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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. First leadoff home run in an All Star Game since Bo Jackson!!!
  2. Pujols sure knows how to have a good time once he's not playing ball.
  3. Of course. Everyone's going to sing it different, but to change the style is a grade A douchebag move.
  4. But how did he interview yesturday at the HRD?? That's what really matters.
  5. Why does it sound like so many players are getting booed? I'm not watching yet...
  6. I love how nobody is paying attention to AO and Eric for some reason just can't let it go. Trouts got a Southern draw. He's sick of having to answer the same stupid questions all the time. It's like when Joe Buck was in the All Star locker room and Jeter was like "what are you doing get the f*** out of here." If this is all you got about Trout maybe quite possibly being douche one time you're fishing.
  7. Thought I'd start one just in case, I've actually got nothing to do so I'll be watching. ...anyone know what time is first pitch?
  8. Fixed that for ya. And not just at ballgames, in all facets of life. I hope MLB does nothing. Don't want to run the risk? Don't go. It's really that simple. I am sick and exhausted of these f***ing nitwits who continue to push their bullsh** agendas on other people who don't give a sh** about what their problem is, nor do they want a problem "solved" that doesn't exist. I legitimately think these people feel like their life has more value when they do this kind of crap, and it's why it needs to stop being promoted and not be allowed to gain any kind of momentum.
  9. Wait, why is everyone saying Terry was almost in tears? Did something happen? I mean usually you don't see Terry on TV.
  10. Amazingly he did it with one swing of the bat. The ball just kept going and shot past 4 softball field fences in the vicinity before it landed.
  11. I've been too f***in' busy the past 4 days to pay attention to baseball, and I miss it. I ain't gonna lie, this puts a big stinky sh*t eating grin on my face that's gonna last for the next couple days.
  12. The key is getting his pitch count up by taking pitches, and fouling off close Strikes you can't drive. That should be the plan ,get him up to 80-90 pitches before the 5th. Then get to that bullpen and start doing damage.
  13. I don't recall ever saying it was a bad contract. Arte wanted the big guy, Arte paid the big guy, and he's gonna play for us for the next 6+ years.Yeah he's not always going to be rainbows and butterflies, but to me it's just great that the guy WANTS to still be playing ball. And he prepares hard, and plays fiercely. Even as time goes by that's not going to change, even when his abilities diminish. I'm glad Arte got him. He's a great presence in the clubhouse whether he's swinging like crap or not. He's a pretty solid 1st baseman as well.
  14. May be Pujols' last HR Derby hurrah. I'm against it, but I'll stand by him. Get 'er done, Pooie.
  15. I'm just saying, if you're at a place where people are drinking, think before you act, and for craps sake don't swing if you're not prepared to be swung at. I'm not saying it's right, but I guess some people have to learn the hard way... It was pretty remarkable how NONE of the bartenders had any clue what happened.
  16. When I get a hankering for a wiener, I damn well better get one and get one quick. I like downing them with ice cold Coors Light in my Halo coozi. When I'm out in the sun by the pool, soaking up some quality So-Cal Vitamin D, there's nothing better! And the way you keep bringing it up you're starting to sound pretty Jello--er, I mean, envious of my lifestyle. No worries, you're not the only one.
  17. Oh sweet! Gubi Tuesdays are coming up! I've been waiting all week for this enthralling segment! *pounds forehead against desk several times*
  18. Amazing the kind of power surge we're having right now. And yes, of course it happens right when the All Star Break is coming.
  19. And with our luck, Pujols will be that one player. Why would he? It's not like he pulls the ball to hit home runs...oh wait. That is exactly what's going to happen. Albert is hitting so well because he's going to all sides of the field right now, and all this is gonna do is get him in the habit of pulling the ball for what I'm guessing will be over 100 swings. I am 100% against Albert hitting in the Derby. No reason for it whatsoever.
  20. The Scioscia sit out curse returns. Oh you had a 4 hit game and performed better than anyone's seen thus far? Go ahead and ride some pine, son.
  21. What the hell was she swinging at him for? People are so f***ing stupid at bars, and the reality is that it's just not worth it.
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