makers fan here, you gotta try the Makers 46, good stuff man! Hope you all have a great Christmas, I truly enjoy all who post here, definitely an entertaining bunch.
  7. I don't know if it was because it was the Angels, or just because it was a greatest freakin' World Series I have ever seen, but no game has ever moved me the way game 7 did. The second Anderson hit that ball, it felt like the game was over. Nothing, no matter how many runs the Giants scored, no matter how many Barry Bonds' were on their team, nothing was going to stop this team from winning when it mattered most. The fact that Salmon brings up Anderson as the clutch guy makes perfect sense, no matter how much crap fans or the media gave him for looking lackadaisical, guy was always in the zone. It's also amazing that many of the players sat down for services to listen to a pastor between games, something I never even knew. There are so many awesome records: the first and only wild card American League team to win the series, losing the first game of each series but then coming back to win, having a rookie win game 7, I mean, the list goes on and on. Sure to some it may sound like beating a dead horse every time it gets brought up, but it's something I'll never forget.
  8. BOOOOOOOOO! I am 100% against this move! Grilli might not be a closer anymore, but he could easily be a set up for Street. He pitched well for us, and we could sign him cheap (compared to that Hackilton bum). Angels need to keep a quality bullpen in order to win games, it's what led us to the playoffs this year, and what has kept us from the playoffs the 4 years prior.
  9. Did she just say "hack" FOR CINNAMON ROLLS? get the hell outta here stupid hipster voice chick BTW your omelet looks like it sucks. I like the waffle idea though. Ingenious!
  10. I would not expect anything from Hamilton, and with so many outfielders, make him a DH in the 9 slot so when he gets lucky, we're back at the top of the lineup.
  11. I think the thing that bugs me most about fast food joints is the customers. The ones that are rude to the workers making minimum wage, the ones that act like the $5 meal is the most important thing they've ever done, the ones that have 10 people with them and every person has some stupid custom request like it's really that big of a deal, and that it's really going to make a difference. I found if you treat them nice, they treat me nice. They tend to be understaffed, they deal with shitty people all day, hard to blame them for expecting customers all to be the same after a while. If you ask nice, they tend to give me whatever I want. When I go, I can figure out what I'm going to get, and how much I want to pay in about 30 seconds. These people make it to the register, and then sit there and stare at the menu. Then they look back and forth at each other, talk to each other, ask each other and the cashier a dozen questions like they're ordering in a goddamn gourmet restaurant. Then they go to their freaking kids and ask them what they want after every question the cashier asks: "Are you sure that's what you want? Don't you want chocolate milk instead?" "Are there pickles in that, she won't eat those." ORDER YOUR KIDS EFFING FOOD LIKE A PARENT so a bunch of adults behind you in line don't have to wait for the little twits to take 30 seconds to make up their stupid minds. Kids don't know what the hell they want or what they're eating half the time anyway! Oh they're not happy with their cheeseburger and fries? Fine! Let them starve! Looks like could use a day or two of not eating anyway! Of course I'm right behind them and I have to sit through the whole f***ing ordeal. It's almost like as soon as they know I'm behind them, waiting for them, waiting ON THEM, they decide to take as long as they want to order fast food. It's like they get a real kick out of wasting my valuable time. Like the longer they make me wait, the more their time has been better spent. "This guy behind us looks like his time is REAL valuable! Let's waste as much of it as we can on asinine bulls**t because we're in front of him and we're ordering food and there's nothing he can do about it!" Then they pay and it's a discussion of who's going to pay, what amount, and whether they're going to put it on their card. It's not f***ing rocket science! It's the same thing when you go to a grocery store only for milk, and the fat lady doing her weekly shopping in a tutu with 150 items and 100 coupons sees you coming then races to get in front of you so you have to wait behind her. Honestly, HOW GODDAMN LONG DID YOU THINK MY ONE ITEM TRANSACTION WOULD TAKE? Sh*t makes me want to pull my hair out. When I'm hungry and I want to eat, I want to eat. I don't order like it's my last waking meal. I'll take it with everything, I'll pull the sh*t off if I don't want it. I don't care if it costs another $1, I'll pay more to get what I want. Make up your f***ing minds and get the f*** out of my way so I can eat my food and move on with my life you annoying piece of sh*t customers! Thank you.
  12. I've liked Adam Carolla for years, and I believe he does a podcast every day, sometimes he posts his live shows, I listen to him from time to time. He also does one once a week called "Ace on The House" with his old buddy Ray and they talk construction/tools and tips, which can be entertaining, however sometimes he talks too much about other stuff, and not enough about home improvement. But the home improvement stuff is pretty good and those 2 guys know a lot about what they're talking about. He's got his own app too, so you can stream it on your phone and hook it to your AUX in the car instead of downloading them.
  13. This explains the no bobblehead for Kendrick in 2015 Loved the guy but I don't remember him killing it when we needed him most. Sad to see him go, kinda.
  14. Bartender at a bar close to my old work used to pull this out when it was a slow night with less than 10 people in the place. Brought the single ladies around for conversation and we always had good laughs so I can't hate on it. Does everyone already about the secret card embedded in the box?
  15. Taking as much control and power AWAY from the Government is fine with me.
  16. I will also say that doing this is great. I will probably go this weekend on Saturday or Sunday and try the clubhouse tour, and I haven't been in years. Got to hit off the pitching machine and *almost* hit one out at the short porch in right (I'm a lefty). Also got to shag balls and dive for flies while sliding on the beautiful outfield grass. Worth every penny/donation.
  17. I will definitely agree with this. He would show up on the Angels, sit on the bench, bat once, suck. Then sit the next couple games. Finally he got his shot to start the season and play consistently, but it was too late and he fell flat on his face. The up and down the system, inconsistent playing time I wouldn't doubt messes with a persons baseball psyche. There was another player on the Angels I can't remember at the moment, that I thought had potential (not what I thought of Wood) but Skip and the Organization dicked with his playing time so much, it gets to the point where if I was a player, I'd be thinking "Either effing play me consistently or trade me to some place that will!" It hasn't happened as often recently (Or maybe it has I just haven't noticed) but during those years there was a lot of shuffling players, and I would definitely think that has an impact on their performance. Hell, Skip STILL TO THIS DAY will sit a guy the day after he goes 3-4 with a walk off home run. Infuriating, really. Give me all the sh*t I deserve for saying this, but honestly, I played ball in college with guys throwing nasty stuff, and hitting 90MPH+. If you gave me a baseball bat right now, I would almost guarantee (in my mind) that I could hit higher than .098 in that league. I probably wouldn't hit a home run, but holy hell all you have to do is look fastball and sit on the off-speed, have a nice easy swing and make some nice contact. Doinkers would fall in and a double would happen every now and then. It just speaks volumes that something seriously messed with Wood mentally and he hasn't been able to shake it since.
  18. Never saw Brandon Wood in the minors, but I remember going to quite a few Angel games that season of his debut and after about his 2nd at-bat I wondered who the hell was this guy, why the hell is he playing on a Major League team --nonetheless OUR major league team-- and why the hell was there so much hype about him. From what I saw his swing was bad, he watched strikes and swung at balls, and his defense was bad as well. He looked intimidated out there all the time. I really think it was one of those things where he got in his own head and still to this day, can't seem to get out of it. Don't get me wrong I do feel for the guy and wish him the best, but it happens all the time to guys who try to be Major Leaguers.
  19. I have honestly considered several times deactivating my account because I really just can't stand most of the crap people post. I think I'm down to under 100 friends now because the women my gawd are just so unbearably annoying about stupid stupid garbage. Stuff I don't care about, stuff I don't need to see, its really just a huge waste of my time. However, I do like "friending" bands or companies and getting updates about pre-sale tickets or other things I wouldn't find out about if I didn't have an account, so I am kinda torn. There are just some things I never would have heard about or parties I wouldn't have attended if I didn't check it out.
  20. Ugh. I don't agree with what he did if any of it is true, but the way people smear campaign on the internet these days to me is pretty pathetic.
  21. Not surprised by this at all. The All Stars are in no way the most accurate representation of the best players in MLB.
  22. What we should have done was completely skipped on the Hamilton deal and offered Torii the same money Detroit did. If we gave him a number of years in a contract that he thought would be his last season, we could have let him finish his career out here. Trust me, I'm not the hugest fan of Torii, but I am sick and tired of Hamilton's lax attitude and waste of at bats. I would take Hunter over him in a heartbeat.
  23. As someone with years of experience in multiple food and service industries under his belt (not something I'm particularly honored about), you should be.
  24. "your shirt is sexist and ostracizing" You can continue talking if you prefer, but you might want to take note that I'm not listening nor do I give a shit about anything you have to say... Some guy on Reddit I believe made a comment how women can walk around with half naked men printed on their shopping bags at the mall and no guy blinks an eye, but guys walk around with half naked women on their shirts and these dumb dildos can't help but open their big stupid traps. All for attention. Best to just ignore it.
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