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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. My parents used to bring us to the park early back in the 90's for killer fish 'n' chips behind home plate. It's a shame Arte can't take some of the dough he's paying players and put some decent food out there.
  2. Bunting is great. During Angel games, sometimes I think the best thing they could possibly do in some situations is bunt. Of course they don't, then wait for the predictable bunt and get screwed. However what drives me up the wall, is some of these guys don't seem to know how to lay down a bunt at all. That is what disappoints me. IMO bunting is one of the EASIEST things to do in baseball. You know you're going to bunt...look at the top half of the baseball, and drive that f****r into the ground. When I see pop-up bunts at the Major League level, it astounds me. As far as I'm concerned bunting is baseball 101, and when we have crappy bunts, especially in very needed situations, I don't understand how these guys seem to be clueless as far as what they need to do.
  3. Love Calhoun, one of many great guys on the team. Am glad he's getting the opportunity to play every day, because he deserves it. Knew the second I saw him, how he resembled a "bigger" Darin Erstad, that he was gonna be a good ballplayer, and have been pulling for him ever since.
  4. Yeah I hated every single Corvette until the newest ones came out. They almost look like Ferrari's and are very nice. That being said, I totally agree with OP. Not sure if it's just me getting older, but I cannot STAND stupid loud motorcycles at all. Or how when they drive right next to cars on the freeway, they rev them so the exhaust loudly pops right outside the drivers window. I always thought there was some law about how loud car and motorcycle exhausts could be. I wouldn't mind cops enforcing those laws and pulling these asshats over to give them a ticket. I want all these pricks and their stupid loud vehicles off the road now.
  5. But seriously, who in their right mind would decide to let this guy continue to spout diarrhea from his stupid lemon sucking puss lips? He's criticizing the Angels because they maintain the position that these kinds of actions will not be tolerated? REALLY?!? He has issue with them going to the public and saying what Josh did concerns them? HOW is that wrong? Meanwhile douchebag in the outfit he pulled from the dumpster disregards ALL of the comments that the Angels are going to do whatever they can to get Josh the help he needs. Such backwards logic that an attempt to rebuttal would be an exercise in futility. I also don't understand forgiving the guy just because he "admitted" what he did. That it should be overlooked because he said "He's Sorry." That's like letting the guy who robbed the liquor store avoid jail or punishment because he knew he did something wrong, he knew eventually he was going to get caught, so he decided to turn himself in instead. The robber still gets punished, and IMO so should Josh. And if MLB isn't going to do anything, the Angels have every right to hand out a punishment they see fit. Maybe the Angels did go about this the wrong way, I don't know. But me personally, have been SICK of Josh's attitude from day 1. Yes it was dumb of the Angels to sign this guy knowing his history, but HE signed a contract too, and HE has certain responsibilities to follow through with what he agreed to. The Angels have held up their part of the bargain, it's time for Josh to hold up his. I am disappointed that he cannot grow up and quit his childish habits, and have ZERO problem with the way the Angels have handled it. The amount of criticism they're getting is bullsh*t IMO.
  6. The umpires have not been held accountable for their inconsistencies ever since the game existed. If they haven't been held accountable up to now, when will they every be? Computerized strike zones ftw. Umpires can stand around picking their butts making sure the game moves along and players are following the rules. Other than that, f*** 'em!
  7. Not sure that's the correct term, but yes, the strike zone needs to be called by computers, not stupid umpires. They may stand out there to make sure the game moves along and everyone is following the rules, but besides that? We don't need 'em!
  8. Calhoun is going to play an intricate part in the success of our team this year, here's to hoping he's okay.
  9. So glad Hamilton is not up there. He is a disgrace to the Angels organization.
  10. But it wasn't, so what's your point?
  11. It would really be great if we could get audio/video of this. Even if it's just recorded on a phone directly from the TV. I don't know what he's saying or how he even strings words together like that.
  12. Very concerning to say the least. Keep in mind third base coaches aren't born over night. Let him make a few mistakes the first couple seasons, we'll see where he is in 5 years. It is my contention however, that it is going to be VERY hard to live up to Dino Ebel's reputation.
  13. Hey hoss, he pulls up his mask 30 seconds in, and talks to the batter for the next 20. But I guess we can't really expect EVERYONE to actually watch the content before they comment on it.
  14. You know what, AJ's pissed us all off, but g*****n I love his passion. Big shocker everyone! This call went for no other than, you guessed it, the STANKEES! I love how if you read AJ's lips, he was pretty much asking the batter, "I'm not stupid, that WAS a strike, right?" This fat oaf has been calling this crap in MLB playoff games, impacting the outcome by every terrible call he makes. Joe West is the reason I have no problem switching to computer generated balls and strikes, to prevent the type of favoritism and unfair calls these guys think are acceptable. Umpires should not be the pivotal play makers in the game, AT ALL. The important thing is to get the call RIGHT. Leave your emotions and presumptions at the stadium entrance. Call a f*****n' fair game and there will be no problems, asshat.
  15. Guy gets it done. Period. If there's anyone on the team I'd give the ball to in a must win game, it's Weaver.
  16. I wouldn't be surprised to see him rake this season all while being a pivotal play maker in games against us.
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