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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. lol 4 jackasses in a girlscout meeting and no clue that the ball hit the bat even though you could clearly hear it
  2. I don't think you steal Aybar here. Wouldn't they just walk Trout and pitch to Pooholes?
  3. .091 with 1 RBI on the season, but let's keep giving Iannetta at-bats.
  4. Shoemaker strikes out the side. Lookin good. Angels better score him some effing runs!
  5. I like how Shoemakers throwing today...ump doesn't want to give him close calls.
  6. Why is it so hard for this team to acquire, and keep, a quality catcher in this organization?
  7. 1 and 3 I am fine with, and just because their hat doesn't "pop" doesn't mean you don't know Angel red when you see it. And I appreciate the designs OP made for examples, but personally I think 2 and 4 look like garbage. Could the Angels pull off pinstripes for a fourth uniform? TBH I don't really know why we'd need 4, do the Yanks or BoSox have 4? I think the only reason teams like the A's and Giants have 4 uniforms is because they have 2 predominant colors (yellow and green, orange and black). Angels have 1 predominant color, and that's red and only red. But we saw this weekend what the Giants 4th Orange uni looked like, and that was bad. I'd rather just have 3 nice uniforms, than a 4th one that tries too hard and is ugly as hell.
  8. Sure couldn't use a hitter or left fielder like him on our team right now *rolls eyes* Sound decision? Eff that! It was a dumb decision and Peter was most definitely underused by Scioscia and our organization. I'm glad Gorgeous Bourjos keeps rockin' and rolling, especially with the Cardinals. Great guy to have on a ballclub, and he certainly deserves better than how the Angels are playing.
  9. LOL I literally pffff'd spit marks on my screen watching that. Hilarious, but a blatent cheap shot. I absolutely love how he b-lines it to the dugout right after for protection. Real. Tough. Guy.
  10. Love these kinds of detailed posts doc. I think the same way when I'm watching our guys bat and throw on the mound, so it's interesting to hear others talk about it. One question though, where on that site do you find the release points and how they change? There's A LOT of info on that page. I am a huge Weaver fan. Have always had the guys back because of his passion and desire to win, and I liked his stuff. I didn't see Weaver pitch today, but his last outing, something was remarkably off about his posture and presence on the mound. He didn't even look like the same guy on the mound. To me it immediately looked like he didn't feel comfortable up there, he was rushing a bit, and I couldn't believe how much sink even his fastballs had to them. Guys on here make jokes but really, it was tough to tell exactly what he was throwing some times. I haven't watched him enough to see what's up, but I hope he figures it out. It's very weird for his velocity to change so much, and all I can think of is that he changing his throwing based off what is comfortable, so maybe his arm hurts like hell. I could never imagine being a pitcher and having a arm and shoulder that hurts, but I imagine with his kind of competitiveness, he's going to keep trying till the thing falls off. Best of luck to you Mr. Jared Weaver, I still have faith.
  11. Enthralling first 2 innings of offense we're having here boys.
  12. Guess we're just gonna have to get used to Aybar in the leadoff spot. Pujols does not belong in the 3 hole anymore. Scioscia's lineups make my head hurt.
  13. Conger! Where are you?! Yah he's not doing well with the Astros in 7 games *rolls eyes*, but I would have given him full time catcher position for the Angels in 2015 over Iannetta any day.
  14. I actually pointed it out by quoting myself 2 pages ago, so Lou didn't highlight anything. But thanks for paying attention to the thread yk.
  15. Valdy was one of my favorites. Hit the absolute crap out of the ball. Wish we could have gotten a ring with him. Gosh and in that video Troy Glaus was still on the team! *SWOOON*
  16. 1) How are you supposed to lay off that pitch when its release point is just above the belt? 2) How are you supposed to hit that pitch when it finishes an inch from the dirt? Filthy.
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