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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. ^^Seriously. Not sure how many more "I's" "I'ms" "me's" or "my's" could have fit into that self centered post. I think he hit the max.
  2. This looks made up. The original article was kind of sketchy as well. I don't know what to believe. Guess we'll find out after tonight. I like how the Ushers don't let anyone into the field area while they're singing the National Anthem, and I didn't quite mind that the ticket takers and escalator monitors stopping for 90 seconds to respect the anthem as well. I liked how for the most part, everyone just "stopped" for a little bit to listen, and the silence at the park with nothing but the person singing was something I enjoyed. But I understand if they want to change things up on the outside of the field area, just to get people into the park.
  3. Hindsight is so 20/20 from some people. I love "the club signed a known addict" like they should have seen this coming, so now they're just supposed to be OK with it? Like the guy was doing lines on the desk when they made an agreement or something. Hamilton had been clean and behaving for years, and I didn't hear ANYONE saying "Oh man, this isn't a good move because the guy USED to do drugs. No doubt he's going to relapse and be a clubhouse distraction." It was the LAST thing we thought we'd have to deal with. Arte, as well as the rest of the organization, thought Hamilton was over that crap. Hamilton said it himself. There wouldn't have even been contract negotiations if Arte had a doubt in his mind. The complaints about signing him were more because they thought he was getting paid too much for what he was going to bring to the team on the field, and that there were much better ways to spend the money. And as we've seen the past two years, a lot of us weren't that far off. Whoever says the Angels tune would be different if he was hitting .300/30/100 is stupid. Saying they're doing this because he hasn't performed is irrelevant. How come nobody mentions that if Hamilton WAS performing maybe he wouldn't have even gone back to drugs, and none of this would have come up in the first place? The money up to this season is a sunk cost, they're gonna be paying it anyway. I'm pretty sure the Angels (as well as fans) would much rather have a healthy, constructive, non-drug using Hamilton out on the field who they're paying for anyway. But they are not going to put a player on the field in front of families when the guy is publicly, spontaneously, irresponsibly doing drugs and hanging out with strippers when he has a wife and daughters at home. What is happening speaks volumes about what kinds of behavior Arte and the organization find unacceptable, most especially after Josh GAVE HIS WORD that these kinds of things would not come up. There is absolutely no excuse for Hamilton and his actions. None of us know exactly WHY the Angels are treating the issue this way. None of us DON'T WANT TO SEE THE GUY HEALTHY AND PERFORMING. We want him to get his head out of his ass and we're sick of the babying and bullshit excuses from a 30 year old making millions of dollars to play a game. Can this guy be trusted again? I don't think he can. And I don't think Arte thinks he can either.
  4. I don't mind bat flips. But it's pretty annoying when Albert stands there and watches, like he's just mammo'd some godlike homer, when really it's only a couple rows from the fence. Sorry dude, get going, you just don't hit 'em like you used to.
  5. Say it ain't so Speez, say it ain't so! I don't understand why anyone runs from the cops. The chances of getting away are slim to none, and the consequences just continue to increase from there.
  6. When you act like a child, expect to be treated like one.
  7. *Fixed Great idea in theory, however 95% of the population I don't want to see in a bathing suit, nor participate with in aquatic activities. But let's run with the idea, and imagine if along the edge of the high right field wall, they cut off like 5 rows of seats and remodeled the area balcony style, with porch chairs and coolers with beer. And hot tubs that were like infinity pools, spilling over and behind the out of town scoreboard. So many hotties you could talk into coming a game and bringing their bathing suits. Even with a bunch of buddies and some of their girls hanging out in a tub for the game, that would be crazy cool. Just as my late great east-coast step-grandfather used to call me and my younger brother, you sir, sound like a "California Sissy Boy" Who eats pizza at a baseball game?
  8. Why wouldn't we want an outdoor baseball park in Southern California? I would be interested in knowing the last time an Angel or Dodger game got rained out.
  9. It really is a shame to me that the stadium is in the condition it is, as I really love our park, and if need be, would love to see a big renovation to the stadium as opposed to a rebuilt one. I believe the city is in the works to build a multi-use facility and apartments on that property along the corner of Orangewood and State College. I read it in the Orange County Business Journal a couple weeks ago, so I don't think Arte would have access to that area. I think the best spot would be on the corner of Orangewood and the Santa Ana River. The way the stadium sits now, it's really just plopped right in the middle of the entire lot, so that corner looks like it would have the most space to build a new stadium. It will be interesting to see in the next couple years what Arte and company have in mind, as its obvious Angel Stadium is showing its age and is in need of several renovations and updates. It's a shame if they make a new stadium in a completely different area, as IMO Angel Stadium is in a GREAT location from all areas of Orange County. If it comes down to a new stadium, I would like to see them build it somewhere else on the same property. Ew. Del Taco is fine fill up food after a night of drinking on the town. Other than that, no thanks.
  10. If this discourages big name players who are drug users from signing with the Angels, then so effing be it. Who wants that kind of crap around anyway? From an article regarding Josh's relapse: "Multiple sources with knowledge of the situation told Yahoo Sports that Hamilton has told people his latest spiral began around Super Bowl weekend after a fight with his wife. Because he cannot carry cash or credit cards, Hamilton wrote himself a check to cash. He wound up at a strip club and used cocaine." http://www.dallasnews.com/sports/texas-rangers/headlines/20150310-report-how-ex-ranger-josh-hamilton-relapsed-into-cocaine.ece Honestly if this guy can't even handle a fight with his wife, and has to go to a strip club and do blow to deal with his problems, he's got some inner demons that just aren't ever going to go away. What I found interesting is that a grown man can't even handle having cash or credit cards? It's like this guy needs a freakin' babysitter 24/7.
  11. Glad we won, but am so sick of Pujols pulling those pathetic piddling grounders to the left side like he is incapable at looking at the bottom half of the ball, or going the other way. Maybe I was just jaded by the highlights, but I have a hard time believing this kinda stuff was as common as we're seeing it when he played in St. Louis.
  12. Is it pretty much unanimous that nobody wants Josh Hamilton to play for the Angels again? From the comments of that article it sounds like a lot of Ranger fans don't want him back either.
  13. For the most part news travels so fast around here that a thread gets started about a topic, before there is an actual article and auto thread that is created. I also think people tend to contribute to the threads that are already discussing the topic. However, while a member started thread on the topic may be more of a "rumor" or "discussion," IMO the actual articles "solidify" that rumor or discussion into fact. I do notice from time to time, if even 1 person posts in the news story thread, it can snowball, and people for the most part start to contribute. But again, that's usually if it's not being discussed in another forum, which is not a common occurrence around here. I personally like the news threads, even if there are 0 replies. It doesn't muddy up the forum or distract me at all, and because usually there are 0 replies, it makes its way to the second page by the end of the day and is out of the way. Although I don't typically read the articles, it allows me to get a quick recap of what's going on in the world of the Angels that day by just browsing the forum topic titles, without having to jump through hoops or visit the MLB site. I like that a lot.
  14. Once you start saying people have no choice but to do drugs, you relinquish all accountability for every action that person makes. Not how it works. People choose to do drugs, and they need to be held accountable. It's a disease for sure, but the choices we all make positively or negatively effect the outcome of our lives.
  15. You're out of your goddamn mind. There's no Trout hat on, there's no sacred cow. Have you EVER seen Trout drop a ball like that when there's nobody around? When a routine fly touches Trouts glove, it is caught. That wasn't routine for every outfielder, but it was for Trout, and when Joyce got too close Trout thought he was going to run into Joyce. I thought so too. The only reason he "bailed out" as you're putting it is because Joyce was WAY too close and belonged nowhere near the ball Trout called. Trout would rather drop the ball than run into the guy and get hurt. And so would I. Joyce needs to give Trout his range and stay the hell away from him unless the ball is obviously Joyce's to catch. Why management hasn't already discussed this with him is beyond me.
  16. Bottom line: Joyce needs to stay the f*** out of Trouts way.
  17. Same here. Aybar does NOT belong in the leadoff spot. And he never has. I don't know why Scioscia insists on penciling him in there.
  18. If I were Pujols right now I'd be trying my darndest to be buds with Trout and constantly pick his brain.
  19. No sh*t. Where? I haven't seen that, yet. All those people can go f*** themselves!
  20. It is lousy. Arte as far as I'm concerned, is a good man. He trusted Hamilton. He met up with Hamiltons wife and daughters before they signed the contract. Hamilton put on a good face, which I'm sure in his mind was very honest, to get the contract. Arte took his word, and put his faith in Hamilton. Hamilton either doesn't give a shit, can't grow up and stop doing drugs, or is just a complete f***wit. It's one of those things; give a guy with drug problems millions of dollars and there's no reason to do drugs anymore, or give a guy millions of dollars and he says "F*** You!" while he takes off with the money and runs. If I were Arte, I would never want to see Hamilton again. The money to Arte means nothing. Get the f*** off my team and good luck playing baseball ever again (although with Hamilton and his stupid attitude, probably could care less). I would have NEVER have signed Hamilton in the first place, but what's done is done. Cut your losses and keep this cancer out of the clubhouse. The Angels are not a team to let distractions off the field affect play on the field, and i'd rather they not start now. Especially with Hamilton. Josh if you ever read this, we ALL gave you a shot. Even I did. But get your f***ing head out of yer ass. I don't even care if I ever see you in a baseball uniform ever again. But for goddamns sake, if anything, be a f***ing MAN and be a role model for the daughters YOU decided to bring into this world.
  21. Good. Can't say there are too many people who are gonna miss him. Too bad we gave away Bourjos, would be nice to have him out there with Trout and Calhoun.
  22. Have only seen him a couple times this year so far, but he looks leaner, and I love that swing he had on Wednesday. Although he was a bit rough to start with us, I think we'll be pleasantly surprised by Pujols during the remainding years of his contract.
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