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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Sauce? If true, then all's well. All good points, I didn't see the lengthy conversation on the mound.
  2. I'd be more than happy to roll up one of their garbage mags and shove it unlubed up all their collective asses. Screw that, make him manager.
  3. I'm fine with Albert. But I don't understand why his style of play changed the second he put on a Halo uniform. He drives me f*****g nuts out on the field sometimes, he swings at garbage with horrific swings, he gets thrown out running in dumb situations. He's decent at defense, so I'll give him that. He's also tough as nails and wants to be out there every day, which I love. Thank Christ he's 180 degrees a better character than that Hambone limp dick. I just want Albert to stop trying to pull the ball, to forget the homers, and just try to hit it where it's thrown and get base hits, and doubles to help the team out. The home runs will come, and we all know he's a strong guy, but I would rather him look to make clutch hits, look at the center of the ball, go oppo every once in a while, than worry about hitting balls over the fence.
  4. I think it was a mistake on Bud's part not to have 3 players on the left side of the infield for Pujols to ground into. Everybody knew that's exactly where it was gonna be hit.
  5. Angels bailing Scioscia out of a dumb managerial decision if they win right here. Game shouldn't even be tied right now.
  6. Weavers out there rolling along, hit a couple speed bumps during the game sure, but had 0 runs scored through 6 2/3. Has 2 outs in the 7th, a .190 hitter coming to the plate, and Scioscia decides to PULL HIM OUT OF THE F***ING GAME?!?! Are you kidding me!?! Scioscia: for gods sake, atleast let the starter try to get himself out of a jam when he's up by 3 runs and has pitched a pretty stellar game. Up to that point in the game, he earned the opportunity to get out of it. Instead you take the ball out of his hand, bring in a cold reliever who *shocker* WALKS the first batter he faces, and just as quickly gives up 3 runs. Way to take a W out of one of your best pitchers hands, asshat. Absolutely abysmal managerial decision by Scioscia, and it cost Weaver another W. What the hell were you thinking Scioscia? Get yer head outta yer ass!
  7. Haha very nice Jeff. That was a nice sweep in Boston. I also think not pitching to Napili ever again would be freakin' hilarious, therefore I 100% support it.
  8. I think once Napoli won a ring he stopped caring about the fact that Skip sat him over Mathis. I do feel like he loves hitting homers against us to rub it in our, and Skips, collective faces, even though MANY MANY of us were strong advocates for benching Mathis and making Napoli full time catcher (that's all I ever wanted for Napoli, really). It really is amazing the number of times this organization has absolutely dropped ball on very VERY obvious and easy decisions. And no doubt, benching Nap over that waste of an at bat, throw to first when the runners stealing second Mathis was a year or 2 of absolutely ludicrous managerial decisions by Scioscia. Gotta say I'm happy for Nap, he deserved to be treated better. I'm just sorry he gets to do it against us.
  9. I don't understand why this is still being talked about. Like nobody's ever made a mistake and been late. Get Over it.
  10. Yeah...rode the coaster about half a dozen times yesturday for a preview day, definitely a hell of a ride. No doubt it's gonna be one of the most popular amongst visitors at the park. Really no other ride in the park comes close, and the airtime is more prevelent and forceful than any other ride in the park. Only other rides that come close are Tatsu and The X, but they're really completely different experiences. I suggest anyone who's on the wall about this ride to go check it out, you won't be disappointed.
  11. The only reason anyone likes Victor is because he went to their stupid ass softball game.
  12. Weaver looks night and day from how he was throwing at the beginning of the season. I noticed he looked uncomfortable and was forcing his windup and his throwing. Now he looks so much more confident, like he has a reason for every pitch he throws. He has a looser approach to the plate, a "rock and roll" set and release that is having pin-point command. Little bit of bite in those high 80's. Great to see him pitch well, love his intensity, believe in Weav he's a competitor!
  13. To be fair, I completely missed listening to the game yesturday because why wouldnt it be in the evening? I mean honestly, when's the last time the Angels had a day gane on a Monday? I can't think of one, unless I just haven't been paying attention. Thought it was odd, anyway.
  14. F**k Hamilton. I will NEVER miss that douchebag.
  15. It's a long season. Let's see him keep it up.
  16. I can live with Iannetta replacing Perez every so often so he can have a day off.
  17. Gawd I wish I coulda seen Canseco swing in an Angel uniform. Those jerseys were so damn cool, love the patch on the left sleeve too.
  18. If we had Bourjos in left we'd have the best defensive outfield in the majors.
  19. For the record I would do this all the time, everyday, anytime, even if i rode the pine i'd be just dandy smackin asses and chewin seeds. Goddammit I shoulda put more effort into being a ballplayer.
  20. Based on Skips history, I would guess defensive prowness. The guy has a solid glove, Weav pitched the best all season with him, killer play at the plate against the Rockies on Weds, I don't think he has a passed ball, and he just looks effing good out there. Add the fact he has more rbi's and the same number of hits as Chris in a little over a week, and, well, it'd be downright stupid not to put him out there. Which surprises me considering Mathis who I considered one of the worst catchers we ever had, got more playing time over Napoli who I considered mediocre but still overall better than Mathis, so either I was missing something back then or Skip has changed his ways. Either way this is very surprising to see from Skip, IMO, very out of character, and I for one am completely greatful for it. I'm sure Chris is a great teammate and person, but I'm not quite sure what the organization or Skip liked about him behind the plate. IMO since day 1 there were always things that bugged me about him catching whether it was lack of a solid glove to get calls, poor throws to second, or missing plays at the plate, this stuff always drove me nuts. Glad to see Perez in there! Kill it kid!
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