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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. I'd guess $3-$4 for a can of beer. That's my favorite thing about ferries, having about an hour to kill, and getting a little tipsy. Baby needs his milk.
  2. I miss Howie, both for his blackness which really hipped up the clubhouse, as well as his grand cameo appearances on Howard's TV & Appliance ads.
  3. I like this STP song because it's one of the few ones that doesn't drag on and on forever. Nice quick 3 mins of showing what they got, then they finish it.
  4. If you take away the two runners Street inherited, he really didn't do all that bad. Yeah he gave up some hits, but he had to be a bit more precise, keeping the ball more around the plate than usual. Coming in with RISP and no outs, the A's took advantage of his pitches they could handle. Look at the box score, only 1 earned run. No other pitcher in our bullpen would I have rather had out there given the situation once the A's started getting some runs back. Big help from his defense too, but hey its a team sport and that's what they're there for. Not like he gave up a 3 run bomb.
  5. Anne Hathaway is not hot, is not a good actress, and looks like white Michael Jackson when she wears red lipstick. I hated her in Dark Knight Rises, and I have hated her in every movie I've ever seen her in. She needs to just go away.
  6. Yah all 3 outs in the 9th were not easy plays at all. Trout really makes it look easy, but that was a very tough catch. Ironically, the one Cron missed was unquestionably the easiest one of the inning, and he biffed it. I don't know how I feel about Cron, guy seems to be hit or miss when it comes to his consistency in the field. Seems like the kind of guy that would blow an easy play in a big game.
  7. Street: 9 for 9 in save situations this season. Even when he comes in and has to mop up everyone elses mess.
  8. Street owes Trout a handy tonight. I didn't think that ball was hit that hard, it kept drifting further and further out to center.
  9. ? I think Street knew what he was doing on that walk. Street can still get out of this. Not even scurred.
  10. Oh goody. We can catch routine popouts. Good thing cowgill stayed the eff out of Aybars way.
  11. I blame this on 100% on Scioscia not just bringing in Street to start the 9th.
  12. LOL ****in Cron still looking into the sun like a stupid goofball. I don't think any glasses would have helped you, brah. Brainfart parade on the Angels in this 9th.
  13. Scioscia this was an absolutely terrible move by you to not just bring Street in to start the 9th. Sorry.
  14. Why do some of these guys have such hard times with such routine plays? Way to take a page outta Streets book Pestano! Walk the first guy you face! That always works out welll, right?
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