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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Top of the lineup in the bottom of the 8th...not sure how confident I feel about that.
  2. Embarrasing. F***in' yank him already Skip. Notice how the yanks didn't risk scoring 2?
  3. That's true, we did. Apparently Arte and the front office did not.
  4. Mike Scioscia contract extension for another decade.
  5. LOLberman? Really? How does anyone listen to that puss bag without wanting to super glue their ear sockets shut? I can literally feel myself get dumber just listening to that scumbags voice. It's not even the content, because if he's on I don't listen to a damn thing, but just the terrible tone of his ass-hatted voice in the vicinity and I swear my IQ starts to drop.
  6. You know with all the bullshit going on with this team right now I almost forgot there's still baseball to be played! BTW Angels for Life, just to add to your "ball sucking" I have no effing clue why they did it, because typically they only show highlights...but on the GD App on my phone, they actually added a video of the A-Rod piddly hit up the middle in the first inning. That's how far up the Yankees ass baseball and everyone else is. Iannetta should not be catching with Perez on the bench. Period.
  7. I thought Hamilton was still out with a strained vagina??
  8. I will proudly 2nd this with a lot of support. Radio feed, live gameday, videos of signifigant plays about 5 minutes after they happen, all streaming any where you have internet access. Like Pujols and Aybars homers lastnight, I got to watch on my phone pretty much right after they happened...I was driving and listening to it on the radio, when i got home i watched them on the app. Honestly for the entire season it is 100% worth it.
  9. From what I heard the final straw was Dipoto making Skip decide between the guacamole or crab dip.
  10. Wait...is this a reason to hate him, or love him? Because to be honest, I would much prefer a war mongering asshole to a useless driveling pushover any day of the week. True leaders do not replicate what is popular amongst their followers, they do what they believe is best for those they oversee. Good 'ol 50/50 hindsight is fun though. Arte's in charge, whether we like it or not. And even if i dont agree with some of his moves, he's doing what he thinks is best for the team, and his franchise. We don't know the details at all.
  11. BTW who are we gonna replace Dipoto with? I think it's gonna become pretty obvious very soon that Dipoto was a pretty sweet deal. Now we're gonna get some tool with the GM title but basically gets puppeted to do what Arte and Skip tell him to do, then gets blamed for it anyway. Yipee. This clubhouse drama and the leaks need to stop. MLB and Sports news salivate over any Anaheim Baseball dirt, and they just keep feeding the fire. I am not happy with how the past couple month publicity wise have been handled by the Angels at all. We need to be better than this.
  12. Obviously someone pissed Dipoto the hell off. No reason this should be happening right now. Save all this crap for the offseason. I don't know what the hell is happening with Scioscia and everyone above him, but for crap sake figure it out like men and get through it. It just looks/sounds so girly over dramatic, nobody is going to benefit from this at all. Dipoto was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Seems the hardest thing for him to do was tell Arte "no" and as soon as he did, well, he didn't think it was worth the repercussions. Minus Hamilton, which from the grapevine lies solely on Arte's shoulders, I'm not sure what else anyone expects from the guy. It's not like we've had a streak of losing seasons. Once you get to the playoffs it's anybody's ring, and that is decided on the field.
  13. If you really want to run on the field, wait until November for the canned food/fundraiser at the park. I believe it is a felony to run on the field, not sure what the other punishments there are, but its not worth it at all. But that's not gonna stop me from enjoying a little bit of anarchy and cheering the guy on if I was at the game. Plus its funny to watch stupid security guards fall flat on their face when they dive for him and miss.
  14. Please don't do it Pujols. No reason to take that many hacks for nothing. Do not be MLB's show boy. It means much more to just say thank you for the consideration, but no.
  15. But he didn't hit him! I'm not saying it's okay, but automatic ejection? That wouldn't happen to the Yanks if they threw at Trout the same way. For the record A-Rod's reaction was priceless. Puts his hand on his hip, leans on his bat, and looks at Brett and and the the Astros dugout dumbfounded. That was classic.
  16. ^Naw it looked like he was just more upset there was nothing he could do, and that it was terrible that the ball hit Cano square in the head. Honestly though, who sits in the line of the throws to first base then doesn't pay attention to the field? I'm not saying Featherston's not to blame, but c'mon, you gotta keep your eye on the field if you're gonna be sitting there! Just like a fan sitting behind the dugout, something can come your way real fast!
  17. Erma Honestly before I opened the thread I said "Vanessa" in my head and sure enough...although I wouldn't imagine Vanessa's to be blonde, which is my weakness.
  18. Since when is a pitch inside at the belt an automatic ejection? Oh right, they're playing the Yanks and A-Roid's up to bat...
  19. I would not let go of Street until he's done with his career.
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