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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. F*** YEAH PEREZ! Love how he swung at the first pitch.
  2. Love it Doc. Feel the same way. Did a great job catching that short hop too, did all he could there and completely confident.
  3. Richards will be a blessing for this team. Hope he stays healthy. I like his stuff.
  4. Amazing the timing of some of my comments. Almost like I don't know what I'm talking about LOL Glad to see Albert smash one. That was a no doubter.
  5. Oh Pujols. I wish I didn't sigh every time you come up to bat.
  6. I would pick up Salty just for fun. See how Perez does, give Iannetta another month, and if he doesn't turn it around, he loses the starting position. We NEED to figure something out with this catching position. It's been killing us for a while now.
  7. Based off the track record of most players who run through signs and do whatever they want with no punishment or repercussions, I'm pretty sure the players pretty much do whatever they want on the basepaths. I wouldn't put too much weight into what the base running coaches tell them to do. Sure they probably look at them for a piece of advice like diving or whatever, but overall runners in MLB seem to do whatever they want, no matter how asinine or illogical it appears to the coaches or the fans. I don't think the base-running coaches have as much impact on the game as you think they do.
  8. At this point I'd rather have a gift basket go up to bat than send Iannetta up there.
  9. 4.5/10 Would not bang even if drunk.
  10. 1. I am SOOO happy to see Iannetta riding the pine. FINALLY! 2. I am SOOO glad Aybar is not leading off. 3. I am SOOO excited to see what this Perez guy is all about. Please, take the position and run with it! 4. I am actually good with this line up, about the best it's gonna get at this point in time. Honorable mention: Awesome that the guy who got the last out on a boneheaded play gets the start, and the dude that hit the home run and got ran for after walking in the 9th gets to sit and watch. Actually you're late. Someone made this prediction yesterday, and just as we all expected, it came true. Scioscia's managerial habits are like clockwork, no wonder he ain't fooling any opposition out there. BTW why the hell do we have the Game Time in Eastern Standard Time? A majority of viewers are on Pacific Standard Time, not to mention we're a freaking West Coast team, and we're playing a West Coast team, so give us Pacific Standard Time for craps sake! Who gives a rats ass what time the game is starting for people on the East Coast. Let them figure it out!
  11. I think what really gets my goat is this organization insists on holding on to, overpaying, and putting lackluster players on the field day in and day out, then doesn't bother to hold on to cheap talent when it has it. Of course there are exceptions, and my examples are far and few between, but some simple changes I think could really make a difference, not to mention it would be CHEAPER to hold on to the home grown talent than hit the FA Market and gamble. -Insisting on playing Iannetta who is not much better than Mathis defensively, then compounding the situation by letting Conger go -Letting Kendrick, a proven major league 2nd baseman and average hitter go -Signing Hamilton to a ridiculous contract, while letting Bourjos leave for Freese is not better than Callaspo -Playing Mathis, benching then letting go of Napoli -No problem signing Wells and Hamilton to ridiculous contracts, yet they still haven't signed Street These are just things off the top of my head, and while you could argue the later may not be much better, look where we are now and I can tell you if we would have kept some of these guys I feel like we would be better off as a team both financially and talent wise.
  12. You could have Valdy bat knee deep in an alligator infested swamp with bullets whizzing by his head and he'd still mash the crap out of the ball if it was anywhere within his reach. Even THIS organization couldn't eff Valdy up.
  13. ^Hell yeah I'd welcome him back! I don't know why I'm such a big Bourjos fan, I just am. Love the way the guy plays the game. Love how he hauls ass. I can overlook his average bat because of his defense, but what's great is he still has pop and can still hit home runs. Bourjos, Trout, Calhoun in the outfield? Dear gawd it'd be a miracle for opposition if anything ever fell for a hit out there. I just made my comment because I suspect if Cowgill made it kinda sorta close at 2nd lastnight, I can only imagine how much closer it'd been if Bourjos was out there. Letting him go are the kinds of decisions this organization makes which really make me scratch my head. It is one of many things I believe have gotten us in the situation we see now. His replacement fell through, and now we have Joyce. I'd much rather have a guy like Bourjos who doesn't look like he's going to drop the ball every time it's hit to him.
  14. This organization tries, but ends up making bad decisions that make us scratch our head, or gets screwed by decisions when it comes to acquiring talent rather than growing it. Two of our best players right now came through the system. There's some kind of vortex or Native American curse on the property that relinquishes talent from players once they get here. Some of the guys I see come up or see on the field really fill me with disbelief in regards to how the hell the team thought the guy has talent. They just need to make better decisions instead of jumping the gun.
  15. Amazingly, the Angels will not be breaking just one, but TWO records tonight. The second being: "Most fans ever wearing sombreros while being greatly dissapointed by the lack of performance of their home team at a baseball game."
  16. If the Angels really want to be aggressive on the base paths, like you, I'm fine with it...But don't wait until the freakin' 9th with 2 outs and the winning run at the plate. Quite possibly the worst time to start running aggressively. I would like to know the last time a guy made the last out of the game trying to steal 2nd base. Complete ass-hatted decision. This made me laugh, how very true. And we were just talking about how there aren't many good catchers in the game, but I can tell you one thing, it certainly seems a majority of them perform better than Iannetta both defensively and offensively. Taking a step back, maybe they were trying to catch them off guard? But IMO as a former catcher, I'd be watching that runner relentlessly after they put on a pinch runner, EVEN MORE SO during the first pitch of the freaking at bat. The commentators even said this after the game, Rodney actually has a pretty quick move home, so it's not like a stolen base was a given by any means. I might trust Aybar there, but definitely not a cold pinch runner.
  17. Could've used a little Gorgeous Bourjos as a pinch runner in the 9th tonight...
  18. I know for sure he said what I quoted, but h also said he gave Cowgill the green light. I'm not quite sure he "threw" Cowgill under the bus as much as some are making it out to be, TBH.
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