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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Enough said. Condolences. That being said I love $10, they throw people off. Just glad the $20 will never go away and has my favorite president on it. That Jackson dude was a hard ass.
  2. Family is in Michigan, so I have the fantastic pleasure of visiting every so often. Hate to say it, but after a night at the bar, those sliders and onion chips are freakin amazing. Wouldn't even bother with the one in Vegas though. Not even the same.
  3. LOL @ "Wall Street estimates." Made a nice $800 today doing nothing.
  4. Another fine example of why cats are freakin' awesome.
  5. No reason to go to Denny's when there's Norms. Don't know how anything else on the menu is, but the Bigger Better Breakfast is $7 and it always comes out hot and fresh. Love putting my over-medium eggs between my pancakes.
  6. Oh Hamilton. Why are you on our team. Talk with your bat.
  7. Don't care about his weight. Guy is ferocious on the mound. Will get it done like he always does. I know my other 2 wishes, my 3rd would be to play catcher for a Weaver game.
  8. Most of it is all stupid highschool toughguy crap. The rest of it just seems like people enjoy getting in the way of you getting your pump on. -Can't find one specific dumbell anywhere because they're dispersed randomly around the entire gym -Find a 20 pound dumbbell but some asshole swears he's using both (even though he hasn't touched them in 15 minutes) -Asshole sits on the ab cruncher browsing his music/texts/tinder/facebook for 20 mins even though you just wanna finish up your workout and use it for 5 -Go up to a tricep workout that hasn't been touched for 10 minutes "Hey bro, I'm still finishing my set with that." -Good luck with those 2 cable machines, those 5 guys are using them, meanwhile ones broken, and someone hops on after they're done -Old nasty asian guys walking around the locker room naked with no f**ks given -Gross women with tight leggings who shouldn't be wearing those -Guys and girls who just go to socialize and talk loud about sh** nobody gives a f*** about I don't do the public gym thing anymore. I'm not gonna pay to deal with that sh**.
  9. I don't know about anyone else, but I fu**ing HATE eating when I wake up. It's like, the last thing I ever want to do. I'd rather put on my gym clothes and go run a mile or start changing the oil on my car. I need like 4 hours before I'm even hungry. So none of these "cures" mean anything to me. Lou I don't know how serious your post was but this is absolutely true. One thing I've realized over the decade+ I've been drinking is that water does not sober me up. At all. When I drink water while I'm drinking alcohol, maybe 1 glass per 2 drinks, it not only hydrates me, but really makes me more aware of how drunk I really am. I stay buzzed and steady instead of overdoing it and feeling dizzy and sick. Not only that, but the hangovers are SUBSTANTIALLY less dramatic. I sleep for 7-8 hours, I wake up refreshed, and can still get up and conquer the day. If you're a guy that lives an active lifestyle but still wants to enjoy alcohol consumption, it's all about discipline.
  10. Had a beagle for about 13 years. Was the softest cutest sweetest f***ing thing in the world. It was obvious she was getting on her last leg, slowing down, getting old, and one night we think she had a stroke or a seizure. She was on her side and couldn't seem to move, her eyes looked scared, breathing deeply, she could barely walk anymore, we gave her nothing but meat (her favorite) the last day or two but she could hardly eat. Had one last night with her, but then we had to take her to the vet to put her down, because it just wasn't fair to make her suffer. I swear the animal knew what her fate was when we took her to the car. Our family gets to the office, takes about 30 mins to wait, and that bitch tries as hard as she can to start trotting around, basically trying to say "Hey guys, I'm still good!" because she knew what was gonna happen, and she wanted to show us she was still good to go. It was probably one of the toughest things I've ever gone through. Never thought I'd cry over an animal, but my dad and I had to leave the office and go to the car when we handed her over, because we were crying like babies. It still tough for me to think about. But one thing, I learned how effing tough my mom was that day because she stayed in the office to sign the papers. I had a girlfriend for years and we broke up, and I didn't even shed a f***in tear compared to how much I bawled when I had to let my puppy go. Very tugh stuff NJ, you never realize when you get them as puppies that one day you're gonna have to let them go. But they'll always be with you, and if heaven exists, I don't doubt they're up there waiting. That's one thing that always cheers me up when I think about them.
  11. If there's one thing we lost by letting go of Kendrick, it's chemistry between our middle infielders. If I was trying out for 2nd I'd listen to every goddamn thing Aybar says.
  12. Rookie of the Year. Not my favorite, but thought I'd bring it up. Think they call the kid "Garden hoser" at one point lol And this guy is pretty hilarious.
  13. And if you look down for 1 second to grab your beer, you can miss the most important play of the game.
  14. Yes I'd much rather keep 5% of the $1,000,000 I make per year.
  15. Doesn't really apply in this case, just 100% absent-mindedness from the server, tank even ASKED for change on the $20! If the server doesn't bother to give him 5's, he's not going to get tipped a 5.
  16. One of the most glaring problems is having to wait for TV to give the OK to start pitching. If there were no TV to wait for, or if TV breaks cut off to the game as soon as the pitcher was ready, I bet time between innings could get down to under 2 minutes. And of course one of the most annoying things that slows down the game is the effing Boston and Yankee style pitchers that take a full minute plus between each and every pitch. It's freakin' ridiculous how long playoff games have dragged on because these guys delay the game over and over after every pitch. I don't want them to make rules that change the pace of the game, I want them to get the distractions out of the way, and I want the players to speed up the game on their own if they want the sport to continue to draw in young fans. It's really in the hands of the players if MLB is going to have to start making rules to speed up the game.
  17. If I remember correctly Calhoun was coming through clutch more than anyone else on the team during the series, he deserved a chance to swing the bat. Not like Trout was guaranteed to do anything, he had 1 hit in 3 games.
  18. What's really going to be weird is when Scioscia is gone and there's someone else in that dugout managing.
  19. Maybe I'm getting old, maybe I'm just not "with it" anymore, but I recognize 10 bands on that entire lineup, and maybe 2-3 I'd care about seeing. Brand New is awesome, but I'd rather see them at a private venue. Was never really interested in dealing with Coachella, looks like I ain't gonna start now either.
  20. I think the thing that many of us became accustomed to was spending around $5 for lunch not too long ago, and all of a sudden the past couple years, anytime you go out to eat you're basically going to be spending $10 for the exact same thing. Oh you want a drink, that's gonna be $2. But what I can't stand is paying that amount of money, and the food being cold or not that good. Which is where In N Out takes the advantage, because a Double Double with Fries and a Drink is somewhere around $7 after tax, and you know it's always going to be consistent. Togo's has always had premium prices from what I remember, but their sandwiches have always been really good. However they have their strengths and weaknesses. They've put more than 2 ounces of meat on any of the sandwiches I've ever ordered, that's for sure. If you go to Togo's, I suggest sticking with the Italian or Pastrami, and I've never been disappointed or starving after I leave that place. I know on Monday, the Pastrami is $5, and it's actually one of the best Pastrami sandwiches I've ever had. The thing to avoid at places these days is the overpriced "extra" items. They charge $2-$3 to add a bag of chips and drink that probably costs them 50 cents. That bumps your $5 or $6 sandwich/food up to the $10 price range. Usually I skip the extras and just get a cup of water. I don't need all that extra stuff anyway. Couldn't agree more, Panera is one of the biggest rip offs ever. I can't stand that place because the food has always been mediocre for what you pay, even though they try to make it seem like they're so fancy. Whenever people suggest that place I begrudgingly go, but I would never suggest it if someone asked me where I wanted to eat.
  21. AngelsWin should adopt a word filter so when "steroids" is typed, it instead replaces the word with "boom boom juice" - well done tdawg, you never disappoint. As for the guys who "may" have done boom boom juice but never got caught and found themselves in the HOF: as far as I'm concerned, at a point in time MLB drew a line. They made the rules, then went from there. I'm sure a bunch of guys were doing stupid stuff and breaking records that never got caught, but it's all he said she said speculation at this point. I can't stand how some people want to take a solid line and bend it with asterisks and excuses just because they like the players. Boom boom juice was not allowed and banned, and that's it. If these were guys before the ban thought that what they were doing wasn't cheating, why would they deny it and hide the fact that they took it? Even though they knew they would get caught and so many people knew what happened? I'm not a fan of the steroids era, at all. But at some point, you have to give it up, and understand these guys knew they were cheating. They denied it to try and save their asses, then fans want them to be inducted into the Hall of Fame. And IMO that just shouldn't happen. Sorry Bonds, Hank Aaron did it legally, you were obviously doing boom boom juice, hope you enjoyed your fame at the time, but that's all you get. By the way, let's not forget this thread is about DARIN EFFING ERSTAD, one of the most fearless and badass Angels to ever play the game. I'm glad he got a vote. He definitely deserved it.
  22. Why do I not remember this guy? Maybe because I thought he was a youngster and didn't see him much? Feel like if I tried to make a run in the Majors, this is how my career would go. Seems to have great baseball instincts, which is something we could definitely benefit from on the Angels.
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