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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. I'm sorry. Not a fan of Freese's defense at all. So many times I hear him botch a play or let a ball go right by him.
  2. We do seem to have a problem with not giving up runs the next half of the inning after we get some runs, that's for sure.
  3. I would not watch unless you want to feel significantly dumber immediately after. I lasted about 10 seconds, more than enough brain damage for one day.
  4. Does it occur to anyone else that so many scientists insist they're so damn smart, and what they say is fact, but when it's discovered that they're vastly wrong (60% wrong btw, not exactly a small wrong) these fu**ers just brush it off like no big deal? And the public is just fine with it? Absolutely ZERO accountability for the things they say when they're wrong, just shoulder shrugs and "oh well, whattya gonna do?" I mean, what other kind of career field could you work where you get away with being blatently wrong for years, and get to keep your job when the truth comes out? Following this kind of logic, the assholes could pretty much say whatever they want, be adamant it's a fact, then change their mind years down the road and go "oh well!" Does this bug anybody else, or is it just me?
  5. The curse of "hit a homer, sit tomorrow" has been broken!
  6. I've never stained anything as big as a deck, but I consider myself quite a handy guy, and have built, installed, and stained shelves, doors, and stair bannisters around the house from time to time. I have also prepped and installed epoxy garage flooring in a huge office space where they wanted to get rid of all the carpet, and that required a TON of prep work. Now I'm not sure, but I would suspect those who gave so-so reviews on the product you mentioned may not have prepped the wood as well as they should of. As I'm sure you know, there's a lot you can do to prepare wood before you put down the stain or coatings, and I wouldn't doubt some people do a once over prep on the wood, then slap the stuff down. You also have to consider the amount of traffic on the deck, and also what you're putting on it. If you have a dog, patio chairs, or a BBQ that you're shuffling around pretty often, that's probably going to cut the lifespan of the stuff quite a bit, and you might get some cracks and chips in the high traffic areas. Besides making sure you clean the surface, you also have to make sure it is super dry otherwise the stain or coating won't absorb into the wood nearly as well. If I were you I would find a spot that isn't too obvious, or get a "test" piece of the same kind of wood you have on your deck, prep it properly, and see how you like it. I would also suggest giving it a light sand to really open up those pores so they absorb the coating really well. So if you go through with it: 1. Consider renting a pressure washer to get all the deep grime out of the wood, you will probably see the difference in the clean and dirty wood right away. 2. Wait a day or two until it's dry, maybe use a blower or industrial fan to speed up the process. 3. Take some 100-120 grit sandpaper, with an attachment and pole that kinda looks like a Swiffer duster, and just lightly do a couple laps around the deck, maybe wear some booties to keep the dirt on your shoes off the wood. You just want to get a nice fresh wood surface, by getting a layer of dirt off the wood, to have a clean porous surface. 3. Use a blower and clean broom to get as much as the sanding dust off the wood, basically blow it and sweep it until you see no dust coming up. 4. Install the coating I also know decks require routine maintenance and it's just something you have to deal with if you have one. So even if you get a couple years out of this stuff and have to do it again, I think that's just the price you pay for having a deck. I know the epoxy stuff we used for the office worked really well, and it still looks great. But I have not used resurfacer or Deckover on wood, so I can't say how well it holds up or what it's like once the job is done. Hope I helped a bit, and good luck.
  7. Watching Carlos today just underscores how terrible our catching has been offensively and defensively this entire season. Amazing what a difference one guy can make, but he's already showing us he's ready to be here. Super impressed and can't wait to see what tomorrow brings! (If he isn't benched)
  8. What I really think is important is that it looks like Carlos has a great DEFENSIVE presence behind the plate. The fact that he actually knows how to hit a baseball, and has a little pop as well, is just icing on the cake. I really liked his swings, but I especially liked his catching behind the plate. Dude looked super confident, and not even fazed that it was his first big league game. Good for him, good for us.
  9. Awesome. Couldn't believe it when I saw it. Welcome to the bigs Carlos, I think you're gonna fit in juuuuuuust fine.
  10. Like this move to let Richards pitch here in the 7th.
  11. Whats even worse is he wasn't even out of the box! Why would an ump call something he clearly didn't see.
  12. Aybar always gets hosed with stupid calls. F*** that s***.
  13. That was definitely ball 4. Got a break there. Think the umpire was like, if you're not gonna swing the bat on the last 2 pitches, you don't deserve this one to go your way.
  14. LOL why is this Seattle batter looking at 2 salami's right down the heart of the plate.
  15. moot point if this Perez kid steps up
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