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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. I don't think he cares about that. I think he wants to be on a team that can contend in the playoffs, and I think he believes the Angels are good candidates for that. Plus, what person in their right mind wouldn't want to play 81 games in Southern California?
  2. "Albert Pujols’ performance looks worse than it should because of old-fashioned bad luck, but he’s also posting by far the worst hard-hit rate of his career. Just 25.5 percent of the balls he’s hit into play have been classified as hard hit by Baseball Info Solutions. His career rate is 36 percent, and it was above 40 percent from 2007-10." Very apparent, and really a big bummer. As far as I see, it's something as simple as watching strikes, trying to pull, and swinging at balls. If all he did was sit up there intent with letting the junk go, looking for fastballs or off speed in the zone, and putting it where it's thrown, he'd be fine. Probably a .300+ hitter. But he seems to want to pull the ball way too often, and the fact of the matter is, we don't need him pulling homers, we need him getting clutch hits and getting on base. I think we can all agree Albert is a much better hitter when he plays all sides of the field. Time for mashing will come in certain at bats, but c'mon Albert, you just aren't doing us any favors by trying to do it every time.
  3. Isn't this RangersWin material? Stop living in the past, it's time to move on.
  4. It's odd to me that we hear of Amtrack/Passenger train derailments every so often, but rarely do we hear of those cargo/shipping trains that can be 100+ cars long derailing. Reporters are pompous douchebags and the more incorrect or confusing information they spout the better for them, because it sensationalizes the story and keeps eyes glued to the screen. I wouldn't believe anything a reporter says, at the very least take it with a grain of salt until a more credible source reveals the numbers.
  5. Awesome news. So glad he's gonna be with us for hopefully 3 years. So nice to have a closer that goes up there and competes, no leadoff walks, no nibbling around the plate, just goes out there and challenges them. Love it. Thanks Angels Organization and thank you Street for wanting to be here.
  6. Dude, couldn't agree more. Milwaukee products are pricey as hell but they're freaking awesome and the best IMO. I have been tempted to buy the 6 tool combo kit, goes for about $700 bucks cause those things will last me for life. http://www.amazon.co...power tools set Was an electrician in my teens, and I've seen 18V Milwaukee drills fall off a 6ft ladders dozens of times, nothing breaks, thing still works flawlessly, and they're powerful as hell.
  7. How do we know he wasn't hooked to safety cables? All we see is a 1st person POV, nothing else.
  8. Love it. Love that a Hispanic guy's doing it. There should absolutely be no repercussions for this action, and anyone that has a problem with it is a racist.
  9. Yeah I don't get it. Do these tards have no clue how stuff looks or how it actually works? They all seem like airheads.
  10. Big effing surprise, a guy talking on MLB tonight prefers the Yankees 8th and 9th guys to the Angels because they hit a rough patch for 1 or 2 games. Eff off. Rivera had righties setting him up in the 8th for over a decade, and that never made a difference. Those asshats will say anything to make sure everyone knows, the YANKEES JUST DO IT BETTER, all the time. Street is like Weaver to me. Guy can't be perfect, but when he's out there, he's gonna try his hardest to be!
  11. It would be interesting to know exactly what Arte's long term goals are (10-20 years) as far as building a new stadium, and possibly moving to a new location. You know he's just gotta have some dream plan cooked up that only a few know about.
  12. What I think surprised me the most is how long the damn plane kept sliding on the tarmac. It didn't wanna stop! I have a buddy who's a pilot and he says this kind of stuff is bread and butter for pilots, and in fact, he's still looking forward to his first landing with one of the jets out just cause "he wants to try it without it being a simulation." Pilots are so good and these planes are so safe, even with a jet out he says it'd be a smooth landing and the passengers wouldn't even be aware of it.
  13. Cool vid, watched the whole thing, I like how many things it can do, truly an engineering feat of it's own. The only thing that bothers me is the weight of the case for things like the attached drill and table saws. It seems to me if you were to pull the drill down too hard, or push the through the table saw with too much ease, it might slide or wobble the toolbox unexpectedly, which could be kinda dangerous.
  14. Did we read the same story? Weird.
  15. Nevah! Obligatory LOL even the best pitchers go through slumps. Glad to see him bounce back, hope it lasts.
  16. Angels Win version of "who pooped the bed?"
  17. Cowgirl needs to learn how to run hard all the way to first. His lax runs down the line are embarrasing. He coulda run out an infield hit tonight IMO.
  18. Nobody, and i mean NOBODY should be f***ing with Weav. At all. Especially a player on his own team. Not smart. These guys need to realize it's f***ing May and these celebrations need to be toned down. BTW if you're an Angel fan I wouldn't make it a habit of doubting Weavers ability. It's there and the dude is intense as hell, he wants to win all the time and keep opposition to 0 runs, all the time. You can just see it in his competetiveness. Happy Weav got his first win. Glad Weav is an Angel. Believe in the Weav!
  19. Weaver just looked markedly improved with his posture on the mound. Glad to see that speed up in the high 80's, I knew he could do it. Definitely changed his delivery a bit, his release looked MUCH better. I give all the credit to Butchy, I'm sure Weavy's glad we still have him around.
  20. Ride looks amazing, cruises though the course, looking forward to some wicked airtime. Will be there on Thursday for the Gold Season Pass preview day. Love me the smell of fresh new roller coaster! They will eventually. The park has POV's for every roller coaster in the park, they just haven't gotten around to it yet. Probably busy doing finishing touches on the ride and finishing up other work around the area right now. Patience, grasshoppah.
  21. Why the hell is Iannetta even in the game? He should only come in as a mop up role when we're up by 5 runs or more from the 7th inning on to give Perez's knees some rest.
  22. I bet they didn't want your stupid ass there anyway.
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