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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. I liked Calhoun at leadoff to be honest. Calhoun Trout Pujols Freese Aybar Joyce Gio Perez Nieuwenheis
  2. Damn I musta just missed it. They did it at the beginning of the inning? Halo Honks LOL
  3. It definitely is. It looks so much different and better than it has the past couple years. The balls are going much further now too. This is great to see. And it's about time!
  4. Those ain't cheap shots either, he's really puttin' a rocket in those balls asses!
  5. Pujols is making it super hard for us not to like him right now.
  6. And that is why Calhoun needs to be in the lead-off spot.
  7. Tickets down to $16 for lower view row A on stubhub. Not a bad price, might go check out the game tomorrow, haven't been yet this season.
  8. No reason to hype the place IMO as the greatest ever, but it sure is a good chicken sandwich. I like their Spicy Chicken Deluxe sandwich, and the waffle cut fries are a nice change of pace. The foods always made fresh and hot, and the workers are friendly. I go there once in a while and enjoy it.
  9. Yup Kole is a better batter in the leadoff spot IMO as well, and Aybar is a better batter somewhere further down the lineup.
  10. Not that hard, really. A public apology to Arte, the Angels Organization for letting them down, and an apology to his 4 daughters for setting a terrible example as a father would be good enough for me. Until then f**k the guy.
  11. Yes, I'm sure because he snorts coke, that is what's responsible for the tight hamstring. Pujols and Aybar have had tight hammies this year as well, it must be all the coke they're snorting. A Hamilton thread got deleted? Good.
  12. Angels have some winning to do if they expect the crowds to come back. A playoff appearance last year and a good 5 game run in May isn't gonna cut it. The previous 3-4 games I went to had bad Angel baseball, was boring as hell and uninspiring. I'm a baseball fan and if I don't wanna go, that's saying something. I'm not going to pay to watch bad baseball.
  13. The world is safer when the good people have more guns tHan the bad people. That being said, rules is rules and if the MLB doesn't want them in the park then so be it. My only issue with these kinds of articles is it exposes weakness in the security and gives people ideas to take advantage. Not something I wanna start hearing about. I wouldn't suggest anybody shove a gun into their waistline unless you wanna shoot off your dick or put a bullet through your leg.
  14. It's stupid and I f***in hate it. All my friends/coworkers/relatives think its dumb. People that hate the Angels bring it up all the time, and I agree with them. It makes no sense why a team in the heart of OC would change their name to be associated with a pisshole city, when they're further South from the LA border than freakin' Disneyland. Arte you've ruined my f***ing life as a fan just because of your bullshit marketing tactics. Anaheim Angels forever.
  15. I love Gio and think he's had more clutch hits in the first 2 months being here than Howie had in years. I loved Howie but he seemed to dissapoint when we needed his bat most. I don't know what you guys mean by slow down, but i think the kids got the kinda bat where he'LL hit .260+ a season, and he gets 2nd well. I'm glad he's on our team, I'm glad he's out the consistently, and i hope he's with the Halos for the next couple years.
  16. I just think it's great there's not 1 Stankee or Bosuck in the starting lineup. That being said I feel bad that Trout is gonna be forced to spend time with those unsanitary KC bums. BTW I don't vote because: 1) The All Star game is typically boring bullshit 2) I don't watch the All Star game 3) I don't care who goes to the All Star game. Does that make me a bad fan?
  17. So what you're saying is be prepared to lose the next 19 games?
  18. I think if Albert woulda swung at that junk on 1-0 he mighta been safe. Instead he decided to hold up, and swing at 2-0 junk after Trout got thrown out, instead. I'm never going to question anything Trout does, I think he knows better than anyone.
  19. I was talking pitching. Santiago: 7.1 Bedrosian: .1 Street:1.1 Street got a save, bases loaded K in the 8th, after Santiago did a lot of the work. Kudos to Pujols though. Nice to see him putting those balls over the short porch in left. I think he aims there most of the time, actually.
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