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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Constant booing during the entirety of his at bats should be the goal.
  2. Is that the first time Aybar's been intentionally walked? Street needs more love on these boards.
  3. lol SOTO. We all know you'd rub your nuts against a cheese grater for 30 seconds just to smell one of her farts.
  4. Makes no sense. MLB might love the guy, but us Angel fans know who he really is. Don't care Papi. Go and cry about it.
  5. Isn't this amazing to see? They're the effing 2015 Bash Brothers without roids, SO MUCH electricity between them, and they both push eachother and root for eachother each and every day. My bets on Pujols, just because of straight up experience. 3 homers in 1 day? That guy is seeing the ball so well. 2 guys on the team with 50 homers? Holy hell go home everyone else. Love being an Angel fan.
  6. The Angels are on a roll, and it looks like the ASB didn't make a difference. Loved seeing Pujols mash that slow knuckleball.
  7. Don't care. Glad we're hitting like we are. Glad we did it against the BoSux. They've had their ride for years, it's time we showed them who's boss in 2015. Go Halos.
  8. LOL yeah f*** that guy. Wins us the series to start off then we sweep, why even keep him around???
  9. Aw man, I'm in Vegas that weekend and leave on the 7th!! Otherwise I'd totally be down cause it's so close to me and eventually I'd like to meet some of you in person... You guys get one more year of avoiding the wrath of this power lefty with a gold glove! And gunning down Lou trying to stretch a single to a double...
  10. Funny, you put Kole at the top hes hot for 6 weeks. Put him further down in the lineup, can't hit, everyone says batting order doesn't matter. They put him back near the top now he's hitting again. You're telling me theres no correlation it's all just a coincidence.
  11. Really classin' up the midnight reading material with a little bit of TMZ there, ay Larc?
  12. Saw 4 accidents in an hour of driving around Orange County today. Stupid California drivers. Lots of rubberneckin'! That being said if there is a doubleheader tomorrow I might try to attend. Ive got the day off and I've never been to one before.
  13. Gone 1 GD thread and you're missing me already. I'm flattered IE.
  14. Are the Yanks still a lock for a ring the way they used to be? I don't think at this point I'd move to NY for the big bucks just to bet on that. If you can make the big bucks in Southern California with the same chances of getting a ring, why leave? With Pooie we got a good amount of time with both of them, and hell as far as I'm concerned, we have as good as shot as any team right now. Gotta be honest, if I were Trout and my contract ran out and I didn't get a ring yet, and Arte still owned the team and was willing to pay (which I think we all agree he will be the highest bidder on Trout), I'm not sure I'd give a crap about moving somewhere else with the off chance I'd get a ring. Southern California, Orange County, playing baseball, doing his thing, with the ocean breeze and sun out every day...I'd be an Angel lifer without question. It's a great place to play baseball, and why would you ever want to go anywhere else?
  15. I noticed! Figured Chuck did it on purpose. Had no time to make a thread though, but I did see the opportunity. I'm too busy beefing up for Vegas pool appearances in August. Pro Bodybuilding Tip: If you're looking to rip and see those gains, find a workout partner, and do sets of 1, hand it off, 2 hand it off 3...etc. up to 7, then go back down to 1. Don't forget to drink that protein!
  16. I like this comparison the best.
  17. Wow first back to back ASG MVP ever? Hope he gets it, that is remarkable.
  18. If you're not going to pay attention and/or are not capable to look after yourself if something goes into the stands you don't belong there.
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