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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Can we just go reversies on whoever we got rid of to get Joyce? 6-2 Halos, 2 Run shot off our relief. Just need 1 more out in the 7th and we have our 1-2 punch to finish the game.
  2. Why would you plunk the guy and give him 1st when all you have to do is throw him offspeed junk and have him K?
  3. It was pretty cool you could actually hear the players yelling at each other during plays. Didn't hear any walk up music, and I don't think they played "Take me out to the ballgame."
  4. Doesn't care about anybody but himself, doesn't care that he's hurting his daughters with his continued adolescent behavior, doesn't care about those in the past hes stepped on to get him where he is. Go f*** yourself Josh.
  5. Well its not like he's doing coke every day. He just slips up every once in a while. Its not hard to spend the day cleaning up so he looked as good as possible for a press conference. Honestly that stupid grin of his just makes me want to punch him in the face.
  6. I hate Josh Hamilton, his sh*t eating grin, and would rather just stop hearing about his stupid bullsh*t. Worst example of a professional ballplayer ever.
  7. One of the more bizarre baseball things I've ever heard of. That is going to be one hell of a telecast to watch.
  8. Mr. Grit, Umps have been giving Yankees and screwing Angels on pitches ever since I can remember. I would be thrilled to recently re-watch the game as you have, and what's funny is I do remember the umpires constantly dicking us, but for some reason, none of that mattered and those guys were determined and took every opportunity they had. I would probably watch every game of that season the entire way through, like a TV Series, if it was filmed and the footage was there. The best everything that year, really.
  9. What are you talking about? I remember just a couple years ago some of us were dying to have Skip stick with a consistent line up so the guys could get used to playing in the same slot every day. Only recently, I'd say since signing Pujols, has he started using consistent line ups every day.
  10. Awww, how is what he said that bad? I actually thought it was kinda funny. "Stupid ass softball game" LOL
  11. It would be interesting to hear what honest Skip has to say about all this. As a teammate, baseball player: would he prefer Josh be on the team, or is he glad he's gone?
  12. I think he's the best commentator on the Angels, but Terry drives me nuts. You never know if what he's getting excited about is for the play against, or for the Angels. The unpredictable suspense KILLS me. You never know if it's gonna be caught or if it's gone. So glad Langston wants to be around, I enjoy his honesty, and hope he keeps it that way. I said bye to Gubi day 1. Rojas is so standard. Would be super fun to listen to Rojas with Rex. LOL and then imagine Mota with Rex. Hilarity ensues forever. Best. Baseball Commentators. Ever. I want Rex back! Trout, Street, Pujols and Rex till their career ends BOI!
  13. *inserts hazing comment* Think Hambone will mash in a not Angel uni? *leaves*
  14. Not only that, how the hell has he "proved worthy" of ANOTHER chance? I haven't seen anything at all.
  15. What really makes me scratch my head is Ventura getting pissed at balls getting lined right back to him. As if they're aiming for him when they're swinging the bat. Does the guy understand how hitting works at all? You get to throw a ball 90 MPH at a guy at your beck and call. Then you get pissed when you get one back YOUR way? Unbelievable.
  16. Get outta here. Arte's dumping 25+ Mill a season on a guy that's doesn't even have a locker. This teams needed a nail to shut down teams in the 9th for years. Proof is in the pudding. Look at tonight. Up 2-0 and I'd be biting my freakin' nails if any other reliever was up. Huston comes out and gets it done without even breaking a sweat. Guy knows how to throw and he's the backbone to an entire bullpen. Give him 30 Mill for 3 years and you're still gonna get more out of him than Mr. Sniffer.
  17. When these reporter scamps get together, they're worse than a sewing circle.
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