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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. all this thread deserves is a LOL
  2. Once you learn leverage with the lighter pry method, you can pretty much use anything to pop open a beer. Could go on forever, but a couple years ago, once my S3 phone screen cracked, I used the edges to pop beers and people freaked out. It's a tool people!
  3. Yahoo mail blows. Dumped those email addresses a while ago.
  4. I'm trying to figure out what the problem is.
  5. Who cares, he was from Riverside. 'Splains a lot.
  6. Awesome. My brother went to UC Santa Cruz too, and dealt with that too. He was one of like 5 in his class who graduated with a math degree. My family (including me) went up there for his graduation for a weekend, and holy hell that place is a shithole. Yeah he dealt with the hipster mentality, and has also incorporated a good part of that into his life. To be a Santa Cruz lifer though? Nah, he came back to Orange County to teach at a major University. Just to add, my brother is a homosexual, so these types of "rebellions" and "protests" you might think would be right up his alley. But hell no. The kid loves this country and the opportunities he is given, and when he hears crap like this he just wants to throw up. Freedom of speech, freedom of rights, these are all things he loves and I also agree with. But the hate mongering of the flag or of the United States he does not tolerate. That flag has given him what he has, it has infused tolerance, and to refuse it's display is complete disrespect for not only the people who have given us what we have, but also disrespects the ability for us to live like we do. I don't know what these people are trying to prove, but that flag will never mean "racism" or "intolerance" or "homophobic" to me. It's sad that some have stooped to that level to accommodate whatever propaganda they are trying to push.
  7. Taking this opportunity to toot my own horn...I've dealt with multiple "sub-par" carriers over the years, Sprint being one of many, but it's gotten to a point in my life where the price really isn't a concern. What I want is my mobile service that I'm PAYING FOR to work NOW. I want my phone to have speedy service and work wherever I am. Hands down the best carrier I have ever had, and still have to this day is Verizon. These guys get me where I am and where I need to be in seconds. Videos don't delay. Navigation is fast. When someone says "You're cutting out!" I can say "Not me, it's you, my phone says I'm full with reception." I have used my phone as a hot-spot to download 2GB PS4 games for friends when their internet at home is slow as balls. A 2 HR download happened in 15 minutes. I am lucky to get a Boeing family discount, after YEARS of begging my mom to make the switch, but everyone in my family is now so happy with how things just work. It might not be like this forever, but for now, if you're going to pay for a phone anyway, and want it to perform better than any other carrier, I would suggest Verizon with a S5 phone. One of the greatest pieces of technology I've ever owned.
  8. I think getting rid of Conger was pretty f*****g dumb. Also LAAMike---get your spelling right. Given regular playing time, being a younger guy, I think Conger had the possibility of performing as well as ---if not better--- than Iannetta both offensively and defensively. Kid had his head on straight, he had some pop, he was a switch hitter! He had some things to learn but eff it give him a shot, with experience the speed and skills would come. Our lack of quality catchers has been hurting us for a while. And IMO Iannetta is not one of the elite. A strong catcher silently, but strongly, gets it done. I am going to miss Conger.
  9. Same here. The option to "turn off Amber Alert" came with it. Checked the little box, so hopefully this is the last, for now.
  10. Please edit the title to: California's finest women As a Californian male, I want no part in the complete idiocy of this.
  11. Anyone who goes with Boost Mobile deserves what comes to them.
  12. Our broadcasting analysis is really gonna hit a wall once Mota moves on.
  13. "I ain't movin for nothin till the lasagna buffet gets here."
  14. I turn on the water, then brush my teeth while it warms up. Your wifes "weird-o detector" is right on this one.
  15. Read this pretty cool article about him. Skip really seems to be impressed with him. http://www.latimes.com/sports/angels/la-sp-angels-andrew-heaney-20150303-story.html
  16. Charburger. Add cheese, bacon, and ask for extra pickles. Onion rings instead of fries. *droooooooool* Yeah, think I'll pass on the In 'n' Out across the street.
  18. And? Nobody's called it authentic Mexican food. Even the company labels it as being a Mexican "Grill." You go in knowing what you're going to get. That's not a knock on what they're doing. I agree. Think of any chain and it really is a healthier option that satisfies hunger. I would suggest a bowl to anyone, you really get more than a burrito or tacos. However, if you think about what they're doing, most of it is very easily prepared non-meat options, with other stuff (sour cream, salsa) they get in a bag. Guaqamole I would say is its highlight. IMO they really have mediocre meat/protein products that they overshadow with the other crap they put on it. Anytime I've gotten steak, some of it is chewy. The barbacoa is super oily, the carnitas is dry, the chicken is dry. At a premium price, I really think the meat should be of much higher quality. To me it's like an In 'n' Out with a Mexican influenced foundation. Although it's "fresh" and prepared "to order," it all pretty much has one flavor no matter what you order.
  19. Not to argue, just to expand... If anything, WE have been harassed watching him with his pathetic composure, below mediocre performance, and lack of any passion for being on this team, Sure there's always another side but the way I see it, after the guy got his check, he hasn't even cared about performing as an the Angel.
  20. Dear gawd why did none of us see this coming. Worst. Angel. Ever.
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