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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. The thing that's funny is I graduated in Finance because I was lazy and accounting sucked, but I became an accountant anyway. I have a Bachelor's degree which required I take accounting courses (which is MORE than enough experience for a entry level position) and I'm good with Excel and maneuvering around a computer. Mostly all you need to be able to be an accountant these days. Everything I learned in school I pretty much tossed out the window, I just learned from scratch on the job. It's the easiest job i've ever had, and I'm getting paid more than I did doing anything else. You don't need to graduate with the exact thing you'll eventually work for, you just have to be in the vicinity and be good enough at convincing interviewers you can do the job. They really like that piece of paper, but what's written on it almost makes no difference.
  2. When are these libtards going to understand that their bullshit reasoning and justification just doesn't work?
  3. What is Body Glove and KNAC? You're old brah.
  4. Not sure how much you guys know about fireworks, but in my younger years (about a decade ago) me and my buddies would go crazy for the illegal ones. You can buy mortars at Indian Reservations if you're 18, in fact there's one about an hour past Vegas on the 15 if you're going there from Southern California. We'd make 24 hour trips just to spend a couple hundred buck on roman candles, bricks of 1000 bottle rockets, and multiple shot mortars. So basically with a starter mortar "kit" you get 1 launching tube, and 6 mortar bombs. Cost you about 50 bucks. They have multiple explosion mortars, tubes with more launches, bigger everything, it really is pretty endless. The bombs you put in the tubes have long fuses, so you put them in the tube, the fuse sticks out from the top of the tube, you light them, then run the hell away. There's a big BOOM which launches the mortar out of the tube into the air (which you hear at most fireworks shows), then a couple second delay so the firework explodes in the air after it's launched. They can explode into circles and shapes that we're used to seeing at the ballpark, they can have report (whistles) or crackling noises. Who knows the force that's made when the thing BOOMS into the air, but I'll tell you one thing, even in my drunkest state I would NEVER EVER hold it or even THINK of putting it on my head. "There was no Devon there when I got there" could mean countless things. The tubes you launch mortars with are only to be used a couple times, because they degrade with every use. You buy a 6 pack of mortars, you ditch the tube after 6 uses, because they're basically only thick cardboard tubes. Unless they used a mortar tube too much and the *boom* explosion to launch the mortar injured him, or the mortar malfunctioned and exploded on top of his head, he probably didn't have his head blown off. What most likely happened is he put the launching tube on top of his head, and the impact of the "boom" which blows the mortar into the air, pushed his head down into his spine and paralyzed him. News reporting is terrible, public commentary is terrible, it seems there's no way to tell for sure, but "blowing his head off" seems incredibly unlikely. Also, lighting a fuse on "accident" is complete bullsh*t. They're controlled by computers and complicated systems at the stadium and stuff, but if you light a fuse on a firework you bought somewhere, you usually have to hold the flame there for a second or two to get the thing going. In my humble opinion, there's no such thing as lighting a firework "on accident" when you have to hold it there for a good second or two. I think this guy was usually around for laughs, had a bit much to drink, pushed the bar a bit, and made a fatal mistake. Darwin Award Candidate indeed.
  5. YES! Congratulations to Pooie! He is tearing the cover off the ball, and I think I can speak for most Angel Fans when I say, we're happy to see him back!
  6. If you're poolside about 5 beers in before noon, getting some color in the glorious SoCal sun, and a long legged blonde in a bikini comes around asking if you want to take some jello shots with her, would you say no? I don't discriminate my booze.
  7. Nice to see one of our members hangs out at Hawaiian Gardens indian casino... ...Could not believe what? That a young girl wanting a cheap beer ordered probably one of the most popular brands in the United States? What did you want her to get, an Arrogant Bastard? Just can't stand the beer snobbery. Who gives a crap what people drink?
  8. I am drunk on jello shots and rolling rock! Those ribs look great. I've already downed 2 wieners and a chee. I lol'd at the Scioscia in the flag! I love America and AngelsWin! Happy 4th you bunch of knuckleheads!
  9. I don't find it sad at all. You reap what you sow. And instead of me feeling sad im angry that those douchebags up there can't seem to get their heads out of their assholes. Absolutely atrocious this guy is walking around allowed to interact with the peaceful population that just wants to behave and enjoy life.
  10. You're blind. Trout is amazingly handsome with a great smile and an ass that doesn't quit. I would also bet 8/10 females would take Trout over Harper. Harper looks like an unattractive freak. Screw Hollyw00d for posting what can't be unseen.
  11. I don't think Hamilton owes them an apology. But a real man would give one anyway.
  12. Glad to see Perez in the lineup. With Richards on the mound we can win this game. Hamilton will probably hit a homer against us if we throw the ball in. Keep that crap away away away. Let's score some early!
  13. Sounds like a party. Hamilton for Angels GM?
  14. The problem with Cron is if he's gonna swing for the fences he can't keep looking at strikes and swinging at balls. There is such a huge hole in his batting approach and swing. But yes, a good majority of these guys need to start stepping it up offensively and quite frankly should be embarrassed that they are sucking but still winning games thanks to a machine like pitching staff, and 2-3 bats in the lineup. No reason the slackers shouldn't be at the field before anyone else working their tails off to get their asses in gear. It's absurd we're this far into the season and even the guys with regular playing time have yet to figure it out.
  15. ? Tourists/guests could enjoy the theme park during the day, take a trip to the ballpark on the monorail for a 7pm game, then head back to the park at night after the game is over. Theme park/baseball game ticket combo pack. 1 up it with extending it even further to the Ducks when baseball isn't being played and hockey is going on. They're just as fun to watch and actually have success in the playoffs, anyway.
  16. Disney. With a monorail that goes from the stadium to the park.
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